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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1110 发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:15 微信号: H17720740258

  石拓  博士
  Dr. Shi Tuo
  Room B1-315, Zhoulongquan Building, Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University
  Marine EcoGenomics Laboratory
  Email:tuoshi AT xmu DOT edu DOT cn
  个人履历 Brief CV
  罗格斯, 新泽西州立大学博士 (2006) (导师: Paul G. Falkowski)
  加州大学圣克鲁兹分校博士后 (2006-2008) (导师: Jonathan P. Zehr)
  美国 Algenol Biofuels (现 Algenol Biotech) 公司首席科学家 (2008-2012)
  美国 Sapphire Energy 公司资深科学家 (2013-2014)
  厦门大学教授 (2015-)
  Ph.D., Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (2006) (Advisor: Paul G. Falkowski)
  Post-doctoral Scholar, University of California – Santa Cruz (2006-2008) (Advisor: Jonathan P. Zehr)
  Principal Scientist, Algenol Biofuels (now Algenol Biotech), Inc., USA (2008-2012)
  Senior Scientist, Sapphire Energy, Inc., USA (2013-2014)
  Professor, Xiamen University (2015-)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  浮游植物分子生态、生物技术与海洋基因组学, 主要侧重于藻类能源; 生态与进化基因组学; 生理适应; 浮游植物对环境胁迫响应的分子机制等。
  Phytoplankton Molecular Ecology, Biotechnology, and Marine Genomics, with special interest in algae biofuels; ecological and evolutionary genomics; physiological adaptations; molecular mechanism of phytoplankton responses to environmental perturbation
  代表性论文 Selected Publications(详细文献请查看主页
  T. Shi, I. Ilikchyan, S. Rabouille and J.P. Zehr (2010) Genome-wide analysis of diel gene expression in the unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501. ISME J 4: 621-632.
  I. Hewson, R.S. Poretsky, R.A. Beinart, A.E. White, T. Shi, S.R. Bench, P.H. Moisander, R.W. Paerl, H.J. Tripp, J.P. Montoya, M.A. Moran and J.P. Zehr (2009) In situ transcriptomic analysis of the globally important keystone N2-fixing taxon Crocosphaera watsonii. ISME J 3: 618-631.
  T. Shi and P.G. Falkowski (2008) Genome evolution in cyanobacteria: the stable core and the variable shell. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 2510-2515.
  J.P. Zehr, S.R. Bench, B.J. Carter, I. Hewson, F. Niazi, T. Shi, H.J. Tripp and J.P. Affourtit (2008) Globally distributed uncultivated oceanic N2-fixing cyanobacteria lack oxygenic photosystem II. Science 322: 1110-1112.
  T. Shi, Y. Sun and P.G. Falkowski (2007) Effects of iron limitation on the expression of metabolic genes in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101. Environ Microbiol 9: 2945-2956.
  T. Shi, T.S. Bibby, L. Jiang, A.J. Irwin and P.G. Falkowski (2005) Protein interactions limit the rate of evolution of photosynthetic genes in cyanobacteria. Mol Biol Evol 22: 2179-2189.
  专利 Patent
  I. Piven, A. Friedrich, U. Dühring, F. Uliczka, K. Baier, M. Inaba, T. Shi, K. Wang, H. Enke and D. Kramer (2015) Cyanobacterium sp. host cell and vector for production of chemical compounds in cyanobacterial cultures. USPTO, USA, 14/297,294, issued on January 15.
  I. Piven, A. Friedrich, U. Dühring, F. Uliczka, K. Baier, M. Inaba, T. Shi, K. Wang, H. Enke and D. Kramer (2014) Cyanobacterium sp. for production of compounds. USPTO, USA, 14/138,123, issued on June 26.
  K. Wang, T. Shi, I. Piven, M. Inaba, F. Uliczka, D. Kramer, H. Enke, K. Baier, A. Friedrich and U. Dühring (2014) Cyanobacterium sp. for production of compounds. WIPO, USA, PCT/US2013/077364, issued on June 26.
  K. Wang and T. Shi (2014) Novel shuttle vector capable of transforming multiple genera of cyanobacteria. WIPO, USA, PCT/US2013/077359, issued on June 26.
  K. Baier, F. Germer, T. Shi and U. Dühring (2013) Genetically enhanced cyanobacteria for the production of a first chemical compound harboring Zn2+, Co2+ or Ni2+-inducible promoters. WIPO, USA, PCT/EP2012/076790, issued on July 4.
  指导学生 Students
  M.S., Ph.D., and Postdoc. positions available in the following areas:
  Coral Reef Global Change Biology
  Systems Biology of Marine Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
  Engineering Algae for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals
  论文著作 Publications
  T. Shi, I. Ilikchyan, S. Rabouille and J.P. Zehr (2010) Genome-wide analysis of diel gene expression in the unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501. ISME J 4: 621-632.
  I. Hewson, R.S. Poretsky, R.A. Beinart, A.E. White, T. Shi, S.R. Bench, P.H. Moisander, R.W. Paerl, H.J. Tripp, J.P. Montoya, M.A. Moran and J.P. Zehr (2009) In situ transcriptomic analysis of the globally important keystone N2-fixing taxon Crocosphaera watsonii. ISME J 3: 618-631.
  J.P. Zehr, S.R. Bench, B.J. Carter, I. Hewson, F. Niazi, T. Shi, H.J. Tripp and J.P. Affourtit (2008) Globally distributed uncultivated oceanic N2-fixing cyanobacteria lack oxygenic photosystem II. Science 322: 1110-1112.
  T. Shi and P.G. Falkowski (2008) Genome evolution in cyanobacteria: the stable core and the variable shell. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 2510-2515.
  T. Shi, Y. Sun and P.G. Falkowski (2007) Effects of iron limitation on the expression of metabolic genes in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101. Environ Microbiol 9: 2945-2956.
  T. Shi, T.S. Bibby, L. Jiang, A.J. Irwin and P.G. Falkowski (2005) Protein interactions limit the rate of evolution of photosynthetic genes in cyanobacteria. Mol Biol Evol 22: 2179-2189.

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