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作者:聚创华大考研网-余老师 点击量: 1244 发布时间: 2018-09-12 10:08 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

热门关键词:华侨大学工商管理学院导师  华侨大学曾路  硕士研究生导师 



Zeng Lu, Ph.D of Management, Professor of Marketing, Vice President in charge of international affairs, Huaiqao University Vice Chairman, China marketing Association of Universities


曾路,1982 9 月至 1985 1 月任教于华侨大学数学系。1985 1 月至今任教于华侨大学工商管理学院(其间于 1987 2 月至 1988 2 月赴美国堪萨斯州立大学工商管理学院访学),主要从事营销管理专业的教学与科研工作,主要研究方向为战略营销管理和企业战略营销竞争力。主持和参与国家级、省部级及横向课题多项,出版专著两部,发表学术论文六十余篇。获得国家级优秀教学成果二等奖、省级一等奖,福建省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,福建省优秀教师及优秀中青年骨干教师称号,福建省教学名师称号。


历任市场营销系主任、工商管理学院副院长、党总支书记。2010 1 月至 20149 月历任华侨大学校长助理、校友与公共关系处处长、国际交流学院院长、国际交流合作处处长、港澳台侨事务办公室主任、国际学院院长。2014 7 月起任华侨大学副校长。

 Zeng Lu, Vice President of Huaiqao University, PhD in Management, Professor of Management. He starts his career as a lecturer at the Department of Mathematics of Huaqiao University in September,1982, then he transfer to the College of Business Administration in January, 1985 and works there as a teacher, engaging himself in teaching and doing research on marketing management until present, during which he went to the College of Business Administration of Kansas State University as a visiting scholar between February 1987 and February, 1988. His primary research interests are in strategic marketing management and strategic marketing competence. He has chaired and participates into some national, provincial and ministerial level research project, published two monographs and over academic papers. He has won the second place of National Teaching Achievements Awards, the first place of Fujian Provincial Teaching Achievements Awards, the third place of Fujian Provincial Excellent Achievements of Social Sciences, the titles of Fujian Provincial Outstanding Teacher, Fujian Provincial Outstanding Young Teacher and Fujan Provincial Teaching Master. He is concurrently the Vice Chairman of China Marketing Association of Universities.He has been chair of the Department of Marketing, deputy dean of the College of Business Administration, chairman of the College Committee, director of the Office of Alumni and Public Relations Affairs, dean of International Exchange School, director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, the Office of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Affairs, dean of International School at Huaqiao University before he was appointed as Vice President of the University in July, 2014.


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