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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1275 发布时间: 2018-09-07 15:40 微信号: H17720740258

  姓名:  董小鹏
  邮箱:xpd (AT) xmu.edu.cn
  中国光学工程学会光纤传感专业委员会委员, 2015-
  山东省激光检测技术与传感网重点实验室产业联盟学术委员会委员, 2016-
  厦门市双百计划领军人才 (2015)
  Chenxu Lu, Dong XP*, and Juan Su, 2017. Detection of Refractive Index Change From the Critical Wavelength of an Etched Few Mode Fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(13): 2593-2597 (SCI)
  Tao SC, Dong XP*, Lai BW, 2017. A Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Displacement and Temperature Based on the Fabry-Pérot Effect of a Fiber Bragg Grating, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(2): 261-266 (SCI)
  Su J, Dong XP*, and Lu CX, 2016. Characteristics of few mode fiber under bending, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 22(2): 4402307
  Su J, Dong XP*, and Lu CX, 2016. Intensity detection scheme of sensors based on the modal interference effect of few mode fiber, Measurement, 79(2): 182-187
  Tao SC, Dong XP*, Lai BW, 2016. Temperature-insensitive fiber Bragg grating displacement sensor based on a thin-wall ring, Optics Communications 372: 44-48
  Su J, Dong XP*, and Lu CX, 2016. Property of bent few-mode fiber and its application in displacement sensor, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(13): 1387-1390
  X. Chen, Z. Wu, Zhifang, Dong XP*, P. P. Shum, 2014. A simple algorithm for C2H2 real-time monitor in DOAS technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(23): 2341-2344.
  X. Chen, Dong XP*, 2014. Spectrum sensing of trace C2H2 detection in differential optical absorption spectroscopy technique, Applied Optics, 53(26): 5860-5864
  W. Chen, Dong XP*, J. Hao, F. Yang, X. Hu, 2013. Analysis of the stress distribution of crimped pultruded composite rods subjected to traction, Journal ofComposites: Part B, 50(3): 362-370
  C. Wei, G. Lin, Dong XP*, and S. Tao, 2013. A tunable polarization-independent comb filter based on high-order mode fiber, Journal of Optics, 15: 0554303_1-0554303_6
  G. Lin, Dong XP*, 2012. Design of broadband LP01?LP02 mode converter based on special dual-core fiber for dispersion compensation, Applied Optics, 51(19): 4388-4395
  Y. Zou, Dong XP*, G. Lin, and R. Adhami, 2012. Wide range FBG displacement sensor based on twin-core fiber filter, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(3): 337-343
  Y. Du, Dong XP*, M. Chen, and J. Zhou, 2012. Novel tunable single-longitunal mode fiber ring laser with two FBG-FP filters, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54(5): 1230-1234
  W. Chen, and Dong XP*, 2012. Modification of the wavelength-strain coefficient of FBG for the prediction of steel bar corrosion embedded in concrete,Optical Fiber Technology, 18(1): 47-50
  W. Chen, Dong XP*, X. F. Zhu, F. Yang, and X. Q. Hu, 2012. Stress Analysis and Detection of composite electrical insulators with embedded Fiber Bragg Grating sensors, Sensor Letters, 10(1): 1-4
  G. Lin, and Dong XP*, 2011. All-fiber tunable bandpass filter based on cascaded twin-core fiber,Applied Optics, 50(36): 6667-6670
  J. Zhou, Dong XP*, and Z. Shi, 2008. Tunable chirped fiber Bragg grating based on the D-shaped fiber, Optics Communications, 281: 2077-2082
  陶思聪,赖博文,雷鹰,陈志为,董小鹏**, 2016. 钢筋混凝土梁表面多裂缝扩展的试验研究,厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 55(4): 596-600
  苏娟,董小鹏*,石志东,2014. 基于非均匀光纤布拉格光栅精细谱的灵敏度增强型应变传感器,中国激光,41(8): 0805002-1-5
  陈熙,董小鹏*,2014. 基于平均周期图提高光纤光栅微弱振动信号监测能力的研究,中国激光, 41(8): 0505006-1-4
  杜勇,董小鹏*,陈敏秀,周金龙,2013. 双光纤光栅法-珀腔可调谐窄线宽激光器,激光与红外,43(2): 159-162
  沙剑波, 董小鹏*高侃, 2013. 大芯径光纤基模功率传输特性与折射率分布形式关系的研究,激光与光电子学进展, 50(3): 30601-1.
  董小鹏*,郑俊达,2012. 基于波分复用的光纤多防区周界传感系统,中国激光,39(9): 0905007-1-4
  齐洁,董小鹏*,郑俊达,林淦斌,2012. 基于平均滤波算法的光纤气体传感系统研究,激光与红外,42(5): 556-560
  丁鹏,董小鹏*,2012. 采用多模光纤透镜的光纤麦克风理论与实验研究,激光与光电子学进展,49: 060603-1-5
  齐洁,董小鹏*,郑俊达,林淦斌,2011. 基于扫描光源的光纤气体传感系统的研究,中国激光,38(9): 0905001-1-6,
  齐洁,董小鹏*,郑俊达,林淦斌,2011. 光纤气体传感系统背景噪声的滤除,中国激光,38(11): 1105008-1-6
  崔剑,董小鹏*,吴兆喜,苏娟,林淦斌,王水生,2011. 基于FBG实际反射谱匹配的FBG峰值波长偏移量的高精度确定方法,中国激光,38(7): 0705001-1-5
  徐俊娇,董小鹏* 王小真,2008. 少模光纤布拉格光栅折射率传感的分析与测量,光学学报,28(3): 566-568
  [1] 董小鹏 等,可调谐相移光纤布喇格光栅,专利号:ZL200810071199.1;
  [2] 董小鹏 等,一种采用波分复用器的多通道光纤周界传感系统,专利号:201110430958.0
  [3] 董小鹏 等,一种基于多种荧光材料混和的温度传感测量方法,专利号:ZL201210289057.9;
  [4] 董小鹏 等,一种基于上转换荧光粉的温度传感方法,专利号:ZL201210288592.2

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