1. (with F. Han), Modular invariance, characteristic numbers and
η invariants. Math.DG/0305289. (J. Diff. Geom. 2004)
2. Circle actions and Z/k-manifolds, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Ser.I, 337(2003), 57-60.
3. (with K. Liu, X. Ma), Rigidity and vanishing theorems in
K-theory. Commum. Anal. Geom. 11(2003), 121-180.
4. (with Z. Tang), A generalization of the Atiyah-Dupont vector
field theory, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4(2002), 777-796.
5. Heat kernels and the index theorems on even and odd
dimensional manifolds, Proc. ICM2002, Vol. 2, 361—369.
6. Lecture on Chern-Weil theory and Witten Dformations, World
Scientific, Singapore , 2001.
7. (with K. Liu), Adiabatic limits and foliations, Contemp.
Math. 279(2001), 195-208.
8. (with K. Liu, X. Ma), On elliptic genera and foliations.
Math. Ers. Lett. 8(2001). 361-376.
9. (with X. Dai), Real embeddings and the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer
index theorem for Dirac operators. Asian J. Math., 2000 , 4, 775-795.
10. η-invariants and the Poincare-Hopf index formula. Geometry
and Topology of Submanifolds X, 336-345. World Scientific, Singapore , 2000.
11. A counting formula for the Kervaire semi-characteristic.
Topology 2000, 39, 643-655.