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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1320 发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:57 微信号: H17720740258

  职       称: 副教授
  邮       箱: zhangyl@xmu.edu.cn
  研究方向: 极致安全核反应堆 超临界二氧化碳(sCO2)能量转换系统
  2017.08-至今        厦门大学 能源学院 副教授,硕导
  2012.07-2017.07   厦门大学 能源学院 助理教授,硕导
  2016.10-2017.10   麻省理工学院 核科学与工程学院 访问学者
  2007.09-2012.06   清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院 博士
  2003.09-2007.06   清华大学 热能工程系 学士
  [1] 核电站材料监测管理、失效预防及消除技术的开发和应用2011/1/1参与
  [2] S-CO2布雷顿循环能量转换系统技术评估2013/12/1主要参与
  [3] 用于处理废水的低温蒸发系统的优化和仿真2013/12/17主持
  [4] 行波堆先进燃料循环研究2014/4/1主要参与
  [5] 西安渭北工业区临潼现代工业组团综合能源项目2014/4/15主要参与
  [6] 用于四代堆的超临界二氧化碳闭式布雷顿循环系统分析2015/1/1主持
  [7] 高温气冷堆及主氦风机技术评估2015/7/1主持
  [8] 核能生物质能系统耦合特性与关键问题2015/1/1主持
  [9] 小型堆换热器设计2016/1/1主持
  [10] 超临界二氧化碳闭式布雷顿循环瞬态特性分析2016/1/1主持
  [11] 极致安全反应堆研究 2016/10/1 主持
  在国内外SCI/EI期刊发表论文20余篇。担任Applied Thermal Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 华北电力大学学报等SCI/EI期刊审稿人。
  [1] Kai Ye, Yaoli Zhang, Xuanyu Sheng, Ning Li, Yinglin Yang, Yifen Chen,Numerical analysis of the flow behavior in a helically coiled once through steam generator, Nucl. Eng. De. 330 (2018) 187-198.
  [2] J. Huang, N. Li, Y. Zhang*, J. Lin, Q. Guo, The excess reactivity management in small pressurized water reactor utilizing fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel, Prog. Nucl. Energy. 101 (2017) 251–259. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2017.08.005.
  [3] Y. Zhang, D. Wang, J. Lin, J. Hao, Development of a Computer Code for Thermal-hydraulic Design and Analysis of Helically Coiled Tube Once-through Steam Generator, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2017
  [4] J. Huang, N. Li, Y. Zhang*, Q. Guo, J. Zhang, The safety analysis of a small pressurized water reactor utilizing fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel, Nucl. Eng. Des. 320 (2017) 250–257.
  [5] Kai Ye, Yaoli Zhang*, Jianshu Lin, Ning Li, Yinglin Yang, Zhuocheng Li, Junwei Hao, Yifen Chen, CFD Analysis of the Primary Side in a Helical-Coil Once-Through Steam Generator, ICONE25, Shanghai, 2017
  [6] Yinglin Yang, Qixun Guo, Jianshu Lin, Yaoli Zhang*, Kai Ye, BoShen Bian, Zhuocheng Li, Modeling and Simulating Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle in SMR Using Modelica, ICONE25, Shanghai, 2017
  [7] D. Liang, Y. Zhang*, C. Fang, Q. Guo, G. Hong, Influence of pressure on the thermal performance of the S-CO<inf>2</inf> Brayton cycle, Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal Harbin Eng. Univ. 38 (2017) 578–582.
  [8] G. Hong, Z. Xu, B. Bian, Y. Zhang, X. Yan, Y. Huang, Predictive Study of Bubble Mean Diameter in Subcooled Flow Boiling, Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Eng. 38 (2017).
  [9] J. Hao, Y. Zhang*, J. Zheng, Z. Zhou, X. Sheng, G. Hong, K. Ye, N. Li, Analysis of Density Wave Oscillations in Helically Coiled Tube Once-Through Steam Generator, Sci. Technol. Nucl. Install. 2016 (2016) 1–10.
  [10] Y. Luo, G. Ran, N. Chen, Q. Shen, Y. Zhang, Microstructural Evolution, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics of Mo-Tm2O3 Powder Mixtures during Ball Milling, Materials (Basel). 9 (2016) 834.
