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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1083 发布时间: 2018-09-04 16:51 微信号: H17720740258

  2013-至今美国University of Massachusetts—Amherst访问学者
  2002年法国Montpellier II大学科研中心水科学研究所(CNRS-MSE)博士论文研究
  先后主持国家自然科学基金项目2项;厦门市科技计划项目1项,福建省基金项目2项,福建省科技计划项目1项,教育部博士点专项基金项目1项;作为主要参加者参与多个研究项目,包括973计划前期研究专项、国家自然科学基金、科技部、省市科研项目和国际合作项目(中法最高级别的PRA科技合作招标项目);作为骨干成员参与组建了福建省防火阻燃材料重点实验室和福建省固体表面涂层材料技术开发基地两个省级平台。研究工作集中聚合物纳米杂化材料领域,包括模板控制导电高分子材料纳米形态构筑,导电聚合物复合材料的功能化研究,特别是应用作为甲醇燃料电池Pt催化剂载体;双亲性分子及嵌段共聚物的模板自组装;基于POSS单体纳米构筑单元以及POSS嵌段聚合物自组装的有机/无机纳米杂化材料等,近五年来在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed,Reactive & Functional Polymers, Soft Matter,Nanotechnology,J. Mater. Chem.,Synthetic Metals等国内外重要刊物上发表学术论文20余篇;获授权国家发明专利50余项;2008、2009年各有一项研究成果获得福建省科技进步二等奖(均为第二完成人)。
  [1] Xu, Y.T.*; Chen, M.; Xie, J. J.; Li, C.; Yang C.J.; Deng, Y.M.; Yuan,C.H.; Chang, F.C.; Dai, L.Z. *; Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of hybrid pH-sensitive block copolymer containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS), Reactive & Functional Polymers, 2013, 73, 1646-1655
  [2] Xu, Y.T.*; Xie, J. J.; Chen, L.N.; Yuan,C.H.; Pan Y.Y.; Cheng, L.; Luo, W.W.; Zeng, B.R.; Dai, L.Z. *; A Novel Hybrid Random Copolymer Poly(MAPOSS-co-NIPAM-co-OEGMA-co-2VP): Synthesis, Characterization, Self-Assembly Behaviors and Multiple Responsive Properties, Macromolecular Research, 2013, 21(12): 1338-1348.
  [3] Yuan, C. H.; Luo, W. A.; Zhong, L. N.; Deng, H. J.; Liu, J.; Xu, Y. T. *; Dai, L. Z. * Au @ Polymer Nanostructures with Tunable Permeability Shells for Selective Catalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3515-3519.
  [4] Xu, Y. T.; Ma, Y. Y.; Deng, Y. M.; Yang, C. J.; Chen, J. F.; Dai, L. Z.* Morphology and thermal properties of organic–inorganic hybrid material involving monofunctional-anhydride POSS and epoxy resin, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2011, 125 174–183.
  [5] Qu, B.; Xu, Y. T.*; Lin, S. J.; Zheng, Y. F.; Dai, L. Z.*; Fabrication of Pt nanoparticles decorated PPy-MWNTs composites and their electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation. Synthetic Metals 2010, 160, 732-742.
  [6] Qu, B.; Xu, Y. T.*; Deng, Y. M.; Peng, X. L.; Chen, J. F.; Dai, L. Z. * Polyaniline/Carbon Black Composite as Pt Electrocatalyst Supports for Methanol Oxidation: Synthesis and Characterization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 118: 2034-2042.
  [7] Xu, Y. T.; Lin, S. J.; Peng, X. L.; Luo, W. A.; Gal, J. Y.; Dai, L. Z.* In situ chemical fabrication of polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites as supports of Pt for methanol electrooxidation. Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 2010, 53:2006-2014.
  [8] Xu, Y. T.; Yuan, C. H.; Deng, Y. M.; Jiang, N. N.; Yang, C. J.; Chen, J. F.; Luo, W. A.; Zeng, B. R.; He, N.; Han, G. B.; Dai, L. Z.* Controlled synthesis, Self-assembly, and Funtionalization of Polymer Nano-hydrid Materials, Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 2011, 41(4): 587-608.
  [9].  Yuan, C. H.; Xu, Y. T.; Luo, W. A.; Zeng, B. R.; Qiu, W.H.; Liu, J.; Huang, H.L.; Dai, L.Z. *; Platinum-nanoparticle-supported core–shell polymer nanospheres with unexpected water stability and facile further modification. Nanotechnology 2012, 23, 175301-175309.
  [10] Yuan, C. H.; Xu, Y. T.; Jiang, N. N.; Chen, G. J.; Xu, B. B.; He, N.; Dai, L. Z. * Colloidosomes constructed by the seamless connection of nanoparticles: a mobile and recyclable strategy to intelligent capsules, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3366-3372.
  [11] Yuan, C. H.; Xu, Y. T.; Liao, Y. F.; Lin, S. J.; He,N. *; Dai, L. Z. * Morphology tailoring and temperature sensitivity control of waist cross-linked micelles and evaluation of their application as intelligent drug carriers, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 9968-9975.
  [12] Jiang N. N.; Xu, Y. T.; He, N. ; Chen, J. F.; Deng, Y. M.; Yuan, C. H.; Han, G. B.; Dai, L. Z.* Synthesis of Walnut-like Hierarchical Structure with Superhydrophobic and Conductive Properties, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 2010, 20, 10847-10855.
  [13] 许一婷, 高辉, 谢剑杰, 邓胡军, 李聪, 戴李宗. 基于原位自由基共聚技术的复合水凝胶制备及表征, 高分子材料科学与工程, 2013, 29(9): 52-57

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