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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 997 发布时间: 2018-09-08 11:51 微信号: H17720740258

  洪万进博士,教授,博士生导师,入选2009第二批“千人计划”,2010年入选福建省引进高层次创业创新人才。1987年获美国纽约州立大学生命科学系细胞生物学博士学位;1988-1989年在美国纽约州立大学生命科学系(Dr. Darrel Doyle 研究室)做博士后研究;1989起任职于新加坡分子与细胞生物学研究院,现任新加坡分子与细胞生物学研究院院长。2006年起担任厦门大学生物医学研究院教授,2010年起担任厦门大学药学院教授。
  洪万进教授是国际知名的细胞生物学家,多年来一直从事细胞生物学与分子生物学研究,成果卓著,在国际著名学术刊物上共发表研究论文170多篇。其中以第一作者和通讯作者在Nature,Science,Cancer Cell,Nature Cell Biol,Nature Strucutre and Mol Biol,Proc Natl Acad Sci等国际一流学术期刊上发表多篇论文,并有1项美国发明专利。同时担任Biosciences Reports主编、Molecular Membrane Biology副主编, 以及J. Biol. Chem,Traffic等著名科学杂志的编委。曾获得新加坡国家最高科学奖(National Science Award)等多项奖励,并多次应邀在学术会议以及全世界多所大学或研究机构做学术报告。其在病毒学和癌细胞生物学研究领域也有很高的造诣。
  1978 – 1982年:中国厦门大学生物系, 获学士学位
  1982 –1987年:通过中美生物化学联合招生项目(CUSBEA),前往美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校攻读博士学位,获博士学位
  1988-1989 年:美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校(SUNY Buffalo)博士后
  Singh, P., Coe, J. and Hong, W.  A role for retinoblastoma protein in potentiating transcriptional  activation by the glucocorticoid receptor. Nature (1995) 374, 562-565.
  Subramaniam, V.N., Peter, F., Phil, R., and Hong, W. GS28, a 28 kDa Golgi SNARE that participates in ER-Golgi transport.Science (1996) 272, 1161-1163.
  Lowe, S.L., Peter, F., Subramaniam, V.N., Wong, S.H., and Hong, W. A SNARE involved in protein transport through the Golgi apparatus. Nature (1997) 389, 881-884.
  Xu, Y., Hortsman, H., Seet, L.F., Wong, S.H., and Hong, W.  SNX3 regulates endosomal function via its PX domain-mediated  interaction with PtdIns(3)P. Nature Cell Biology (2001) 3, 658-666.
  Wu, M., Lu, L., Hong, W., and Song, H. Structural Basis of Recruitment of GRIP Domain Golgin-245 by Small GTPase Arl1.
  Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. (2004) 11, 86-94.
  Wang, C.C., Ng, C.P., Lu, L., Atlashkin, V., Zhang, W., Seet, L.F., and Hong, W. A role of endorevin/VAMP8 in regulated exocytosis of pancreatic acinar cells. Dev. Cell (2004) 7, 359-371.
  Wu, M.S., Wang, T.L., Loh, E., Hong, W., and Song, H.W. Structural basis for recruitment of RILP by small GTPase Rab7. The EMBO J. (2005) 24, 1491-1501.
  Wang, C.C., Shi, H., Guo, K.,  Ng, C.P.,  Li, J., Gan, B.Q., Liew, H.C., Leinonen, J., Rajaniemi, H., Zhou, Z.H., Zeng, Q., and Hong, W. VAMP8/endobrevin as a general v-SNARE for regulated exocytosis of the exocrine system. Mol. Biol. Cell (2007) 18, 1056-1063.
  Chan, S.W., Lim, C.J., Guo, K., Ng, C.P., Lee, I., Hunziker, W., Zeng, Q., and Hong, W.  A role for TAZ in migration, invasion and tumorigenesis of breast cancer cells. Cancer Res. (2008).
  Zeng, Q. and Hong, W.  The emerging role of the Hippo pathway in cell contact inhibition,  organ size control and cancer development in mammals (mini-review).  Cancer Cell (2008)
  Wang, C.C., Ng, C.P., Shi, Hong, Liew, H.C., Guo, K., Zeng, Q., and Hong, W., A role of VAMP8/endobrevin in surface deployment of the water channel aquaporin 2. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2010) 30, 333-343.
  Wen, W.Y., Yu, J., Pan, L.F., Wei, Z.Y., Ong, Y.S., Tran, T.T.H., Weng, J.W., Wang, W.N., Hong, W.,  Zhang, M.J. Lipid-induced conformational switch controls fusion  activity of longin domain SNARE Ykt6. Mol. Cell (2010) 37, 383-395.
  Chen, L.M., Chan, S.W., Zhang, X.Q., Walsh, M., Lim, C.J., Hong, W., Song, H.W. Structural basis of YAP recognition by TEAD4 in the Hippo pathway. Genes & Dev. (2010) 24, 290-300.
  Yan Shan Ong, Y.S., Tang, B.L., Loo, L.S., and Hong, W.  p125A exists as part of the mammalian Sec13-Sec31 COPII subcomplex to  facilitate ER-Golgi transport. J. Cell Biol. (2010) 190, 331-345.
  Chan, S.W., Lim, C.J., Huang, C.X., Chong, Y.F., Gunaratne, H.J., Hogue, K.A., Blackstock, W.P., Harvey, K.F., and Hong, W.  WW domain-mediated interaction with Wbp2 is important for the oncogenic  property of TAZ. Oncogene (2010) Oct 25. [Epub ahead of print].
  Cai, L., Loo, L.S., and Hong, W.  Deficiency of Sorting Nexin 27 (SNX27) Leads to Growth Retardation and  Elevated Levels of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptor 2C (NR2C). Mol.  Cell. Biol. (2011) in press.
  Chan, S.W., Lim, C.J., Chong, Y.F., Venkatesan Pobbati, A., Huang, C.X., and Hong, W. Hippo pathway-independent regulation of TAZ and YAP by Angiomotin family. J. Biol. Chem. (2011)

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