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作者:聚创考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 957 发布时间: 2018-07-16 10:18 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



1、bicycle-sharing /sharing bike /sharedbikes 共享单车

2、bicycle /bike /cycle 自行车

3、ride a bicycle /take a ride /cycling/cycle /bicycle /bike 骑自行车

4、park 停车

5、Mobike 摩拜单车

6、Bluegogo 小蓝单车

7、Ofo bicycle 小黄车

8、APP 应用程序(全称为application) 

9、unlock the smart lock 解开智能锁

10、timer 计时器

11、user 用户

12、smartphone 智能手机

13、keep fit 健身

14、environmental protection/ environment friendly/ help the environment 环保的

15、In full swing 如火如荼

16、brightly coloured 色彩鲜艳

17、The combination of technology, creativity and market forces 科技、创意、市场力量的结合

18、has changed the image of the city 改变了城市形象

19、cut carbon dioxide emissions 减少二氧化碳排放

20、reduce road congestion 减少道路拥堵的情况

21、random parking 随机停车

22、illegal parking 乱停乱放

23、bicycle damage 车辆损坏

24、traffic violation 违章

25、social mind 公德心

26、quality 素质

27、the QR code二维码


1. People come to know that our humans foolish and greedy behaviors have led to grim environmental pollutionwhich will revenge on our human being one day.


2. The constant traffic jams/ congestion / gridlock and deteriorating air quality have prompted people in big cities to take public transports as frequently as possible, leaving behind less carbon footprints.


3. Originally, shared bikes are designed to address the last kilometerwhen you encounter traffic jams/ gridlock. Now, they have fashioned into a dominated travelling style for many people in big cities.


4. And shared bikes have gained great popularity in China, where bikers can enjoy great flexibility at ultra-low cost without worrying about the risks of being stolen and maintenance issues.


5. Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, such as metro, public bus, and shared bikes, etc, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems.


6. It is beyond argument that low-carbon lifestyle, shared bikes in particular, has come to pervade every aspect of our lives, which is a blessing/ boon to our individual as well as our society.


7. We should call on all works of people to turn to low-carbon lifestyle and protect our unique homeland our Mother Earth, where we can enjoy the clear sky and fresh air.


8. Haze and smog, once alien to numerous people, now has bothered oodles of big cities as deteriorating environment pollution. It has brought in their train a host of other harms, especially hazarding our health.


9. Imagine a vision of environmental urban: a city where most people cycle or ride the streetcar, recycle what they consume, exist in harmony with nature.



共享经济(sharing economy)已成为时下最热的话题之一,请你就这一话题写一篇短文。内容须包括三方面:1. 共享经济蓬勃发展,成为社会热潮;2. 共享经济带来便利,但也存在问题;


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write a short essay on the sharing economy. Your essay should include thebenefits the sharing economy can bring and its limits. Write your essay onAnswer Sheet . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Itis universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell orpurchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a newtrend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in ourmodern life.

Thereis no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharingeconomy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People,who own available stuff and dont use it for the moment, can sell or rent it toothers who need it. Thus, its beneficial for both of them, for not only theseller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, itcan make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead ofbeing abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other.

However,the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. Forinstance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place thebikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how tomanage the sharing things is worth considering.




1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day59


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