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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 2134 发布时间: 2018-09-06 16:47 微信号: H17720740258

  职       称: 教授
  职       务: 澳大利亚悉尼大学电气与信息工程学院院长,首席教授
  邮       箱: zydong@ieee.org
  2013 -    澳大利亚 悉尼大学电气与信息工程学院院长,首席教授
  2011 -    澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学智能电网研究中心首席教授、主任
  2000 -    Contractor, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), USA
  2009 -11  Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  2008      System Planning Manager, Transend Networks, Tasmania, Australia
  2000 -08
  Associate Professor (Lecturer from 2000, Senior Lecturer 2004, Associate Professor 2007-)
  Other Academic Positions
  Department of Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, July – Dec 2004.
  Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore (1999-2000)
  1995 – 1998: PhD (awarded Apr 1999), School of Information and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia   (PhD Advisors: Prof David J Hill and Prof Yuri Makarov)
  Power system planning
  Power system stability and control
  Electricity market simulation, operations and management
  Data mining & its application in power/energy systems engineering
  Computational Intelligence & its application in power/energy systems engineering
  Optimisation techniques and numerical techniques & its application in power/energy systems engineering
  Grid computing & data mining tools for real time power system security assessment
  2012-13 Ausgrid project: STATCOM Study      $175,000
  2012-13 Ausgrid project: ERM Battery Trial Management and Study  $75,000
  2012-13 Aurecon project: Yallourn Excitor modeling       $8700
  2012-13 Aurecon project: Eraring Gas Turbine Connection Study $16,000
  2012-13 Aurecon project: Yallourn Generator Modelling Study    $4700
  2012-13 Aurecon project: Generator Excitor Modelling Study      $10,000 apx
  2012      Australian Coal Association: Electricity Grid Instability Briefing Paper for ACA    $3,750
  2012      AEMO: load modelling training/workshop x 2   $10,000
  2012      API course development grant       $2,500
  2011-2016    Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks  Upto AU$1million x 5 years
  2012-2015    CSIRO Future Grid Flagship Grant      AU$3.6million (cash+inkind)
  2012 - 2013  Generator Grid Connection Compliance Studies       Aurecon
  2012-2013    Power system reactive power prediction and sensitivity analysis (PII)  EPRI, USA (USD$36K)
  2012-2015    Security Assessment for Smart Grids Involving Cyber-Physical Interdependency    Hong Kong RGC GRF Grant (HK$700k)
  2011- 2014   NETWORK VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR A SMART GRID      Department of Prime minister & Cabinet, Australia , Department of Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy, and TSWG, USA grant: AU$200,000
  2011– 2012  Special grant for Chair for Intelligent Electricity Network      AU$150,000
  2012-2014    Increased power transfer capacity through SVC control        ARC LP120100302, $479,892+$213,000
  2013-2015    Robust electricity networks accommodating high levels of renewables       ARC DP 120101345
  2011-2012    Visiting professorship grant, State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,College of Electrical Engineering ,Chongqing University, China     RMB100,000
  2011-2014    An investigation of the impacts of increased power supply to the national grid by wind generators on the Australian electricity industry   ARC LP110200957 (A$700,000) (partners: TRUenergy, Clean Energy Council, Vestas, Suzlon Energy Australia Pty Ltd, AGL)
  2011-2016    Power system data analysis and self-healing      State Grid Timely Power Group Company, China
  2011-2015    Cyber Physical System and Networked Control based Electric Vehicle Optimal Dispatch and Control       China NSF grant (RMB247,000)
  2010-2011    Power system reactive power prediction and sensitivity analysis (PI)   EPRI, USA (USD$79K)
  2010-2011    Dynamic power system load modelling studies  Western Power Corp, Australia (AU$80,000 apx)
  2010-2011    Analysis on CEM MV Distribution Loss    CEM, Macau (Contract order no.. 45000xxxxx) HK$235,000
  2010-2011    Wind power impact on system stability and dispatch studies        Hongkong Electric Company, Hong Kong  (HK$800k apx)
  2010-2013    Development fuel cell charging circuit for electric vehicles     Ice-City Co Ltd, China (RMB760,000)
  2010-2013    Dispatching and planning options for electric vehicles in Shenzhen     Shenzhen Government grant (RMB100,000)
  2010-2013    Techniques for Handling Uncertainty Factors in Power System Reliability Assessment and Control       State Grid EPRI, China
  2010      Chinese Academy of Engineering key consultation project “Internet of things and its application in important domains”, subtopic: Internet of Things application in transportation area  Chinese Academy of Engineering key consultation project
  2009      Hunan Province Key Scientific Research Specialty Project: The third party logistics coordinated service system research and demonstration       Hunan Provincial Government, China (#2009FJ003)
  2009-2010    Wind power prediction for wind power production in Hong Kong     ITF HK Government with Hong Kong Electric Co Ltd (HK$1million apx)
  2010-2011    Power system security assessment with measurement data and data mining methods      Sichuan Power Grid (RMB100,000)
  2010-2013    Power system security and vulnerability assessment under smart
  grid initiative (PI)      RGC grant (2010-2013)(HK$690k) (China Light and Power, Hong Kong; EPRI, USA and StateGrid, China)
  2010-2012    Operating Smart Grids under risks – addressing challenges and uncertainties (PI)    Danish Agency of Science  and Technology (2010-12) (DKK200K /HK$250k)
  2010-2011    Topological analysis of power system security and cascading failure (PI)    Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2010-11) (HK$150k)
  2010-2013    Power system security and vulnerability assessment in a smart grid environment (PI)      HKPU, HK$150,000
  2010-2013    Power system planning incorporating renewable resources in a smart grid environment (PI)   HK GRF PhD fellowship, HK$760,000
  2010-2011    Integration of Wind Power Generation into a Power System with Optimal Dispatching of Electrical Vehicles       HKPU HK$150,000
  2010-2011    Electricity market risk management and planning (PI)      Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2010-11) (HK$126k)
  2010-2011    Development of an intelligent distribution network laboratory for teaching in the strategic area of sustainable energy supply at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PI)    Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2010-11) (provisional approval at this stage, waiting final announcement of approval)  (HK$126k)
  2009-2010    Wind modelling and prediction for wind power generation in Hong Kong (PI) Hong Kong Government & Hong Kong Electric Company (2009-10) (HK$1million apx)
  2009-2010    Data mining methods for power system security assessment (PI)   Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009-10) (HK$126k)
  2009-2010    Power transmission system planning (PI)     Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009-10) (HK$500k)
