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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 796 发布时间: 2018-09-08 10:22 微信号: H17720740258

  李勤喜LI Qinxi,Ph. D.
  信号转导与肿瘤代谢 (Signal Transduction and tumor metabolism)
  E-mail: liqinxi@xmu.edu.cn
  1995, B.S. Med., Lanzhou Medical College
  1998, M. Med. (Clinical Hematology), Lanzhou Medical College;
  2001, Ph.D., Lanzhou University
  2001-2004, Assistant Professor, Xiamen University
  2003-2005, Visiting Scholar, Hongkong University of Science and Technology
  2004-2009, Associate Professor, Xiamen University
  2009-present, Professor, Xiamen University
  2010-2011, Postdoc fellow, University of Toronto
  2017-present, vice dean, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University
  研究领域(Research Area)
  1. 异柠檬酸脱氢酶1(IDH1)R132H/Q突变体致癌的机理


  (Cell Rep. 2017 Apr 11; 19(2): 389-400)      (Cell Rep. 2017 May 30; 19(9): 1846-1857)
  2. 原癌基因c-src通过改变细胞代谢模式促进肿瘤发生和转移的分子机制

  肿瘤细胞代谢的一大特征是出现Warburg effect,即在有氧的情况下,肿瘤细胞主要通过提高无氧代谢糖酵解的效率来供应能量及生物合成的原料,并伴有大量乳酸的生成。这种代谢改变对肿瘤细胞的生长、增殖及迁移起重要作用。c-src是一个非常重要的原癌基因,其蛋白产物c-Src是第一个被发现的酪氨酸激酶。c-Src的高表达或过度激活与多种肿瘤的发生和转移密切相关,但其调控细胞代谢的机理还不清楚。我们研究c-Src通过改变细胞代谢模式在肿瘤发生和转移中的作用。

