作者:聚创华大考研网-余老师 点击量: 890 发布时间: 2018-09-04 17:12 【微信号:扫码加咨询】
热门关键词:华侨大学化工学院导师 华侨大学郭沛涌 硕士研究生导师
姓 名:郭沛涌
职 称: 教授
研 究 室/办公地点:泛华科技大楼B801
研究方向:环境生态学、水污染防治、环境生态修复技术、环境监测与评价、环境资源利用、 低碳与循环经济等
招生信息: 硕士招生专业: 环境科学;化学工程(专业学位)
1988.09至1992.07 河北大学生物系 本科
1996.09至1999.06 山东师范大学生物系 硕士
1999.09至2002.06 华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室 博士
1992.07-1996.08 石家庄焦化厂生化水处理分厂
2002.07- 2004.06 浙江大学环境与资源学院
2004.06-至今 华侨大学化工学院环境科学与工程系
本科生:环境生物学 环境保护与可持续发展
[2]教育部科学技术研究重点项目 (210253);
[1] Ding Lu, Peiyong Guo*, Jianfeng Ji, Liping Liu, Pan Yang.Evaluation of phosphorus distribution and bioavailability insediments of a subtropical wetland reserve in southeast China.Ecological Indicators,2016,66:556–563
[2] Jinjin Wan, Peiyong Guo*,Xiaofang Peng, Keqi Wen.Effect of erythromycin exposure on the growth,antioxidant system and photosynthesis of Microcystis flos-aquae. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015, 283: 778-786
[3] Jinjin Wan, Peiyong Guo*, Shengxiang Zhang. Response of the cyanobacterium Microcystis flos-aquae to levofloxacin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2014,21:3858-3865
[4] Xiaoyan Zhang, Peiyong Guo*, Jinxiu Huang, Xiufu Hou. Effects of suspended common-scale and nanoscale particles on the survival, growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna. Chemosphere,2013,93:2644–2649
[5] Peiyong Guo*,Ding Lu, Jiaying Jiang, Liye Zhan,Ruoshi Wang.Temporal-spatial distribution, environmental significance and release risks of phosphorus in the sediments of a tropical mountain’s deep drinking water reservoir in southeastern China. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability.2017,29(1): 170–178
[6] P. Y. Guo*,Y. Liu ,X. Wen, S. F. Chen.Effects of algicide on the growth of Microcystis flos-aquae and adsorption capacity to heavy metals. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol,2015,12(7):2339-2348
[7] Peiyong Guo*,Yang Liu,Cong Liu.Effects of chitosan, gallic acid, and algicide on the physiological and biochemical properties of Microcystis flos-aquae. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2015, 22(17):13514-13521
[8] Guo P.Y*,shen H.T,Wang J.H.Species diversity, community structure and distribution of phytoplankton in the Changjiang estuary during dry and flood periods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,2014,94(3):459-472
[9] 程劲竹,郭沛涌*,刘宁等.山美水库表层沉积物黑碳分布特征及其对磷形态的影响.中国环境科学,2014,34(4):259-265
[10] 黄伟,郭沛涌*,陈淑芳.蜘蛛兰去除不同程度富营养水体中氮磷及抑藻效应.环境工程学报,2014,8(1):62-66
[11] 陈淑芳,郭沛涌*,颜成淋等.V型水平管沉淀池装置设计与性能试验研究.给水排水,2014,40(7):162-164
[12] 郭沛涌,沈焕庭,刘阿成等.长江河口中小型浮游动物数量分布、变动及主要影响因素.生态学报,2008,28(8):3517-3526
以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"华侨大学化工学院导师简介:郭沛涌"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信H17720740258进行咨询。