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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 852 发布时间: 2018-09-04 16:43 微信号: H17720740258

  请参见:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-4129-2010; 个人网页:http://www.xray-crystal.com。
  精通X-射线衍射分析,主要从事矿物及矿物的人工合成, 功能晶体材料、功能陶瓷、无机化合物的合成、结构及其性能研究,矿物及粘土的综合开发和利用(如高岭土除铁)等相关领域研究。现从事的课题主要方向有:(1)、锂离子电池正极材料研究(硅酸盐); (2)、新型硼酸盐晶体的合成;(3)、新型磷酸盐晶体的合成; (4)、高岭土除铁研究; (5)、高岭土合成人工沸石研究。
  作为项目负责人主持或完成 “硼磷酸盐和磷酸盐的合成及X射线衍射研究(No.01-03)(美国ICDD基金)”、“我省高岭土中铁的赋存状态研究”(福建省自然科学基金,E0410003)、“水磷铁矿调制结构和含水磷酸铁矿物人工合成研究(国家自然科学基金, No.40472027)”、 “铁的迁徙行为与劣质高岭土的综合利用研究, 国家自然科学基金, No.40972035)”等国家、省部、国际合作和企业委托各类项目二十余项。已在国内、外Chem. Mater., J. Mater. Chem.,Inorg. Chem., CrystEngComm., J. Phys. Chem. C, J. Solid State Chem., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., Can. Mineral., Mineral. Mag., Acta Crystallogr. E, Z. Krist-new. Cryst. St.等本学科主要杂志上,发表学术论文一百余篇,已有74篇论文被SCI收录。发表的晶体结构单晶数据已有82个被ICSD(无机晶体结构数据库,德国,截至2012年)收录,已有38个新的XRD粉末图谱被《美国国际衍射中心》收录作为XRD国际标准图谱(如ICDD-JCPDS No. 50-208、52-691等)。“氟碳铈钡矿(Cebaite)二级超结构的测定”获1988年度地质矿产部科技进步三等奖。代表性著作有《无机材料晶体结构》(电子版),1999年获新闻出版署颁发的首届“国家电子出版物奖”的“提名奖”(其中科技类最后仅有两项进入“提名奖” ),2000年获福建省教育厅颁发的“网络与多媒体课件”二等奖,教育部颁发的“网络与多媒体课件”三等奖。现有“一种锂离子电池正极材料硅酸锰锂的制备方法(ZL201010109811.7)”和“一种云母的提纯方法(ZL201210134174.8)”等多项发明专利获得授权。主讲的“晶体学基础”入选超星学术视频(http://ssvideo.chaoxing.com/)网络名师公开课。
  1.      Zhao, B. C., Sun, W., Ren, W. J., Huang, Y. X., Li, Z. C., Pan, Y. M., Mi, J. X.* (2013), Hygroscopic La[B5O8(OH)]NO3] 2H2O: Insight into the evolution of borate fundamental building blocks, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 206, 91-98.
  2.      Hu, Z. B., Wang, C. X., Tong, C. Q., Huang, Y. X., Pan, Y. M., Mi, J. X.* (2013), Crystal structure and magnetic property of synthetic gengenbachite, KH8(Fe2.66Al0.34)(PO4)6?6H2O, Canadian Mineralogist, 51 (2), 223-232.
  3.      Huang, Y. X., Liu, B., Wen, L., Zhang, X., Sun, W., Lin, J., Huang, C. Z., Zhuang, R. C., Mi, J. X., Zhao, J. T. (2013), Structural Assembly from Phosphate to Germanophosphate by Applying Germanate as a Binder, Inorganic Chemistry, 52 (16), 9169-9171.
  4.      Zhang, W., Duchesne, P. N., Gong, Z. L., Wu, S. Q., Ma, L., Jiang, Z., Zhang, S., Zhang, P., Mi, J. X., Yang, Y. (2013), In Situ Electrochemical XAFS Studies on an Iron Fluoride High-Capacity Cathode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (22), 11498-11505.
  5.      Lv, D. P., Bai, J. Y., Zhang, P., Wu, S. Q., Li, Y. X., Wen, W., Jiang, Z., Mi, J. X., Zhu, Z. Z., Yang, Y. (2013), Understanding the High Capacity of Li2FeSiO4: In Situ XRD/XANES Study Combined with First-Principles Calculations, Chemistry of Materials, 25 (10), 2014-2020.