  [11] Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, N. Li, “Analysis of Levelized Cost of Electricity for Travelling Wave Reactor,” Atomic Science and Technology, vol. 50, no.2, pp. 306-311, 2016.(in Chinese)
  [12] Y. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, and Z. Zhou, “Demonstration of simulation analysis program PCCSAP-3D for passive containment cooling system (PCCS),” Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Eng., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 175–179, Apr. 2016. (in Chinese)
  [13] D. Liang, Y. Zhang*, Q. Guo, et al., “Modeling and analysis of nuclear reactor system using supercritical-co2 brayton cycle,” Journal of Xiamen University: Natural Science, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 608-613, 2015. (in Chinese)
  [14] J. Huang, Y. Zhang*, Q. Guo, et al., “Studies on the small pressurized water reactor based on triso fuels,” Journal of Xiamen University: Natural Science, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 603-607, 2015. (in Chinese)
  [15] D. Shen, Y. Zhang*, Q. Guo, et al., “Effect factors of keff by using different kinds of materials in travelling wave reactors,” Journal of Xiamen University: Natural Science, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 614-618, 2015. (in Chinese)
  [16] Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhou, H. Xie, and Y. Yang, “Study of the influence of design parameters and initial condition on passive containment cooling system,” Int. Top. Meet. Nucl. React. Therm. Hydraul. 2015, NURETH 2015, vol. 2, pp. 1744–1757, 2015.
  [17] Y. Zhang and T. Peng, “Modeling tbm components by using RELAP5 code,” Int. Conf. Nucl. Eng. Proceedings, ICONE, vol. 5, 2013.
  [18] Y. Zhang, Z. Zhou, and H. Xie, “Numerical simulations of the temperature field in the breeding sub-module of the ITER Chinese helium cooled solid breeder test blanket module,” Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal Tsinghua Univ., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 102–105, Jan. 2013. (in Chinese)
  [19] Z. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Xiao, and Y. Yang, “Thermal-hydraulic analysis of concept design of spallation target in Chinese accelerator driven subcritical system,” Int. Conf. Nucl. Eng. Proceedings, ICONE, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 721–726, 2012.
  [20] Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, Z. Zhou, and Y. Wang, “Improvement on algorithm for pressure equation in PCCSAP-3D,” Jisuan Wuli/Chinese J. Comput. Phys., vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 700–706, Sep. 2012. (in Chinese)
  [21] Z. Zhou, Y. Zhang, and Y. Yang, “The sensitivity analysis of passive containment cooling system during design basis accidents,” Int. Conf. Nucl. Eng. Proceedings, ICONE, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 727–732, 2012.
  [22] Y. Zhang, P. Cui, S. Xiao, et al., “Thermal-Hydraulic analysis of spallation target in accelerator driven sub-critical system,” Atomic Energy Science and Technolody, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 573-578, 2012. (in Chinese)
  [23] J. Ye, Y. Zhang and C. Fang, “After-simulation of experiment of two-phase flow in natural circulation based on relap5,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 250-253, 2012. (in Chinese)
  [1] 一种核能和生物质能联合系统及方法,发明专利,2016年10月
  [2] 采用超临界CO2的小型核反应堆能量转换系统,实用新型专利,2016年09月
  [3] 一种小型反应堆安全壳,实用新型专利,2016年09月
  [4] 一种用于制备超临界二氧化碳石墨烯纳米流体的设备,实用新型专利,2017年03月
  [5] 一种用于制备超临界二氧化碳混合工质的系统,实用新型专利,2017年03月
  [6] 一种烟气脱硫脱硝装置,发明专利,2015年04月
  [7] 一种烟气脱硫脱硝的方法、装置及其用途,发明专利,2016年05月
  [8] 一种铁基铁酸铽材料及其应用,实用新型专利,2016年04月
  [9] 轻水堆经济性分析软件,计算机软件著作权,2015年04月
  [10] 行波堆经济性分析软件计算机软件著作权,2015年04月
  [11] 超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环系统1.0,计算机软件著作权016年06月
  [1] 张尧立,郭奇勋,点亮蜡烛——一种创新性核反应堆燃耗策略(第二版),中国原子能出版社, 2014.12.01

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