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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1289 发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:19 微信号: H17720740258

  童峰  博士
  个人履历 Brief CV
  PhD, Xiamen University (2000)
  Postdoc, Southeast University (2000-2002)
  Research Associate, City University of HongKong (2003)
  Senior Research Associate, City University of HongKong (2004)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2004-2007)
  Professor, Xiamen University (2007)
  Research fellow, City University of HongKong (2009.7.-2009.9.)
  Visiting scholar, University of California, San Diego (2009.12.-2010.12.)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  水声通信与网络,声探测与感知, 智能语音处理
  Underwater acoustic communication and network, acoustic detection and sensing
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  WU F.Y., Tong F*, Mean-square analysi of the gradient projection sparse recovery algorithm based on non-uniform norm, Neurocomputing, 2017,Vol223:pp103-106
  Cao X.L., Jiang W.H., Tong F.*,Time reversal MFSK acoustic communication in underwater channel with large multipath spread, Ocean Engineering,2018,vol.152,pp203-209
  ZHOU Y.H, Song A.J., Tong F*, Ryan Kastner, Distributed compressed sensing based channel estimation for underwater acoustic multiband transmissions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol.143,2018(6):pp3985-3996
  Jiang W.H.,Zheng S.Y., Zhou Y.H., Tong F.*, Ryan Kastner, Exploiting time varying sparsity for underwater acoustic communication via dynamic compressed sensing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol.143,2018(6):pp3997-4007
  WU F.Y., TONG F*. , Gradient optimization p-norm-like constraint LMS algorithm for sparse system estimation, Signal Processing, 2012, Doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2012.10.008
  Zhou Y.H,Jiang W.H.,TONG F*,Zhang G.Q.,Exploiting joint sparsity for underwater acoustic MIMO communications, Applied Acoustics,2017,Vol.116:pp357-363
  Zhou Y.H., TONG F*, Zhang G.Q, Distributed compressed sensing estimation of underwater acoustic OFDM channel, Applied Acoustics, Vol.117, 2017:pp160-166
  WU F.Y., TONG F*. , Non-Uniform Norm Constraint LMS Algorithm for Sparse System Identification, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.17, 2013:pp385-388
  专利 Patent
  学术任职 Affiliations/Service
  Journal of Marine Science and Application (Springer Journal)编委
  IEEE Computation Intelligence Society Xiamen Chapter,Vice Chair
  项目课题 Programs
  国家自然科学基金面上项目, “MIMO水声信道联合稀疏模型与分布式压缩感知估计方法研究“;
  学术奖励 Honors Awards
  2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding Chapter Award  (Vice chair of Xiamen Chapter)
  课题组 Research Group
  论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页
  X.L.Cao, W.H.Jiang, F.Tong*,Time reversal MFSK acoustic communication in underwater channel with
  large multipath spread, Ocean Engineering,2018,vol.152,pp203-209
  F.Y.WU, F.Tong*,Mean-square analysis of the gradient projection sparse recovery algorithm based on non-uniform norm, Neurocomputing, 2017,Vol.223,pp103-106
  Y.H.Zhou, Y.W.Jiang, F.Tong*, G.Q.Zhang,Exploiting joint sparsity for underwater acoustic MIMO communications, Applied Acoustics, 2017,vol116, pp357-363
  Y.H.Zhou,F.Tong*,G.Q,Zhag, Distributed compressed sensing estimation of underwater acoustic OFDM channel, Applied Acoustics, 2017,vol117, pp160-166
  F.Y.WU, F.Tong*, Z.Yhang, EMGdi signal enhancement based on ICA decomposition and wavelettransform, Applied soft computing, 2016, Vol43,pp561-571
  F.Y. Wu, Y.H.Zhou, F.Tong*, Ryan Kastner, Simplified p-norm-like Constraint LMS Algorithm for Efficient Estimation of Underwater Acoustic Channels, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2013,Vol12,pp228-234
  F.Y.WU, F.Tong*, Non-Uniform Norm Constraint LMS Algorithm for
  Sparse System Identification, IEEE Communications Letter, 2013,vol.17,pp385-388
  F.Y.WU, F.Tong*,Gradient optimization p-norm-like constraint LMS algorithm for sparse system estimation, Signal Processing, 2013, Vol93,pp967-971
  S.X.Liu, F.Tong*, B.L.Luk, K.P.Liu, Fuzzy pattern recognition of impact acoustic signals for nondestructive
  evaluation, Sensors and Actuators A:Physical, 2011,Vol167,pp588-593
  F.Tong*, X.M.XU, B.L.Luk, K.P.Liu, Evaluation of tile–wall bonding integrity based on impact
  acoustics and support vector machine, Sensors and Actuators:A Physical, 2008,vol.144,pp97-104
  F.Tong, S.K.Tso, M.Y.Y. Hung, Impact-acoustics-based health monitoring of tile-wall bonding
  integrity using principal component analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006,vol294,pp3290340
  Y.H.Zhou, X.L.Cao, F.Tong*, Acoustic MIMO Communications in a
  Very Shallow Water Channel, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2015,vol.14

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