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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 798 发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:44 微信号: H17720740258

  职       称: 教授
  职       务: 能源学院院长
  邮       箱: ningli@xmu.edu.cn
  研究方向: 核能技术与系统,核燃料循环
  2008年至今 厦门大学教授/博导,能源研究院院长
  2009年 入选首批国家千人计划
  2007-2009年 中美民用核能合作协调组美方副组长,并参与美俄GNEP合作协调工作
  2005年至今 美国麻省理工学院核科学与工程系访问与合作科学家
  1997-2009年 全球核能合作项目、第四代先进核能系统、先进加速器应用项目
  1999-2002年 加速器驱动核嬗变项目等美国能源部重大项目路线指南规划组成员与子课题负责人
  1994-1997年 美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室热工水力、液态铅冷却液技术及加速器驱动嬗变技术项目技术研究人员
  1991-1994年 美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校研究助理,师从Guenter Ahlers(国家科学院院士)与David S. Cannell教授
  1991年 美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校物理博士,非线性动力系统研究
  1986年 中国科技大学物理系学士
  2、GNEP/AFCI,GEN IV LFR 及三A大学研究项目(分别由UNLV, 麻省理工大学,UIUC,密歇根大学,佛罗里达大学,NCSU, 威斯康星大学,爱达荷加速器中心,TAMU等机构进行,总数超过十六)的国家实验室技术领头和合作人。
  3、协助很多国际研究与开发组织的工作(包括CEA, FZK, PSI, KTH and other EU/EUROTRANS participants, IPPE, JNC, JAERI, TITech, KAERI, SNU等)。美国-南韩核能研究合作项目的主要调查人。
  2009年 入选首批国家千人计划
  2011年 国家特聘专家
  2011年 中国侨联特聘专家
  2011年 科学中国人2010年度人物
  2006年 美国亚裔工程师年度奖
  2010年 福建省高层次创业创新人才
  2010年 厦门市特聘专家
  1、2006年 美国亚裔工程师年度奖得主,其他洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室的成就奖
  2、2003-2007 美国核协会材料科技分会理事、成员
  4、各委员会会议成员 如:能源部和国务院审查小组、技术项目及国际合作项目
  5、2004年至今 日本东京理工学院创新核能源系统国际顾问委员会成员
  6、ANS, ASME及其他会议的组织者
  8、2001年 AccApp-ADTTA’01技术委员会成员
  9、2001-2002年 能源部第四代核能系统研究,液金核属冷卻技术与材料的开发与研究,燃料与物料交叉切组研究成员
  10、2000年 日本核循环发展研究所顾问
  11、1999年 能源部加速器驱动的嬗变废物规划组成员
  13、2001年 lanl空气污染指数督导委员会联合主席
  15、2000年 空气污染指数职业提升专责小组成员
  1.In-situ TEM Observation of Microstructure Evolution in 18Cr-ODS Steel Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation, Progress in Natural Sciences: Materials International(2012)
  2.The Effect of Crystal Orientation on the Behavior of Polycrystalline Tungsten Surface under Focused Ga+ Ion Bombardment, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B(2012)
  3.In-situ Observation of Surface Morphology Evolution in Tungsten under Focused Ga+ Ion Irradiation,Journal of Nuclear Materials(2012)
  4.颗粒形体因素影响静电发生的实验研究: 长方形,半圆形,中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议(2012)
  5.Investigation of erosion-corrosion of stainless Steel by Multiphase Jet Impingement,7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion(2012)
  6.Numerical investigation of nuclear waste deposition in turbulent duct flows,12th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE 2012)
  8.颗粒形体因素影响静电发生的实验研究: 三角形,梯形,中国颗粒学会第八届学术年会(2012)
  9.Experimental investigations of granular shape effects on electrostatic charge generation, Particuology(2012)
  10.Mechanism of particle transport in a fully developed wake flow, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(2012)
  11.Granular shape-volume effect on electrostatics –triangle, trapezium,5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, Singapore(2012)
  12.Granular shape-volume effect on electrostatics –half circle, rectangle,5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, Singapore(2012)
  13.Investigation of flow accelerate corrosion on secondary loop material in nuclear power stations,Symposium for Secondary Loop Pipe Management in Nuclear Power Stations, Shanghai(2011)
  14.Process tomographic measurements of granular flow in a pneumatic conveying system,The 9th International Conference Measurement and Control of Granular Materials, Shanghai(2011)
  15.Particle deposition in turbulent duct flows,2nd International Symposium on Materials and Reliability in Nuclear Power Plants, Shenyang(2011)
  16.粒状腐蚀产物在管道中的沉积机理, 金属学报(2011)
  17.Structural, electrical and magnetic measurements of oxide layers grown on 316L exposed on lead-bismuth, Journal of Nuclear Materials(2011)
  18.太阳能级晶体硅中杂质的质谱检测方法, 质谱学报(2011)
  19.A Paradigm Shift Needed for Nuclear Reactors – from Economies of Unit Scale to Economies of Production Scale, Proceedings of the 2009 International Congress on Advanced Power Plants(2009)
  20.N. Li, “Lead-Alloy Coolant Technology and Materials – Technology Readiness Level Assessment”, in publication in Progress in Nuclear Energy (2008).
  21.N. Li, “Size Matters - installed maximal unit size predicts market life cycles of electricity generation technologies and systems”, submitted to Energy Policy for publication (2007).
  22.J. Zhang, N. Li, “Review of the studies on fundamental issues in LBE corrosion”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 373 (2008) 351-377.
  23.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “Corrosion of ODS Steels in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, accepted for publication (2007).
  24.M. Machut, N. Li, et al. “Effects of Surface Roughness, Shot Peening, and Plasma-Assisted Elemental Surface Modification on Corrosion Resistance of Steels for use in Lead-Alloy Cooled Fast Reactors”, in Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, paper #7221, Nice, France, May 2007.
  25.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “Nano-indentation Measurement of Oxide Layers Formed in LBE on F/M Steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, accepted for publication (2007).
  26.M. Machut, K. Sridharan, N. Li, and T. Allen, “Modeling of Corrosion Mechanisms of Steels for Lead-Alloy Cooled Reactors”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, accepted for publication (2007).