  2010-2012    Advanced Control and Protection Strategy of Wind Turbines Under Power System Fault Conditions (CO-I)   Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2010-12) (HK$200k)
  2010-2011    SmartGrids and further integration of distributed energy resources (CO-I) Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2010-11) (HK$250k)
  2008-2011    LP0882412, Optimum location of FACTS devices with advanced control scheme for improving the security of complex power grid      Australian Research Council (ARC), DP grant
  2008      LE0883074, Distributed Generation Evaluation Facility and Power Control     ARC, LIEF grant
  2008-2010    CSIRO Flag Ship Grant: Control methodologies of Distributed Generation for enhanced network stability and control   CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Australia
  2007-08 ARC Centre of Complex Systems (ACCS) grant: power system planning in a market environment     ARC Centre of Complex Systems, Australia
  2007-2008    ARC International Linkage Award (LX0775968) Power system composite load modelling  ARC
  2007      Data mining based power system contingency assessment and prediction   EPRI, USA
  2007      Load modelling phase II   EPRI, USA
  2007      Advanced techniques for flood/drought analysis and prediction   UniQuest, Australia
  2004-2007    Advanced planning tools for prevention of system wide blackouts of large power systems    ARC
  2006      ActiveTorque Engine Optimisation and Control UniQuest (AU$100,000)
  2004-2007    Emergency control for power system separation ARC
  2004-2008    Investigation of demand diversity and appropriate new generation entry into electricity market simulation tools   ARC (with Powerlink, Transgrid, Transend, NEMMCO, ESIPC)
  2004-2007    Stability analysis and control of large scale power systems incorporating FACTS devices      ARC (with EPRI)
  2006      Netflow Monitoring phases I & II  AusCERT, Australia
  2004      Probabilistic power system small signal stability assessment I       EPRI, USA
  2005      Probabilistic power system small signal stability assessment II       EPRI , USA
  2003      Investigation of computational intelligence and its applications     UniQuest
  2003      Process control & automation research contract  UniQuest
  2003      Virtual showroom and design automation research contract    UniQuest
  2003-04 University of Queensland Early Career Research Fund    University of Queensland
  2001      University of Queensland Start-up fund      University of Queensland
  2001-2002    Muilti-email development start-up fund       VC fund, Singapore & Thailand
  Total publications 350+
  1.Z. Liu, X. Li and ZY Dong, Improvements on Data Security Algorithms for Streaming Multimedia, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-30) , ISBN-13: 978-3-659-25964-7; ISBN-10: 3659259640; EAN: 9783659259647 https://www.lap-publishing.com/ Number of pages: 240 Published on: 2012-10-30
  2.Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, 2009: 31-51, ISBN: 978-81-308-0366-1 Editors: Libao Shi and Zhao Yang Dong, Research Signpost  (123 pages total)
  3.Z.Y. Dong and P. Zhang, Emerging Techniques for Power System Analysis, Springer, 2009 (202 pages total) ISBN 978-3-642-04281-2, HEP ISBN 978-7-04-027977-1
  4.C. K. Pang, F. L. Lewis, T. H. Lee, and Z. Y. Dong, Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Industrial Networked Systems, to be submitted to Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, December 2010.
  5.Z.Y. Dong, X. Li and S. Wang, as Guest Editors, Special Issue of Data Mining and Applications, International Journal of Systems Science, UK, Taylor & Francis. 12(3), July 2006
  Book Chapters
  1.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential evolution with niche method in the application of power system planning”, (Chapter 3) in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  2.X. Yin, JH Zhao and ZY Dong, “Optimal bidding strategies design under price uncertainties”, (Chapter 4) in in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  3.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong and R. Majumder, “A fixed order model matching approach for the design of robust power system oscillation damper”, (Chapter 7), in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  4.F. Yao, RC Bansal, ZY Dong, RK Saket and JS Shakya, “Wind Energy Resources: Theory, Design and Applications”, Book Chapter in Hand Book of Renewable Energy Technology for World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2010) Gregory Lee (Editor)
  5.       K Meng, ZY Dong, X. Yin, KP Wong, “Electricity Market Clearing Price Forecasting” book chapter (Ch 4), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  6.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong, R. Bansal and S. Mishra, “Rough Fuzzy Control of SVC for Power System Stability Enhancement” book chapter (Ch 2), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong Edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  7.L.H. Yang, G.Y. Yang, Z. Xu, ZY Dong and Y. Xue, “Optimal controller design of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator for small signal stability enhancement”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 7, pp 167-190
  8.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential Evolution with Niche Method in the Application of Power System Planning”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0;
  9.Y. Mishra, S. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Eigenvalue Analysis of a DFIG Based Wind Power System under Different Modes of Operations” Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 8, pp 191-214
  10.S. Mishra, Y. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Application of TS-Fuzzy Controller for Active Power and DC Capacitor Voltage Control in DFIG-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 13, pp. 367 - 382
  11.Vinod Kumar, Steven Kong, Yateendra Mishra, Z. Y. Dong, and Ramesh C. Bansal, Doubly Fed Induction Generators: overview and control strategies for a wind energy conversion systems, Chapter in Intelligent Information Systems and Knowledge Management for Energy: Applications for Decision Support, Usage and Environmental Protection, Kostas Metaxiotis, ed. NTUA
  12.X. Yin, J.H. Zhao & Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. Electricity Market Structure and Operations 2007
  13.KP Wong and ZY Dong, Differential Evolution, an Alternative Approach to Evolutionary Algorithm, invited book chapter, in K.Y. Lee and M. El-Sharkawi edt. Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to Power Systems, Wiley, 2008
  14.ZY Dong, TK Saha and KP Wong, “Artificial Intelligence in Electricity Market Operations and Management”, invited book chapter,  Business Applications and Computational Intelligence, edited by K. E. Voges and N.K. Ll. Pope, Idea Group Inc., publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing, and IRM Press, 2006.
  15.Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – Part I World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. 2007
  16.Z. Xu, Z.Y. Dong and W. Liu, Neural Network Models for Electricity Market Forecasting, invited book chapter, D.H. Wang edt. Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, 2004.
