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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1873 发布时间: 2018-09-08 09:59 微信号: H17720740258

  高亚辉  GAO Yahui, Ph.D.
  电  话:0592-2181386
  1984, 1987年,厦门大学海洋生物专业,学士,硕士
  1984, BSc, 1987, MSc,1990, PhD, XiamenUniversity.
  1996-1998, Postdoctoral fellow at TokyoGagugeiUniversity.
  1999-2003, Vice dean, School of Life Sciences, and dean, CancerResearchCenter, XiamenUniversity.
  1999 to present, Prof., School of Life Sciences, XiamenUniversity.
  研究领域(Research Area)
  长期致力于硅藻生物学与藻类利用研究。主要研究硅藻分类与多样性,承担中国孢子植物志海洋羽纹纲硅藻志编研, 发现了15个硅藻新种和150个我国新记录种;近年来,还研究了硅藻赤潮、硅质壳变形、细胞程序化死亡、硅质化、尿素循环和毒素产生的机制及浮游植物对环境和气候变化响应的生理生态学与分子生物学机制;创建了中国常见海洋浮游植物种类数据库与显微自动识别系统;探讨了藻类在水产饵料、生物能源、纳米材料、生物活性物质等领域的应用。
  Our researches focus on diatom biology and use of marine algae. We have been studying taxonomy and biodiversity of diatoms and have found 15 new species of diatoms and 150 new record species in China in recent years. More recently, we studied diatoms in redtide, regulation mechanism of valve deformation, programmed cell death, biosilicification, urea cycle, and toxin production of diatom cells, as well as physioecological and molecular mechanisms of phytoplankton response to environmental changes. We have established a database and automatic recognition system of common phytoplankton species in China. Moreover, we studied use of microalgae as resources of fishery diet, biofuel, nano-material and bioactive products.
  代表性论文(Selected  publications)
  1.程兆第、高亚辉(主编)、刘师成、王大志、陈长平、梁君荣、杜琦、李扬、齐雨藻,2013。中国海藻志第五卷硅藻门第三册羽纹纲II: 舟形藻目,舟形藻科、桥弯藻科、耳形藻科、异极藻科,北京:科学出版社, 183页,45图版。
  2.Chen CP, Sun JD, Zhao L, Sun L, Li XS, Liang JR, Gao YH*. 2017. Navicula amoyensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a new benthic brackish diatom species from the Jiulong River estuary, Southern China. Phytotaxa, 291 (4): 253–263.
  3.Chen YH, Gao YH*, Chen CP, Liang JR, Sun L, Zhen Y, Qiao L. 2016. Seasonal variations of phytoplankton assemblages and its relation to environmental variables in a scallop culture sea area of Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113: 362–370.
  4.Hong Z, Lai QL, Luo QQ, Jiang SM, Zhu RL, Liang JR, and Gao YH*. 2015. Sulfitobacter pseudonitzschiae sp. nov., isolated from toxic marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 65: 95–100.
  5.Chen, CP, Li Q, Zhou Q, Sun L, Zheng M, Gao YH*, 2014. Accumulation of free amino acids in marine diatom resting cells during rejuvenation. Journal of Sea Research, 85: 483~490.
  荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况(Honors and award, Professional service)
  Council member of Chinese Committee of Red-tide group of IOC-SCOR,Vice president of AoHABSCS, Member of Editorial Board of Florarum Cryptogamarum Sinicarum,Executive council member of Chinese Society of Phycology and Chinese Society of Water Environment.

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