  6.      Sun, W., Huang, Y. X., Pan, Y. M., Mi, J. X.* (2012), Investigation on pseudosymmetry, twinning and disorder in crystal structure determinations: Ba(H2O)M2III[PO3(OH)]4 (M=Fe, V) as examples, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 187, 89-96.
  7.      Sun, W., Zhao, B. C., Huang, Y. X., Mi, J. X.* (2012), Cerium(III) dihydroxidohexaoxidotetraborate chloride, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 68, I17-U156.
  8.      Huang, Y. X., Zhang, X., Huang, X., Schnelle, W., Lin, J., Mi, J. X., Tang, M. B., Zhao, J. T. (2012), Two Isotypic Transition Metal Germanophosphates M4II(H2O)4Ge(OH)2(HPO4)2(PO4)2 (MII = Fe, Co): Synthesis, Structure, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, and Magnetic Properties, Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (5), 3316-3323.
  9.      Kang, Y. J., Liu, C. M., Kuang, X. J., Mi, J. X., Liang, H. B., Su, Q. (2012), Synthesis and luminescence properties of the lithium-containing lanthanum-oxycarbonate-like borates, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 194, 225-232.
  10.    Sun, W., Huang, Y. X., Li, Z. C., Pan, Y. M., Mi, J. X.* (2011), Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite, Canadian Mineralogist, 49 (3), 823-834.
  11.    Zhou, Y., Hoffmann, S., Menezes, P. W., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Huang, Y. X., Vasylechko, L., Schmidt, M., Prots, Y., Deng, J. F., Mi, J. X., Kniep, R. (2011), Nanoporous titanium borophosphates with rigid gainesite-type framework structure, Chem. Commun., 47 (42), 11695-11696.
  12.    Zhou, Y., Hoffmann, S., Huang, Y. X., Prots, Y., Schnelle, W., Menezes, P. W., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Sichelschmidt, J., Mi, J. X., Kniep, R. (2011), K3Ln[OB(OH)2]2[HOPO3]2 (Ln=Yb, Lu): Layered rare-earth dihydrogen borate monohydrogen phosphates, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184 (6), 1517-1522.
  13.    Lv, D. P., Wen, W., Huang, X. K., Bai, J. Y., Mi, J. X., Wu, S. Q., Yang, Y. (2011), A novel Li2FeSiO4/C composite: Synthesis, characterization and high storage capacity, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (26), 9506-9512.
  14.    Mi, J. X.*, Wang, C. X., Chen, N., Li, R., Pan, Y. M. (2010), Synthesis and crystal structure of a new open-framework iron phosphate (NH4)4Fe3(OH)2F2[H3(PO4)4]: Novel linear trimer of corner-sharing Fe(III) octahedra, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183, 2763-2769.
  15.    Sun, H. Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, Y. X., Sun, W., Mi, J. X.* (2010), Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and Thermal Behavior of YB2O3(OH)3, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 29 (9), 1387-1393.
  16.    Sun, H. Y., Sun, W., Huang, Y. X., Mi, J. X.* (2010), Low Temperature Flux Synthesis and Characterizations of a New Layered Barium Borate BaB8O11(OH)4, Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 636 (6), 977-981.
  17.    Zhou, Y., Huang, Y. X., Pan, Y. M., Mi, J. X.* (2009), Single-crystal microtubes of a novel apatite-type compound, (Na2.5Bi2.5)(PO4)3(F,OH), with well-faceted hexagonal cross sections, CrystEngComm, 11 (9), 1863-1867.
  18.    Wang, L., Zhou, Y., Huang, Y. X., Mi, J. X.* (2009), Ammonium iron(III) phosphate(V) fluoride, (NH4)0.5[(NH4)0.375K0.125]FePO4F, with ammonium partially substituted by potassium, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 65, I4-U118.
  19.    Zhuang, R. C., Chen, X. Y., Mi, J. X.* (2008), Lithium manganese(II) diaquaboro-phosphate monohydrate, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 64, I46-U11.
  20.    Mi, J. X.*, Luo, S. M., Sun, H. Y., Liu, X. X., Wei, Z. B. (2008), Syntheses and characterization of elpasolite-type ammonium alkali metal hexafluorometallates(III), Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181 (8), 1723-1730.

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