  17.L. Xu, Z. Dong and A. Tay, Time Series Forecast with Elman Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, invited book chapter, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, edt. K.C. Tan, M. H. Lim, X. Yao and L.P. Wang,  World Scientific series, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, Vol. 2 Advances in Natural Computation, 2004.
  18.Y.V. Makarov and Z.Y. Dong, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions, Vol. Computational Science & Engineering, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, invited book chapter, 1998, pp. 208 – 220.
  1.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential evolution with niche method in the application of power system planning”, (Chapter 3) in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  2. X. Yin, JH Zhao and ZY Dong, “Optimal bidding strategies design under price uncertainties”, (Chapter 4) in in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  3.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong and R. Majumder, “A fixed order model matching approach for the design of robust power system oscillation damper”, (Chapter 7), in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  4.F. Yao, RC Bansal, ZY Dong, RK Saket and JS Shakya, “Wind Energy Resources: Theory, Design and Applications”, Book Chapter in Hand Book of Renewable Energy Technology for World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2010) Gregory Lee (Editor)
  5.K Meng, ZY Dong, X. Yin, KP Wong, “Electricity Market Clearing Price Forecasting” book chapter (Ch 4), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  6.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong, R. Bansal and S. Mishra, “Rough Fuzzy Control of SVC for Power System Stability Enhancement” book chapter (Ch 2), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong Edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  7.L.H. Yang, G.Y. Yang, Z. Xu, ZY Dong and Y. Xue, “Optimal controller design of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator for small signal stability enhancement”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 7, pp 167-190
  8.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential Evolution with Niche Method in the Application of Power System Planning”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0;
  9.Y. Mishra, S. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Eigenvalue Analysis of a DFIG Based Wind Power System under Different Modes of Operations” Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 8, pp 191-214
  10.    S. Mishra, Y. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Application of TS-Fuzzy Controller for Active Power and DC Capacitor Voltage Control in DFIG-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 13, pp. 367 - 382
  11.Vinod Kumar, Steven Kong, Yateendra Mishra, Z. Y. Dong, and Ramesh C. Bansal, Doubly Fed Induction Generators: overview and control strategies for a wind energy conversion systems, Chapter in Intelligent Information Systems and Knowledge Management for Energy: Applications for Decision Support, Usage and Environmental Protection, Kostas Metaxiotis, ed. NTUA
  12.X. Yin, J.H. Zhao & Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. Electricity Market Structure and Operations 2007
  13.    KP Wong and ZY Dong, Differential Evolution, an Alternative Approach to Evolutionary Algorithm, invited book chapter, in K.Y. Lee and M. El-Sharkawi edt. Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to Power Systems, Wiley, 2008
  14.ZY Dong, TK Saha and KP Wong, “Artificial Intelligence in Electricity Market Operations and Management”, invited book chapter,  Business Applications and Computational Intelligence, edited by K. E. Voges and N.K. Ll. Pope, Idea Group Inc., publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing, and IRM Press, 2006.
  15.Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – Part I World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. 2007
  16.Z. Xu, Z.Y. Dong and W. Liu, Neural Network Models for Electricity Market Forecasting, invited book chapter, D.H. Wang edt. Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, 2004.
  17.L. Xu, Z. Dong and A. Tay, Time Series Forecast with Elman Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, invited book chapter, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, edt. K.C. Tan, M. H. Lim, X. Yao and L.P. Wang,  World Scientific series, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, Vol. 2 Advances in Natural Computation, 2004.
  18.Y.V. Makarov and Z.Y. Dong, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions, Vol. Computational Science & Engineering, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, invited book chapter, 1998, pp. 208 – 220.
  1.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential evolution with niche method in the application of power system planning”, (Chapter 3) in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  2.X. Yin, JH Zhao and ZY Dong, “Optimal bidding strategies design under price uncertainties”, (Chapter 4) in in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  3.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong and R. Majumder, “A fixed order model matching approach for the design of robust power system oscillation damper”, (Chapter 7), in Z. Xu and Z. Fan edit, Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control, Nova Publishers, series in Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, published 4th Quarter, 2010, ISBN 978-1-61728-031-3
  4.F. Yao, RC Bansal, ZY Dong, RK Saket and JS Shakya, “Wind Energy Resources: Theory, Design and Applications”, Book Chapter in Hand Book of Renewable Energy Technology for World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2010) Gregory Lee (Editor)
  5.K Meng, ZY Dong, X. Yin, KP Wong, “Electricity Market Clearing Price Forecasting” book chapter (Ch 4), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  6.Y. Mishra, ZY Dong, R. Bansal and S. Mishra, “Rough Fuzzy Control of SVC for Power System Stability Enhancement” book chapter (Ch 2), Computational Intelligence in Power Systems, L. Shi & ZY Dong Edit. Research Signpost (2009)
  7.L.H. Yang, G.Y. Yang, Z. Xu, ZY Dong and Y. Xue, “Optimal controller design of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator for small signal stability enhancement”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 7, pp 167-190
  8.G.Y. Yang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Differential Evolution with Niche Method in the Application of Power System Planning”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0;
  9.Y. Mishra, S. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Eigenvalue Analysis of a DFIG Based Wind Power System under Different Modes of Operations” Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 8, pp 191-214
  10.S. Mishra, Y. Mishra, Fangxing Li, Z.Y. Dong, “Application of TS-Fuzzy Controller for Active Power and DC Capacitor Voltage Control in DFIG-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Wind Power Systems, Applications of Computational Intelligence, Series: Green Energy and Technology, Wang, Lingfeng; Singh, Chanan; Kusiak, Andrew (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 430 p. 83 illus. in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13249-0; Chapter 13, pp. 367 - 382
  11.Vinod Kumar, Steven Kong, Yateendra Mishra, Z. Y. Dong, and Ramesh C. Bansal, Doubly Fed Induction Generators: overview and control strategies for a wind energy conversion systems, Chapter in Intelligent Information Systems and Knowledge Management for Energy: Applications for Decision Support, Usage and Environmental Protection, Kostas Metaxiotis, ed. NTUA
  12.X. Yin, J.H. Zhao & Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. Electricity Market Structure and Operations 2007
  13.    KP Wong and ZY Dong, Differential Evolution, an Alternative Approach to Evolutionary Algorithm, invited book chapter, in K.Y. Lee and M. El-Sharkawi edt. Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to Power Systems, Wiley, 2008
  14.ZY Dong, TK Saha and KP Wong, “Artificial Intelligence in Electricity Market Operations and Management”, invited book chapter,  Business Applications and Computational Intelligence, edited by K. E. Voges and N.K. Ll. Pope, Idea Group Inc., publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing, and IRM Press, 2006.
