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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 948 发布时间: 2018-09-08 10:44 微信号: H17720740258

  田蕴 TIAN Yun, Ph.D.
  电话:+86-592- 2184528
  E-mail: tianyun@xmu.edu.cn
  2014-2015,Michigan State University, 访问学者
  1989, B.S., School of Life Sciences, Northeast Normal University,China;
  1994, M.S., School of Life Sciences, Northeast Normal University,China;
  2002, Ph.D., Environmental Science Research Center, Xiamen University;
  2004-2005, Post Doc., Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute;
  2005-2012, Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University;
  2014-2015, Michigan State University,Research Scholar;
  2012- present, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University.
  研究领域(Research Area)
  Environmental Microbiology, Microbial physiology, Microbial ecology

  My laboratory seeks to understand the ecology, physiology, and genetics/genomics underlying important microbial processes in nature. This theme unifies our research in several project areas, all of which have basic research components; several have considerable public interest and some have an applied component. In earlier years our research focused on microbial processes and the environmental factors controlling those processes; but as molecular methods improved, we began to use these methods to understand the populations and eventually the genes responsible for those processes. Recently, with the increasing availability of genome sequencing, we have taken genomic, proteomic and microarray approaches to understand the underlying diversity and dynamics controlling these ecological processes. Many of these projects involve collaborations with other groups to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the biology of these organisms and processes as they occur in natural communities. The processes of interest have been those important in the global biogeochemical cycles, especially nitrogen and carbon cycles, and in degradation of pollutants.

  代表性论文(Selected Publications)
  1.  Yang CY, LiY, ZhouYY, LeiXQ,Zheng W,Tian Y, Van Nostrand JD He, ZL, Wu LY, Zhou JZ,ZhengTL. A comprehensive insight into functional profiles of free-living microbial community responses to a toxic Akashiwosanguinea bloom.Scientific Reports 2016, 6:34645
  2. Chen ZR, Zhang BZ, Zhang JY, Lei XQ, Zhang HJ, Li Y, Yang LX, ZhengW, TianY, BoughnerL A, XuH, ZhengTL. A lytic bacterium's potential application in biofuel production through directly lysing the diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutumcell.Algal Research 2015, 12: 197–205
  3.   LyuYH, ZhengW, ZhengTL, TianY*. Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Novosphingobiumpentaromativorans US6-1. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(7): e101438
  4.   Yang CY, Li Y, GuoQ,Lai QL, ZhengTL and TianY*. Algoriphaguszhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2013, 63:  1621–1626
  5.   Yang CY, Li Y, Guo Q, Lai QL, WeiJ, Zheng TL and Tian Y*.Muricaudazhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2013, 63: 2320–2325
  6.   Zhang HJ, An XL, Zhou YY, Zhang BZ, Zhang S, Li D, Chen ZR, Li Y , Bai SJ, Lv JL, Zheng W, Tian Y* , Zheng TL. Effect of oxidative stress induced by Brevibacteriumsp BS01 on a HAB causing species-Alexandriumtamarense.PLoS ONE 2013, 8(5): e63018
  7.   Bai SJ, Li JW, He ZL, Nostrand Joy D. Van, Tian Yun, Lin GH Zhou JZ and Zheng TL.GeoChip-based analysis of the functional gene diversity and metabolic potential of microbial communities in different mangrove habitats.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2013, 97:7035–7048
  8.   Yang CY, Li Y, Zhou YY,ZhengW,TianY*, ZhengTL*,Bacterial community dynamics during a bloom caused by Akashiwosanguinea in the Xiamen Sea Area, China, Harmful Algae 2012,20:132-142
  9. LuoYR, Tian*Y, Huang X, Kwon KK, Yang SH, SeoHS, Kim SJ, ZhengTL. Sphingomonaspolyaromaticivorans sp. nov., a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading-bacterium isolated from water sample of oil port.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2012, 62:1223–1227
  10.Caiyun Yang, Yi Li, Qian Guo,Qiliang Lai, Tianling Zheng and Yun Tian*. Algoriphagus zhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013, 63:  1621–1626
  11.Caiyun Yang, Yi Li, Qian Guo, Qiliang Lai, Jun Wei, Tianling Zheng and Yun Tian* Muricauda zhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013, 63: 2320–2325
  12.Caiyun Yang, Yi Li, YY Zhou,W Zheng,Yun Tian*, Tianling Zheng*,Bacterial community dynamics during a bloom caused by Akashiwo sanguinea in the Xiamen Sea Area, China, Harmful Algae, 2012,20:132-142
  13.Yuan-Rong Luo, Tian Y*, Xu Huang, Kae-Kyoung Kwon, Sung-Hyun Yang, Hyun-Seok Seo, Sang-Jin Kim, Tian-Ling Zheng. Sphingomonas polyaromaticivorans sp. nov., a PAHs degrading-bacterium isolated from water sample of oil port. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2012, 62:1223–1227
  14.Liu HuiJie, Yang CaiYun, Tian Y*, Lin GuangHui, Zheng TianLing. Using population dynamics analysis by DGGE to design the bacterial consortium isolated from mangrove sediments for biodegradation of PAHs. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2011, 65:269-275
  15.Liu, H.J., Yang, C.Y., Tian Y*, Zheng T.L. Screening of PAH-degrading bacteria in a mangrove swamp using PCR-RFLP. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2010, 59: 1278-1283
  16.Lei H, Tian Y*, Zheng TL. Optimization of the method for extraction of phenanthrene-induced proteins in Sphingomonas sp. strain H and detection of the difference in protein expression. Chinese High Technology Letters 2010,20(12):1314-1319.
  17.Luo, Y. R., Tian, Y*., Huang, X., Yan, C. L., Hong, H. S., Lin, G. H., Zheng, T. L. Analysis of community structure of a microbial consortium capable of degrading benzo(a)pyrene by DGGE. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009, 58: 1159-1163
  18.Tian Y*, Huijie Liu, Tianling Zheng, KaeKyoung Kwon, Sangjin Kim, Chongling Yan. PAHs contamination and bacterial communities in mangrove surface sediments of Jiulong River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2008, 57: 707–715
  19.Tian Y*,Luo Yuan-rong, Zheng Tian-ling, Cai Li-zhe, Cao Xiao-xing, Yan Chong-ling. Contamination and Potential Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Mangrove Sediments of Xiamen, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2008, 56 : 1184–1191
  20. Liu HuiJie, Tian Y*, Zheng TianLing, Yan ChongLing, Hong HuaSheng. Studies of glucosidase activities from surface sediments in mangrove swamp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008, 367: 111-117
  21.X Huang, TianY, Y R Luo, HJ Liu, Wei Zheng , HS Hong and T L Zheng. Modified Sublimation to Isolate Phenanthrene Degrading Bacteria of the Genera Sphingomonas and Burkholderia from Xiamen Oil Port. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2008, 57: 538–543

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