  (Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 5; 8:13732)
  3. 抑癌因子p53调控肿瘤代谢的新机理
  抑癌因子p53的功能缺失与多种肿瘤发生有关,其被发现能抑制Warburg effect。我们主要研究p53对生物合成及脂代谢的调节作用。
  1. Mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis driven by isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) R132H/Q mutations.IDH1-R132H/Q mutations are related to the generation and development of various tumors, in particular glioma. It have been well understood that it is the large amount of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG) produced by these mutants that leads to tumorigenesis. However, the mechanism by which 2-HG results in tumorigenesis remains far to be clarified. We are working on the metabolic and apoptotic disorders caused by 2-HG, which may play important roles in 2-HG induced tumorigenesis.
  2. The roles of metabolic alterations caused by proto-oncogene c-Src in tumorigenesis and metastasis.One hallmark of cancer cell metabolism is Warburg effect, a metabolic alteration that even in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells predominantly produce energy by a high rate of glycolysis followed by lactic acid fermentation. This metabolic switch is essential for cancer cells to maintain survival, proliferation and mobility. c-src is an important proto-oncogene that encodes c-Src protein, the firstly identified tyrosine kinase. Excessive expression and/or activation of c-Src contribute to the generation and metastasis of various tumors. However, little is known about how c-Src regulates metabolism of tumor cells. One of our goals is to clarify the contribution of metabolic alterations caused by proto-oncogene c-Src to tumorigenesis and metastasis.
  3. The novel mechanisms underlying metabolic regulation by p53. Deficiency of tumor suppressor p53 is high correlated with the incidence of various tumors. p53 has been found participating in the suppression of Warburg effect, a hallmark of cancer. We focus on the regulatory effect of p53 on biosynthesis and lipid metabolism of cancer cells.
  代表性论文(Selected Publications, * Corresponding author)
  1.Yang Z, Jiang B, Wang Y, Ni H, Zhang J, Xia J, Shi M, Hung L-M, Ruan J, Mak TW, Li Q* and  Han J*. 2-HG Inhibits Necroptosis by Stimulating DNMT1-Dependent Hypermethylation of the RIP3 Promoter. Cell Reports. 2017 May 30; 19(9): 1846-1857.
  2.Jiang B, Zhang J, Xia J, Zhao W, Wu Y, Shi M, Luo L, Zhou H, Chen A, Ma H, Zhao Q, Suleman     M, Lin F, Zhou L, Wang J, Zhang Y, He Y, Li X, Hung LM, Mak TW, Li Q*. IDH1 Mutation Promotes Tumorigenesis by Inhibiting JNK Activation and Apoptosis Induced by Serum Starvation. Cell Reports. 2017 Apr 11; 19(2): 389-400.
  3. Zhang J, Wang S, Jiang B, Huang L, Ji Z, Li X, Zhou H, Han A, Chen A, Wu Y, Ma H, Zhao W, Zhao Q, Xie C, Sun X, Zhou Y, Huang H, Suleman M, Lin F, Zhou L, Tian F, Jin M, Cai Y, Zhang N, Li Q*. c-Src phosphorylation and activation of hexokinase promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis. Nature Communications. 2017 Jan 5; 8:13732.
  4.Inoue S, Li WY, Tseng A, Beerman I, Elia AJ, Bendall SC, Lemonnier F, Kron KJ, Cescon DW, Hao Z, Lind EF, Takayama N, Planello AC, Shen SY, Shih AH, Larsen DM, Li Q, Snow BE, Wakeham A, Haight J, Gorrini C, Bassi C, Thu KL, Murakami K, Elford AR, Ueda T, Straley K, Yen KE, Melino G, Cimmino L, Aifantis I, Levine RL, De Carvalho DD, Lupien M, Rossi DJ, Nolan GP, Cairns RA, Mak TW. Mutant IDH1 Downregulates ATM and Alters DNA Repair and Sensitivity to DNA Damage Independent of TET2. Cancer Cell. 30(2): 337-48. 2016, Aug 8.
  5.Liu Q, Cheng Z, Luo L, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Ma H, Chen T, Huang X, Lin S-Y, Jin M, Li Q*, Li X*. C-terminus of MUC16 activates Wnt signaling pathway through its interaction with β-catenin to promote tumorigenesis and metastasis. Oncotarget. 14; 7(24): 36800-36813. 2016, May 5.
  6.Xu M, Cai C1, Sun X, Chen W, Li Q*, Zhou H*. Clnk plays a role in TNF-alpha-induced cell death in murine fibrosarcoma cell line. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 463(3): 275-9. 2015, Jul 31.
  7.Ying He, Guili Lian, Shuyong Lin, Zhiyun Ye, Qinxi Li*. MDM2 Inhibits Axin-induced p53 Activation Independently of Its E3 Ligase Activity. PLOS ONE, 8(6): e67529. 2013, Jun 27.
  8.Guo HL, Zhang C, Liu Q, Li Q, Lian G, Wu D, Li X, Zhang W, Shen Y, Ye Z, Lin SY, Lin SC. The Axin/TNKS complex interacts with KIF3A and is required for insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. Cell Res. 22(8): 1246-1257. 2012, Apr.
  9.Lin SY, Li TY, Liu Q, Zhang C, Li X, Chen Y, Zhang SM, Lian G, Liu Q, Ruan K, Wang Z, Zhang CS, Chien KY, Wu J, Li Q, Han J, Lin SC. GSK3-TIP60-ULK1 signaling pathway links growth factor deprivation to autophagy. Science. 336(6080): 477-81, 2012, Apr 27.
  10.Li Q, He Y, Wei L, Wu X, Wu D, Lin S, Wang Z, Ye Z, Lin SC., AXIN is an essential co-activator for the promyelocytic leukemia protein in p53 activation. Oncogene. 30(10): 1194-1204, 2011.
  11.Li Q., Lin S., Wang X., Lian G., Lu Z., Guo H., Ruan K., Wang Y., Ye Z., Han J. and Lin S.-C., Axin determines cell fates by controlling p53 activation threshold upon DNA damage. Nature Cell Biology. 11(9): 1128-1134, 2009.
  12.Li Q.,*, Ye Z., Wen J., Ma L., He Y., Lian G., Wang Z., Wei L., Wu D. and Jiang B., Gelsolin, but not its cleavage, is required for TNF-induced ROS generation and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.385(2): 284-289, 2009.
  13.Zhan, Y., Du, X., Chen, H., Liu, J., Zhao, B., Huang, D., Li, G., Xu, Q., Zhang, M., Weimer, B.C., Chen, D., Cheng, Z., Zhang, L., Li, Q., Li, S., Zheng, Z., Song, S., Huang, Y., Ye, Z., Su, W., Lin, S.C., Shen, Y. and Wu, Q., Cytosporone B is anagonist for nuclear orphan receptor Nur77. Nature Chem. Biol. 4(9): 548-556, 2008.
  14.Li, Q., Zhang, N., Zhang, D., Wang, Y., Lin, T., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., Ye, Z., Zhang, F., Lin, S.C. and Han, J., Determinants that control the distinct subcellular localization of p38α-PRAK and p38β-PRAK complexes. J. Biol. Chem.283(16): 11014-23, 2008
  15.Li, Q., Wang, X., Wu, X., Rui, Y., Liu, W., Wang, J., Wang, X., Liou,Y.-C., Ye, Z. and Lin, S.C.,Daxx Cooperates with the Axin/HIPK2/p53 Complex to Induce Cell Death. Cancer Res. 67(1): 66-74, 2007
  16.Lin, S.-C. and Li, Q.X., Axin bridges Daxx to p53. Cell Res., 17: 301-302, 2007, Apr.
  17.Zou, H., Li, Q.*, Lin, S.C., Wu, Z., Han, J. and Ye, Z.*, Differential requirement of MKK4 and MKK7 in JNK activation by distinct scaffold proteins. FEBS Letters  581(2): 196–202, 2007.
  18.Li, J., Li, Q.*, Xie, C., Zhou, H., Wang Y., Zhang, N., Shao, H., Chan, S.C., Peng, X., Lin, S.C. and Han, J. *, beta-actin is required for mitochondria clustering and ROS generation in TNF-induced, caspase-independent cell death. Journal of Cell Science 117: 4673-4680, 2004.
  19.Rui, Y., Xu, Z., Lin, S., Li, Q., Rui, H., Luo, W., Zhou, H., Cheung, P., Wu, Z., Ye, Z., Li, P., Han, J. and Lin, S.-C., Axin stimulates p53 functions by activation of HIPK2 kinase through multimeric complex formation. EMBO J. 23, 4583-4594, 2004, Nov 24.
  荣誉及奖励(Honors and awards)
  2. 2009年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者
  3. 2009年福建省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者

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