  15.Z.Y. Dong, “Overview of Electricity Markets – Part I World wide Perspective”, book chapter, F.S. Wen edit. 2007
  16.Z. Xu, Z.Y. Dong and W. Liu, Neural Network Models for Electricity Market Forecasting, invited book chapter, D.H. Wang edt. Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, 2004.
  17.L. Xu, Z. Dong and A. Tay, Time Series Forecast with Elman Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, invited book chapter, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, edt. K.C. Tan, M. H. Lim, X. Yao and L.P. Wang,  World Scientific series, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, Vol. 2 Advances in Natural Computation, 2004.
  18.    Y.V. Makarov and Z.Y. Dong, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions, Vol. Computational Science & Engineering, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, invited book chapter, 1998, pp. 208 – 220.
  Journal Edited
  1.K.P. Wong and Z.Y. Dong, Guest Editors, Special Issue of Evolutionary Computation in Systems and Control Applications, International Journal of Systems Science, 2005.
  2.Z.Y. Dong, X. Li and S. Wang, as Guest Editors, Special Issue of Data Mining and Applications, International Journal of Systems Science, UK, Taylor & Francis. 12(3), July 2006
  3.       X. Li, S. Wang and Z.Y. Dong, editors, Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2005) 22-24 July 2005, Wuhan, China.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI Volume 3584, Springer, 2005.
  1.       YY Wang, X.J. Zeng, J.B. Jian, Z.Y. Dong, Z.W. Li and Y. Huang, “Studies on the Stator Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault Protection for a High-Voltage Cable-Wound Generator”, IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion (accepted to appear, Dec 2012)
  2.       Yusheng Xue, T. Li, Xia Yin, Z.Y. Dong, F. Wen, J. Huang and F. Xue, “Management of Generalized Congestions”, IEEE PES Transactions on Smart Grid (Accepted to appear, Dec 2012, ), TSG-00194-2012.R1
  3.Z.L. Sun, K.M. Lam, Z.Y. Dong and H. Wang, “Face  recognition with multi-resolution spectral feature images”, PLOS ONE, (accepted to appear, Jan 2013) (IF 4.092)
  4.HM Yang, D.X. Yi, JH Zhao and ZY Dong, “Distributed Optimal Dispatch of Virtual Power Plant via Limited Communication”,  IEEE PES Letter (accepted to appear in Dec 2012)
  5.       N.H. Radzi, R.C. Bansal, Z.Y. Dong, M.Y. Hassan and K.P. Wong, “An efficient distribution factors enhanced transmission pricing method for Australian NEM transmission charging scheme”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 53, May 2013, pp. 319-328.
  6.       A. Arief, ZY Dong, M.B. Napu and M. Gallagher, “Under Voltage Load Shedding in Power System with Wind Turbines Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 96, March 2013, pp. 91-100.
  7.       Y. Dai, Y. Xu, ZY Dong, KP Wong and L. Zhuang, “Real-time prediction of event-driven load shedding for frequency stability enhancement of power systems”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol 6., Issue 9, Sept 2012, pp. 914-921.
  8.       N.H. Radzi, R Bansal, ZY Dong, K.N. Hasan, and Z. Lu, “An overview of the Australian NEM transmission use of system charges for integrating renewable generation to existing grid”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 6, Issue 9, Sept 2012, pp. 863-873.
  9.       ZY Dong, JH Zhao and DJ Hill, “Numerical Simulation for Stochastic Transient Stability Assessment”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 4, Nov 2012, pp. 1741-1749.
  10.    X. Chen, ZY Dong, K Meng, Y. Xu, KP Wong and HW Ngan, “Electricity Price Forecasting with Extreme Learning Machine and Bootstrapping”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 4, Nov 2012, pp. 2055-2062.
  11.    Y. Xu, ZY Dong, K Meng, J Zhao and KP Wong, “A Hybrid Method for Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow Computation”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 27, Issue4, Nov 2012, pp. 1769-1777.
  12.    J. Huang, Y Xue, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “An Efficient Probabilistic Assessment Method for Electricity Market Risk Management”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 3, Aug 2012, pp. 1485-1493.
  13.    Y Xu, ZY Dong, L. Guang, R. Zhang, KP Wong,and FJ Luo, “Preventive Dynamic Security Control of Power Systems Based On Pattern Discovery Technique”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 3, Aug 2012, pp. 1236-1244.
  14.    Y. Xu, ZY Dong, JH Zhao, P Zhang and KP Wong, “A Reliable Intelligent System for Real-Time Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 3, Aug 2012, pp. 1253-1263.
  15.    Y. Xu, Y. Dai, ZY Dong, R. Zhang and K Meng, “Extreme Learning Machine-based Predictor for Real-Time Frequency Stability Assessment of Electric Power Systems”, Neural Computing  & Application, (published on-line first from 18 January 2012), p. 1-8   DOI 10.1007/s00521-011-0803-3
  16.    F. Yao, ZY Dong, K. Meng, Z. Xu, H. Iu and KP Wong, “Quantum-Inspired Particle Swarm Optimization for Power System Operations Considering Wind Power Uncertainty and Carbon Tax in Australia”, IEEE Trans on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Nov 2012, pp. 880-888.
  17.    HM Yang, J. Yi, JH Zhao, and ZY Dong, “Extreme Learning Machine Based Genetic Algorithm and Its Application in Power System Economic Dispatch”, Neurocomputing, Vol. 102, Feb 2013, pp. 154-162.
  18.    S. Taggart, G. James, ZY Dong and C. Russell, The Future of Renewables Lined by a Transnational Asian Grid, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, No. 2, Feb 2012, pp. 348 - 359
  19.    L.H. Yang, Z. Xu, Jacob ?stergaard, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Advanced Control Strategy of DFIG Wind Turbines for Power System Fault Ride Through”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vo. 27, No. 2, May 2012
  20.    N. Radzi, R BAnsal, and ZY Dong, “An overview of the Australian NEM transmission use of system charges for integrating renewable generation to existing grid”, accepted (June 2012) to appear in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 6, Issue 9, Sept 2012, pp. 863-873.