  27.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “Characterization of In-Lead Bismuth Eutectic Grown Oxide Layers on D9”, to be submitted to Journal of Nuclear Materials (2007).
  28.J. Zhang and N. Li, “Modeling of Flow-Induced Corrosion with Nonuniform Boundary Conditions”, Corrosion Science, Vol. 63, No. 4, 330 (2007).
  29.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “A Nano-Scale Study of the Effects of Irradiation on Liquid Metal Corrosion and Mechanical Properties in Ferritic/Martensitic Steels”, to be submitted to Journal of Nuclear Materials (2007).
  30.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “Nano-Scale Characterization of HT-9 Exposed to Lead Bismuth Eutetic at 550oC for 3000h”, to be submitted to Journal of Nuclear Materials (2007).
  31.P. Hosemann, N. Li, et al. “Effects of Laser Peening on Steels in LBE Corrosion”, to be submitted to Journal of Nuclear Materials (2007).
  32.J. Zhang, N. Li, and Y. Chen, “Oxygen Control Technique in Molten Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Systems’, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 154, No. 2, 223 (2006).
  33.N. Li, J. Zhang, B. Sencer, D. Koury, “Surface treatment and history-dependent corrosion in lead alloys”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 562 (2006) 695-697.
  34.N. Li (co-author), “GNEP Small-Scale Reactor Technology Development Plan”, part of Technology Development Plan for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) prepared for US-DOE (2006).
  35.N. Li (contributor), “Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Technology Demonstration Plan”, prepared for US-DOE (2006).
  36.N. Li, J. Zhang, H. Yu, “Model-Based Analysis of Corrosion Test Results and Extraction of Long-Term Corrosion Rate”, final report for Gen IV LFR (2006).
  37.J. Zhang, N. Li, “Analysis of Liquid Metal Corrosion-Oxidation Interactions”, submitted to Corrosion Science (LA-UR-06-4116).
  38.J. Zhang, N. Li, “Comparisons of the Oxide Layer Between Static Liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic and Gas Environments”, in Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE14), Miami, US (2006).
  39.F. Niu, R. Candalino, N. Li, “Effect of Oxygen on Fouling Behavior in Lead-Bismuth Coolant Systems”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 366, Iss. 1-2, 216-222 (2007).
  40.N. Li, “Steel Corrosion in Heavy Liquid Metals”, ANS Transactions, 2006.
  41.J. Ma, N. Li, S. Ignatiev, and V. Kutanov, “Performance of Magnetic Hydro-Dynamic Pump in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Target Circuit (TC-1), Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  42.P. Hosemann, F. Olivas, N. Li, “Corrosion Resistance of Ferritic/Martensitic ODS Alloys in LBE Environment and Application of MA956”, Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  43.J. Lim, R. Ballinger, P. Stahle, and N. Li, “Effects of Chromium and Silicon on Iron-Alloy Corrosion in Pb-Bi Eutectic”, Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  44.R. Ballinger, J. Lim, and N. Li, “The Development and Production of Functionally Graded Composite Cladding and Structural Materials for Lead-Bismuth Service”, Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  45.J. Lim, N. Li and R. Ballinger, “Materials Testing in Supercritical CO2”, Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  46.K. Miu, R. Ballinger, N. Li, J. Lim and D. Rigual, “The Development of Autocatalytic Structural Materials for Use in the Sulfur-Iodine Process for the Production of Hydrogen”, Transactions of Amer. Nuc. Soc., 2006.
  47.P. Hejzlar, N. Li, J. Lim, “Chapter 7: Steel Corrosion in Carbon Dioxide”, MIT technical report (2006).
  48.N. Li, T. Song, “Annual Report: Development and Test of Cladding Materials for Lead-Alloy Cooled Transmutation Reactors”, International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Project #2004-005 between LANL and Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute/Seoul National University (2006).
  49.N. Li (co-author), “Interim Status Report on the Small Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor (SSTAR) Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) and Related Research and Development”, technical report, ANL-GenIV-068 (2005).
  50.N. Li, Lead-Alloy Coolant Technology and Materials – Technology Readiness Level Assessment, DOE/LANL technical report (2005).
  51.N. Li (co-author), Interim Status Report on the Small Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor (SSTAR)/Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) and Related Research and Development, ANL-GenIV-068 (2005).
  52.N. Li (co-author), Developing and Testing Fuel Cladding Materials for LBE Cooled Transmutation Reactors, DOE I-NERI annual report (2005).
  53.M. Machut, K. Sridiharan, N. Li, T. Allen, “Corrosion Performance of Surface Modified Materials for Lead-Cooled Reactors”, ANS Transactions (2005).
  54.F. Concetta, N. Li and B. Chan, Heavy Liquid Metal Materials Handbook Project, in Proceedings of Global2005, Tsukuba, Japan (2005).
  55.N. Li, Lead-Alloy Coolant Technology and Materials – Current State of Art, in Proceedings of International Congress of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2005).

以上是聚英厦大考研网为考生整理的"厦门大学能源学院核能导师介绍:李宁"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信H17720740258进行咨询。

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