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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 834 发布时间: 2018-09-07 11:10 微信号: H17720740258

职称: 副教授
邮    箱:zxq@xmu.edu.cn
1984 ~1988 厦门大学化学系 分析化学专业 理学学士
1999 ~2002 厦门大学环境科学学院 环境科学与工程专业 硕士学位
2003 ~2010 厦门大学化学化工学院 分析化学专业 理学博士学位
1988 ~ 2004  闽南师范大学化学系助理教授、副教授
2004 ~ 至今  厦门大学医学院 助理教授、副教授
2013 ~2014   美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校访问学者(国家留学基金委全额资助)
1.Lin Qing-Shuang, Huang Yue-Lin, Fan Xiao-Xing, Zheng Xiao-Lan, Chen, Xiao-Lan, Zhan Xin-Qi*, Zheng Hong*. A ratiometric fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid determination: Excitation and the dual-emission wavelengths at NIR region. Talanta 2017, 170, 496-501.
2. Zhan Xin-Qi*, Su Bing-Yuan, Zheng Hong, Yan Jiang-Hua. Sensing hydrogen peroxide involving intramolecular charge transfer pathway: A boronate-functioned styryl dye as a highly selective and sensitive naked-eye sensor. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA2010, 658 (2), 175-179.
3. Zhan Xin-Qi, Yan, Jiang-Hua, Su, Jin-Hua, Wang, Yi-Chen, He, Jing, Wang, Sheng-Yu, Zheng Hong, Xu Jin-Gou*. Thiospirolactone as a recognition site Rhodamine B-based fluorescent probe for imaging hypochlorous acid generated in human neutrophil cells.SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2010, 150(2), 774-780.
4. Zhan Xin-Qi, Qian Zhen-Hua, Zheng Hong*, Xu Jin-Gou* Rhodamine thiospirolactone. Highly selective and sensitive reversible sensing of Hg(II)【查看主页】. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2008, 16, 1859-1861. (被引频次153)
国家自然科学基金面上项目:“动脉粥样硬化因子的智能荧光探针及活体分子成像”, 主持人,(81071202, 2011.01 - 2013.12, 已结题)。
福建省自然科学基金:“基于螺环内酰胺及内酯新颖的“闭-开环”机制的光学分子探针研究”,主持人,2008-2010, 已结题)。
1. 硫代螺环内酯在细胞内次氯酸检测中的应用。詹心琪,郑洪,许金钩,授权(公告)号: CN 101870864 B, 授权(公告)日: 2013. 06. 19;
2. 检测次氯酸的荧光探针及其制备方法。郑洪, 詹心琪, 王淑萍,授权(公告)号: CN102382641A,  授权(公告)日: 2012.03.21;
3. 基于部花菁的检测次氯酸的荧光探针及其制备方法。郑洪, 王淑萍, 詹心琪,授权(公告)号: CN102391855A, 授权(公告)日: 2012.03.21
1. A ratiometric fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid determination: Excitation and the dual-emission wavelengths at NIR region 【查看主页】.  Lin, Qing-Shuang; Huang, Yue-Lin; Fan, Xiao-Xing, Zhan, Xin-Qi*; Zheng Hong*.TALANTA 2017,170,496-501.
2.Semicarbazide-based naphthalimide as a highly selective and sensitive colorimetric and "turn-on" fluorescent chemodosimeter for Cu2+ 【查看主页】.  Hu, Xiao-Xiao; Zheng, Xiao-Lan; Fan, Xiao-Xing; Zhan Xin-Qi, Zheng Hong*. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2016,227,191-197.  
3. A near infrared colorimetric and fluorometric probe for organophosphorus nerve agent mimics by intramolecular amidation【查看主页】 .  Hu, Xiao-Xiao; Su, Yue-Ting; Ma, Yun-Wei; Zhan, Xin-Qi;  Zheng, Hong; Jiang, Yun-Bao. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS    2015, 51(82),   15118-1512 
4. Advances in modifying fluorescein and rhodamine fluorophores as fluorescent chemosensors【查看主页】 Zheng, Hong ; Zhan, Xin-Qi ; Bian, Qing-Na ; Zhang, Xiao-Juan. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS   2013, 49(5), 429-447.
5.Thiospirolactone as a recognition site Rhodamine B-based fluorescent probe for imaging hypochlorous acid generated in human neutrophil cells 【查看主页】.  Zhan, Xin-Qi; Yan, Jiang-Hua; Su, Jin-Hua, et al. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL  2010, 150 ( 2),  774-780.
6. Sensing hydrogen peroxide involving intramolecular charge transfer pathway: A boronate-functioned styryl dye as a highly selective and sensitive naked-eye sensor 【查看主页】. Zhan, Xin-Qi; Su, Bing-Yuan; Zheng, Hong; et al.  ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,  2010, 658( 2) , 175-179.
7. 3 ',6 '-Bis(diethylamino)-3H-spiro[2-benzothiophene-1,9 '-xanthene]-3-thione【查看主页】.  Su, Bing-Yuan; Zhan, Xin-Qi; Guo, Jian-Nan;et al.  ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE  2008, 64(11) , O2068-U1468.
8. Rhodamine thiospirolactone. Highly selective and sensitive reversible sensing of Hg(II) 【查看主页】. Zhan, Xin-Qi; Qian, Zhen-Hua; Zheng, Hong; Xu, Jin-Gou.  CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONAS,   2008,16,1859-1861.
9. Fluorimetric determination of nitrogen oxides in the air by a novel red-region fluorescent reagent【查看主页】. Zhan, XQ; Li, DH; Zheng, H; Xu, JG. TALANTA  2002,58(5), 855-860.
10. Fluorimetric determination of sulfite by the co-quenching effect of formaldehyde and sulfite on the fluorescence of tetra-substituted amino aluminum phthalocyanine 【查看主页】. Zhan, XQ; Li, DH; Zheng, H; Xu, JG.
ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA  2001, 448 : 1-2, 71-77.
11. Tetrasubstituted sulphonated aluminum phthalocyanine-cationic surfactant system for fluorimetric determination of ethanol in alcoholic beverage【查看主页】.  Zhan, XQ; Li, DH; Zhu, QZ; Xu, JG. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY  2001,29: 6,  710-712.
12. A sensitive fluorimetric method for the determination of nitrite and nitrate in seawater by a novel red-region fluorescence dye【查看主页】. Zhan, XQ; Li, DH; Zheng, H; Xu, JG. ANALYTICAL LETTERS, 2001,34: 15,  2761-277.
13. Sensitive fluorimetric determination of formaldehyde by the co-quenching effect of formaldehyde and sulfite on the fluorescence of tetra-substituted amino aluminium phthalocyanine【查看主页】 . Zhan, XQ; Li, DH; Zhu, QZ; Xu, JG.  ANALYST  2000, 125: 12,  2330-2334.

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