  21.    Yan Xu, Zhao Yang Dong, Rui Zhang & Kit Po Wong (2011): A decision tree-based on-line preventive control strategy for power system transient instability prevention, International Journal of Systems Science, DOI:10.1080/00207721.2011.626906
  22.    RK Mai, L. Fu, ZY Dong, KP Wong, ZQ Bo and HB Xu, “Dynamic Phasor and Frequency Estimators Considering Decaying DC Components”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2, May 2012, pp 671-681
  23.    Z.Y. Dong, Yan Xu, Pei Zhang, Kit Po Wong, Real-Time Stability Assessment of Electric Power System with Intelligent Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 09 May 2011. IEEE computer Society Digital Library. IEEE Computer Society,
  24.    R.K. Mai, L. Fu, ZY Dong, and Q. Bin, “An Adaptive Dynamic Phasor Estimator Considering DC Offset for PMU Applications”, IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, No. 3, July 2011, pp 1744 - 1754
  25.    L.H. Yang, Z Xu, J. ?stergaard, Z.Y. Dong, K.P. Wong, and   X.K. Ma, “Oscillatory Stability and Eigenvalue Sensitivity Analysis of A DFIG Wind Turbine System”, IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, V 26, No. 1, March 2011, pp328 – 339
  26.    Y. Xu, ZY Dong, R Zhang and KP Wong, “'A Real-Time Transient Stability Assessment Model Using Extreme Learning Machine” IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.5, Iss. 3, pp. 314-322, 2011
  27.    J. Huang, Y.S. Xue, F.S. Wen, J.B. Xu, F. Xue and ZY Dong, “A Review of Power Market Simulation Platform”,  Automation of Electric Power Systems,  2011, (9) #201102121
  28.    L.Z. Xu, G.Y. Yang, Z. Xu, ZY Dong, J. Stergaard, and Y.J. Cao, “Composite microgrid dispatch considering wind power and CHP”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, V35, No. 9, May 2011, pp. 53 – 60,66
  29.    W.J. Xu, H.M. Yang, J.H. Zhao, ZY Dong, MY Lai and YS Xue, “Probability calculation of broken transmission lines and collapsed towers under ice storms”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, Jan .10, 2011, pp. 13-17.
  30.    H. Yang, W. Xu, J Zhao, D. Wang and ZY Dong, “Predicting the Probability of Ice Storm Damages to Electricity Transmission Facilities based on ELM and Copula Function” Neurocomputing, Vol. 74, Issue 16, Sep 2011, pp. 2573 – 2581.
  31.    Chen, G.; Dong, Z. Y.; Hill, D. J.; Xue, Y. S.; “Exploring Reliable Strategies for Defending Power Systems Against Targeted Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume: PP , Issue: 99, 2010 , pp: 1- 10
  32.    K. Meng, Z.Y. Dong, K.P. Wong, Y. Xu, and F. Luo, Speed-up the computing efficiency of Power System Simulator for Engineering-based power system transient stability simulations, IET Gen. Trans. & Dist., vol. 4, pp.652-661, May. 2010.
  33.    JH Zhao, ZY Dong, J. Foster, and KP Wong, “Flexible Transmission Network Planning Considering Distributed Generation Impacts”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 24, No. 1, Feb 2009, pp. 479 - 488
  34.    Jin MA, Pu ZHANG, Bo BO, and Zhao-yang Dong “Application of  Phasor Measurement Unit on Locating Disturbance Source for Low  Frequency Oscillation”, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, Vol.1, No. 3, December 2010 pp340-346
  35.    Yongxi Zhang, Hongming Yang, Zhaoyang Dong, and Mingyong Lai, “Stochastic Optimal Dispatch of Power System Under Extreme Weather Disaster”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 37-38 (2010) pp 1219-1222 Online available since 2010/Nov/11 at www.scientific.net ? (2010) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.37-38.1219
  36.    J. Zhao, F.S. Wen, Y.S. Xue, Z.Y. Dong, and J. B. Xin, “Power system stochastic economic dispatch considering uncertain outputs from plog-in electric vehicles and wind generators”, Automation of Electric Power Systems.
  37.    J. Zhao, F.S. Wen, Y.S. Xue, X. Li and ZY Dong, “Cyber Physical Power Systems” Arthitecture, Implementation Techniques and Challenges”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, V. 34, No. 16, Aug 25 2010, pp. 1- 7.
  38.    T. Shen, A. PT Lau, K Meng and ZY Dong, “Optical Performance Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Network Trained with Asynchronous Amplitude Histograms”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No. 15, 2010, pp. 1665 - 1667
  39.    Y. Lu, Y. Guo and ZY Dong, “Multiagent flocking with formation in a constrained environment”, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 2010 , pp. 151 – 159.
  40.    K. Meng, ZY Dong, Y Xu,  Z Xu and KP Wong, “Wind speed assessment and short-term forecasting using extreme learning machine”, Neurocomputing, 2010
  41.    Y. Xue, T. Li, X. Yin, Z.Y. Dong, J. Huang, F. Xue, “A research framework for generalized congestions and market power”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, August 2010
  42.    W. Xu, H. Yang, J Zhao, ZY Dong, M Lai and YS Xue, “The Probability Calculation of Broken Transmission Lines and Collapsed Towers under Ice Storms based on GDP and Copula”, Automation of Electric Power System (accepted June 2010)
  43.    Y.X. Zhang, Y.M. Yang, Z.Y. Dong and M. Y. Lai, “Stochastic optimal dispatch of power system under extreme weather disaster”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 37-38, pp. 1219 – 1222, Dec 2010
  44.    H. Yang, M. Zhang, JH Zhao, ZY Dong, M. Lai and YS Xue, “Evolution Analysis and Chaos Control of Electricity Market Based on Bidding Decisions with Heterogeneous Expectations”, Automation of Electric Power System (accepted June 2010)
  45.    LH Yang, GY Yang, Z Xu, ZY Dong, KP Wong and X Ma, Optimal controller design of a doubly fed induction generator wind turbine system for small signal stability enhancement, IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 5, Iss 5, p. 579 – 597, 2010
  46.    Chen G, Dong ZY, Hill DJ, et al., “Attack structural vulnerability of power grids: A hybrid approach based on complex networks”, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 389   Issue: 3   Pages: 595-603   Published: FEB 1 2010
  47.    K. Meng, ZY Dong, DH Wang and KP Wong, “A Self-adaptive RBF Neural Network Classifier for Transformer Fault Analysis”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, V.25, No. 3, pp. 1350 – 1360, Aug 2010
  48.    T. He, K. Meng, ZY Dong, Y.T. Oh and Y Xu, “Investigation on the Use of High-performance Graphics Processing Unit for Power System Demand Forecasting”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 363 – 370, 2010
  49.    L. Hao, Y. Xue, ZY Dong, QH Wu and T Xu, “Difference Degree of Power System Disturbed Trajectories and Its Applications in System Identification”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2010
  50.    X Zhou, G James, A Liebman, ZY Dong and C. Ziser, “Partial Carbon Permits Allocation of Potential Emission Trading Scheme in Australian Electricity Market” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 25,  Issue 1,  Feb. 2010 Page(s):543 – 553
  51.    K. Meng, H.G. Wang, ZY Dong and KP Wong, “Quantum-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization for Valve-point Economic Load Dispatch”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Volume 25,  Issue 1,  Feb. 2010 Page(s):215 – 222
  52.    R. Yan, ZY Dong, R. Majumder and et al “A Power System Nonlinear Adaptive Decentralized Controller Design”, Automatica Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 330-336.
