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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1054 发布时间: 2018-09-08 11:21 微信号: H17720740258

  李光 LI Guang, Ph.D.
  E-mail: guangli@xmu.edu.cn
  1999-2003, Anhui Normal University,B.S. degree
  2003-2006, Xiamen University,M.S. degree
  2006-2010, Xiamen University, Ph.D. degree
  2008-2010, Oxford University, Joint training doctoral students
  Research Area
  Among the living invertebrates, amphioxus shows most similarities with vertebrates in respect to either body structure, developmental process, or genome content, which makes amphioxus an ideal model organism for studying developmental and evolutionary mechanisms of vertebrate embryogenesis. We are using methods including gene knockout, transgene, microinjection, whole-mount in situ hybridization and scanning electron microscope to dissect the molecular mechanisms of amphioxus embryogenesis, aiming to illustrate how the morphological and developmental complexity of vertebrates has evolved.
  代表性论文(Selected Publications)
  1.    Shi CG, Li G*, Wang YQ* (2018), Generation of two transgenic amphioxus lines using the Tol2 transposon system. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, JGG619 (Article reference)
  2.    Hu GW, Li G, Wang H, Wang YQ* (2017), Hedgehog participates in the establishment of left-right asymmetry during amphioxus development by controlling Cerberus expression. Development, 144(24):4694-4703. Co-first author
  1.Li G, Liu X, Xing CF, Zhang HY, Shimeld SM, Wang YQ. (2017) Cerberus-Nodal-Lefty-Pitx signaling cascade controls left-right asymmetry in amphioxus.PNAS, 14(114): 3684–3689
  2.Li G, Wang J, Yuan L, Wang H, Wang YQ. (2015) A simple method for selecting spawning-ready individuals out from laboratorial cultured amphioxus population. Journal of experimental zoology, 324(7):629-635.
  3.    Feng J, Li G, Liu X, Wang J, Wang YQ. (2014) Functional analysis of the promoter region of amphioxus beta-actin gene: a useful tool for driving gene expression in vivo. Mol Biol Rep. 41:6817–6826. Co-first author
  4.    Li G, Feng J, Lei Y, Wang J, Wang H, Shang LK, Liü DT, Zhao H, Zhu Y and Wang YQ. (2014) Mutagenesis at specific genomic loci of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri using TALEN method. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 41(4):215-219
  5.    Liü X, Li G, Feng J, Yang X, Wang YQ. (2013) An efficient microinjection method for unfertilized eggs of Asian amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. Dev Genes Evol. 223:269-278
  6.    Qian GH, Li G, Chen X, Wang YQ. (2013) Characterization and embryonic expression of four amphioxus Frizzled genes with important functions during early embryogenesis. Gene Expr Patterns. 13(8):445-453
  7.    Li G, Shu ZHand Wang YQ. (2013) Year-round reproduction and induced spawning of Chinese amphioxus, Branchiostoma Belcheri, in laboratory. PLoS ONE.8(9): e75461
  8.    Xu QH, Li G, Cao LX, Wang ZJ, Ye H, Chen XY, Yang X, Wang YQ and Chen LB. (2012) Proteomic characterization and evolutionary analyses of zona pellucida domain-containing proteins in the egg coat of the cephalochordate, Branchiostoma belcheri. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 12:239. Co-first author.
  9.    Li G, Yang X, Shu ZH, Chen XY and Wang YQ. (2012) Consecutive spawnings of Chinese amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri, in captivity. PLoS ONE 7(12): e50838
  10.  Li DL, Li G, Wang KR, Liu X, Li W, Chen XY, Wang YQ. (2012) Isolation and functional analysis of the promoter of the amphioxus Hsp70a gene. Gene. 510(1):39-46. Co-first author.
  11.   Li G, Holland PWH. (2010) The origin and evolution of ARGFX homeobox loci in mammalian radiation.BMC Evolutionary Biology. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-182.
  12.  Li G, Zhang J, Sun Y, Wang H, Wang Y. (2009) The evolutionarily dynamic IFN-inducible GTPase proteins play conserved immune functions in vertebrates and cephalochordates. Mol Biol Evol. 26 (7):1619-1630.
  13.  Li G, Zhang QJ, Zhong J, Wang YQ. (2009) Evolutionary and functional diversity of green fluorescent proteins in cephalochordates. Gene. 446(1):41-49.
  14.  Li G, Shi P and Wang Y. (2007) Evolutionary dynamics of the ABCA-chr17q24 cluster genes in vertebrates. Genomics. 89 (3) 385–391.
  15.  Li G, Zhang QJ, Ji ZL, Wang YQ. (2007) Origin and evolution of vertebrate ABCA genes: A story from Amphioxus. Gene. 405 (1-2):88-95.
  16.  Zhang QJ, Li G, Sun Y, Wang YQ. (2009) Chromosome Preparation and Preliminary Observation of Two Amphioxus Species in Xiamen. Zoological Research. 30(2): 131?136

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