  53.    GZ Liu, JH Zhao, FS Wen, X Yin and ZY Dong, “An Option-game Based Method for Generation Investment Analysis Considering Uncertain Carbon Reduction Policy in the Electricity Market”, IET Gen Tran. & Dist, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 917 – 927, 5. Aug 2010
  54.    GZ Liu, FS Wen, ZY Dong, “Generaton investment strategies in a market environment considering CO2 emission policy impacts”, HUST Journal (Natural Science Ed), 2010,38(3):101~108.
  55.    R. Bansal, V. Kumar, S. Kong, ZY Dong, W. Freitas,  HD Mathur, “Three-Phase Doubly-Fed Induction Generators: An Overview”, IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 75-89, 2010
  56.    Y. Mishra, S. Mishra, FX Li, ZY Dong and RC Bansal, “Small-Signal Stability Analysis of a DFIG-Based Wind Power System Under Different Modes of Operation”, IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, Vol 24, No. 4, pp. 972 – 982, published Dec 2009
  57.    W. Xu, Y. Xue, S. Chen, F. Ge and ZY Dong, “Difficulties and Prospects of Knowledge Extracting from Measured Trajectories”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2009(15):10-7
  58.    W. Xu, Y. Xue, M. Zhang, S. Xun, and ZY Dong, “Stability Margin Assessment of Disturbed Trajectories Acquired by PMU[J].Automation of Electric Power Systems,2009(16):1-6.
  59.    XUE Yusheng, HAO Sipeng, LIU Junyong, Zhaoyang DONG, Gerard LEDWICH. “A Review of Analysis Methods for Low-frequency Oscillations”, [J].Automation of Electric Power Systems,2009,33(3):1-8
  60.    G. Chen, ZY Dong, DJ Hill and GH Zhang, “An improved model for structural vulnerability analysis of power networks”, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 388   Issue: 19   Pages: 4259-4266   Published: OCT 1 2009
  61.    J. Zhao, ZY Dong and ML Zhao, Statistical model for flood forecasting, Australian Journal of Water Resources, Vol. 13, No. 1, Institute of Engineers Australia, 2009
  62.    D Han, J Ma, RM He and ZY Dong, “A Real Application of Measurement-based Load Modeling in Large-scale Power Grids and its Validation”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol 24, No. 4, pp. 1756 – 1764, Nov 2009.
  63.    M Ali, ZY Dong and P Zhang, “Adoptability of Grid Computing in Power Systems Analysis, Operations and Control” IET Gen Trans and Dist, vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 949 – 959, Oct 2009
  64.    K. Meng, Z.Y. Dong and K.P. Wong, “Self-adaptive RBF neural network for short-term electricity price forecasting”, IET Gen Trans & Dist. Vol. 3, Iss. 4, pp 325-335. Apr 2009
  65.    H.J. Tang, L Weng, ZY Dong and R. Yan, “Adaptive and Learning Control for SI Engine Model with Uncertainties”, IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, Feb 2009, pp. 93-104.
  66.    H. Bevrani, G. Ledwich, Z.Y. Dong and J. Ford, “Regional Frequency Response Analysis Under Normal and Emergency Conditions” Electric Power System Research, 79(5): 837-845 May 2009
  67.    Huajin Tang, Larry Weng, Zhao Yang Dong and Rui Yan, “Engine control design using globally linearizing control and sliding mode”, Issue on Intelligent Control System Design for Precise Servomechanisms, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2009
  68.    Y. Mishra, ZY Dong, J. Ma and DJ Hill, “Induction Motor Load Impact on Power System Eigenvalue Sensitivity Analysis” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2009 Page(s):690 - 700.
  69.    Mishra, Y.; Mishra, S.; Tripathy, M.; Senroy, N.; Dong, Z.Y.; “Improving Stability of a DFIG-Based Wind Power System With Tuned Damping Controller”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 24,  Issue 3,  Sept. 2009 Page(s):650 - 660
  70.    H. Bevrani, G. Ledwich, J.J. Ford and Z.Y. Dong, “On feasibility of regional frequency-based emergency control plans”, (Elsevier, International Journal of) Energy Conversion and Management, 50(2009) 1656-1663.
  71.    G. Cao, ZY Dong, KP Wong and YS Xue, “Power system inter-area oscillation damping control with FACTS devices”, Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science), Vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 31-36, June 2009.
  72.    J.H. Zhao, ZY Dong, P. Lindsay and KP Wong, “Flexible transmission expansion planning in a market environment”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol. 24, Iss 1, Feb 2009, pp. 479-488
  73.    G.Y. Yang, Z.Y. Dong and K.P. Wong, “A Modified Differential Evolution Algorithm with Fitness Sharing for Power System Planning”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 23, No. 2, May 2008, pp. 514-522.
  74.    A. H. Nizar, ZY Dong and Y Wang, “Power utility nontechnical loss analysis with extreme learning machine method”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, August 2008, pp. 946 – 955.
  75.    PAJ Fonseka, ZY Dong and et al, “A Price-based approach o generation investment planning in electricity markets”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 23, No. 4, pp. 1859 – 1870 Nov 2008
  76.    H. Barani, G. Ledwich, J. Ford and Z.Y. Dong, “On feasibility of regional frequency-based emergency control plans”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology , Vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1656-1663, 2009
  77.    Y. Mishra, S. Mishra and ZY Dong, “Rough Fuzzy Control of SVC for Power System Stability Enhancement”, Int Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology Vol 3 no. 3 pp. 337-345, 2008.
  78.    X. Chen, ZY Dong, D. Wang, “Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for SVM Forecasting Model with GARCH Errors”, accepted (2008) to appear in IEEE Trans on Power Systems
  79.    Libao Shi, Jin Hao, Zhao Yang Dong, “Theoretical and Practical Framework for a Novel Ant Colony Optimization Variant”, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications. (2009)
  80.    Libao Shi, Zheng XU and Zhaoyang Dong, “Wind turbine model and initialization analysis with high penetration of grid-connected wind farms of DFIG type”, Automation of Electric Power systems, 2008 (3), pp 44-48.
  81.    SHI Libao; XU Zheng; Zhaoyang DONG, “Wind Turbine Model and Initialization Analysis with High Penetration of Grid-connected Wind Farms of DFIG Type”, Hydropower Automation and Dam Monitoring. 2008, 32(3). pp 44-48.
  82.    XU Wei1, XUE Yusheng, ZHANG Mingliang, SUN Suqin, Zhaoyang DONG, “Stability Margin Assessment of Disturbed Trajectories Acquired by PMU”, Automation of Electric Power systems (2009)
  83.    XU Wei, XUE Yusheng, CHEN Shi, GE Fei, Zhaoyang DONG, “Difficulties and Prospects of Knowledge Extracting from Measured Trajectories”, Automation of Electric Power Systems (2009)
  84.    XUE Yusheng, PAN Xueping, Guorui ZHANG, Zhaoyang DONG,and Gerard. LEDWICH, “Oscillation Mode Analysis Including Full Nonlinearity of Time-varying Systems”, Automation of Electric Power Systems (AEPS), 2008(18) pp.1-7
  85.    XUE Yusheng, HAO Sipeng, LIU Junyong, ZY Dong and G Ledwich, “A review of analysis methods for low frequency oscillations methods”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2009(3), pp.1-8.
  86.    Xia Chen, ZY Dong and DH Wang, “Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for ARMA-GARCH Based Electricity Market Price Forecasting”, Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology, 23(3), Sep 2008, pp3-11 (invited paper)
  87.    J.H. Zhao, ZY Dong, Z. Xu and KP Wong, “A Statistical Approach for Interval Forecasting of the Electricity Price”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 23, No. 2, May 2008, pp. 267-276.
  88.    J. Ford, G. Ledwich and ZY Dong, “Efficient and robust model predictive control for first swing transient stability of power systems using flexible AC transmission systems devices” IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 2, No. 5, September 2008, pp. 731-742.
  89.    J. Ma, D. Han, R. He, ZY Dong and DJ Hill, “Reducing Identified Parameters of Measurement-based Composite Load Model”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 1, Feb 2008, pp. 76-83.
  90.    J. Ma, ZY Dong, R. He and DJ Hill, “System Energy Analysis incorporating Comprehensive Load Characteristics”, IET Gen Trans & Dist., Volume 1,  Issue 6,  Nov. 2007 Page(s):855 - 863
  91.    J. H. Zhao, Z.Y. Dong and X. Li, “An improved Naive Bayesian classifier with advanced discretisation method”, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, 2007, pp 241 – 256.
  92.    ZY Dong, Application of Data Mining Method to Vulnerability Assessment, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2007. Product ID 1015278.
  93.    G. Yang, G. Hovland and ZY Dong, “TCSCs Allocation Based on Line Flow Equations Via Mixed-Integer Programming”, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol 22, No. 4, Nov 2007, pp. 2262-2269.
  94.    J.H. Zhao, ZY Dong and X Li, “Electricity Market Price Spike Forecasting and Decision Making”, IET Gen. Trans. and Dist. Vol. 1 No. 4, July 2007, pp 647-654.
  95.    H. Wang, Y. Xue, ZY Dong, X Yin and J. Liu, “Startup Power Supply Service in Power Markets”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2007, vol. 31 No. 23. pp. 10-14
  96.    H. Wang, Y. Xue, Z. Dong. G. Ledwich and Y. Liu, “Adaptive Optimal Restoration Control for Interconnected Grids”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31 (22) 2007
  97.    Y. Xue, W. Xu, ZY. Dong and Q. Wan, “A Review of Wide Area Measurement System and Wide Area Control System”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 3(15), 2007
  98.    Y. Luo, Y Xue, Z Dong, G. Ledwich, et al, “Hybrid Optimization of Generation Capacity Adequacy”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(12), 2007
  99.    Y Xue, H. Luo, B. Li, J. Lu, Z Dong and G. Ledwich, “A Review of Interruptible Load Participating in system Reserve” Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(10), 2007.
  100.Y. Luo, Y. Xue, G. Ledwich, ZY Dong, et al, “Coordination of Low Price Interruptible Load and High Compensation Interruptible Load”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(11), 2007.
  101.Y. Xue, Q. Liu, ZY Dong, G. Ledwich, et al, “A Review of Nondeterministic Analysis for Power system Transient Stability”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(14), 2007.
  102.Q. Liu, Y. Xue, ZY Dong, G. Ledwich and Y. Yuan, “Abnormal Effects of Line Fault Location on Transient Stability and its Mechanism”,  Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(18), 2007
  103.Q. Liu, Y Xue, ZY Dong, G. Ledwich, and Y Yuan, “Non-deterministic Analysis for Transient Stability Based on Transient Stability Domain and Conditional Probability”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(19), 2007
  104.Y. Xue, H. Wang, ZY Dong, G. Ledwich and F. Wen, “A Review on Restorative Control in Interconnected Grids under Electricity Market Environment”, Automation of Electric Power systems, 31(21), 2007.
  105.Y.V. Makarov, ZY Dong and DJ Hill, “On Convexity of Power Flow Feasibility Boundary”, IEEE Transmission on Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 2, May 2008, pp. 811-813
  106.J.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Dong, X. Li and KP Wong, “A Framework for Electricity Price Spike Analysis with Advanced Data Mining Methods”, IEEE Trans in Power Systems, Volume 22,  Issue 1,  Feb. 2007 Page(s):376 - 385
  107.J. Ma, ZY Dong and P Zhang, “Comparison of BR and QR Eigenvalue Algorithms for Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Volume 21,  Issue 4,  Nov. 2006 Page(s):1848 - 1855.
  108.Libao Shi, ZhaoYang Dong, Jin Hao and Kit Po Wong, “Mathematical Analysis of the Heuristic Optimisation Mechanism of Evolutionary Programming”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2006.
  109.ZY Dong, “Context Based Teaching of Control Engineering”, Recommended by the editor to Annals of Research on Engineering Education (June 2006)
  110.D. Wu, D.L. Oslon and ZY Dong, Data mining and simulation: a Grey relationship perspective, in International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis. 12(3), July 2006
  111.D.Y. Chen, X. Li, ZY Dong and X. Chen, “Fitness assessment of document model”, International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis. 12(3), July 2006
  112.A.H. Nizar, Z.Y. Dong and A. Liebman, “Customer Information Systems for Deregulated ASEAN Countries”, Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Journal, 2006.
  113.Ding-Yi Chen, Xue Li, Zhao Yang Dong, and Xia Chen, “Incremental Learning for Interactive Email Filtering”, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering, (IJITWE), Idea Group Inc. Vol. 1, Issue 2, Apr – June 2006, pp60-78.
  114.J.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Dong & X. Li, “An Improved Naive Bayesian Classifier with Advanced Discretisation Method”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technology and Applications, special issue Large Scale Pattern Recognition and Distributed Intelligent Systems. (invited paper) 2007
  115.Z. Xu, Z.Y. Dong and K.P. Wong, “Transmission Planning in a Deregulated Environment”, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 153, No. 3, May 2006, pp. 326-334..
  116.Z. Xu, ZY. Dong and KP Wong, “A Hybrid Planning Method for Transmission Networks in a Deregulated Environment”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS 21 (2): 925-932 MAY 2006
  117.SH Goh, TK Saha, ZY Dong and Z Xu, “Evaluating Transfer Capability of Economic-driven Power Markets”, Proc. AUEPC’05, Hobart, Australia (6 pages) Also in the Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 2006.
  118.ZY Dong, DJ Hill and Y Guo, “A Power System Control Scheme Based on Security Visualisation in Parameter Space”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 27, No. 7, September 2005, pp. 488-495.
  119.Z.Y. Dong, “Teaching of control engineering course with context based learning, Invited Paper, Int.  Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on “innovative approaches to control engineering education”, 2006.
  120.X. Lu, Z. Y. Dong and X. Li, “Electricity Market Price Spike Forecast with Data Mining Techniques”, International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 73, pp.19-29, Jan 2005.
  121.G. Duan, Z.Y. Dong, W. Bai and X. F. Wang, “Power flow based monetary flow method for electricity transmission and wheeling price”, Int’l Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 74, No.2, May 2005, pp 293-305.
  122.YY Joe, A Tay, ZY Dong, HH Ng and H. Xu, Searching Oligo Sets of Human Chromosome 12 using Evolutionary  Strategies, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 35, No. 13-14, 20 Oct – 15 Nov 2004, pp.787-800.
  123.Y. Hong and ZY Dong, “Genetic Algorithms with Applications in Wireless Communications”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 35, No. 13-14, 20 Oct – 15 Nov 2004, pp.751-762.
  124.Y. Hong and ZY Dong, “Performance Analysis of Space-Time Trellis Coded OFDM System”, International Journal of Signal Processing, pp. 336-342, Vol 1, no. 4, ISBN: 1304 4478
  125.Z. Xu, ZY Dong and KP Wong, Genetic Algorithm Based Spinning Reserve Dispatching in a Competitive Electricity Market, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 35, No. 13-14, 20 Oct – 15 Nov 2004, pp.847-853.
  126.ZY Dong, C.K. Pang and P. Zhang, “Power System Sensitivity Analysis for Probabilistic Small Signal Stability Assessment in a Deregulated Environment”, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Special Issue on Recent Advances in Power System Control), pp.355-362, June 2005. (invited paper)
  127.G. Duan, Y. Yu and Z. Dong, “A Cognitive Genetic Algorithm for Power Distribution System Planning”, ENGINEERING INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATIONS 13 (3): 165-172 SEP 2005
  128.G. Duan, Z.Y. Dong and X.F. Wang, “A composite auction method for suppressing electricity price spikes in a competitive electricity market”, IEE Proc Gen. Trans. & Dist. Volume 152,  Issue 4,  8 July 2005 Page(s):460 - 468
  129.H.L. Jiang, X. Tang, Z.Y. Dong, and T.K. Saha, “An Advanced Method for Eliminating Impacts from Frequency Deviations in Power System Signal Processing”, International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Vol 67, No. 3, 2003, pp 177-184.
  130.X. Zhao, Z.Y. Dong and W.Q. Liu, “Short-term Electricity Price Forecasting using Wavelet and SVM Techniques”, Proc. The 3rd International DCDIS Conference on Engineering Applications and Computational Algorithms, invited paper, May 2003; also in International Journal of DYNAM CONT DIS SER B : pp. 372-377 Suppl. S 2003
  131.B. L. Zhang and Z. Y. Dong, “An Adaptive Neural-wavelet Model for Short Term Load Forecasting”, International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 59 pp. 121-129, 2001.
  132.W.Q. Liu, Z.Y. Dong, C.S. Zhang and D.J. Hill, “Minimum-order Stable Recursive Filter Design via the Genetic Algorithm Approach”, International Journal of Systems Science, 2001, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 401 – 408.
  133.Z.Y. Dong, Y.V. Makarov and David J. Hill, “Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis Using Genetic Optimization”, International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, September 1998. Vol. 46, pp. 195-204.
  134.Y.V. Makarov, D.J. Hill and Z. Y. Dong, “Computation of Bifurcation Boundaries for Power Systems: A New Delta-Plane Method”, IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems, Vol 47, No. 4, April 2000, pp. 536 – 544.
  135.Y. V. Makarov, Z. Y. Dong and D. J. Hill, “A General Method for Small Signal Stability Analysis”, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Vol.13, No.3, August 1998, pp. 979 – 985.

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