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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1511 发布时间: 2018-08-31 16:38 微信号: H17720740258

  复旦大学 博士(2010)
  研究方向: 海量数据的智能管理数据挖掘机器学习推荐系统
  所属部门: 计算机科学系
  chenlin (AT) xmu.edu.cn
  CCF会员,ACM member, IEEE member
  Program Committee of ICMLA2011, HOTPOST 2011, P2PNet 2010, ICCSE 2011,APWeb 2014,2015,2016
  基于云计算的大规模Web Usage数据实时挖掘研究,深圳市科技创新基础研究,2012-2015
  Xiangrong Liu, Runquan Xie, Chen Lin, Liujuan Cao. Question microblog identification and answer recommendation. Multimedia Systems. DOI:10.1007/s00530-014-0411-z (SCI IF2013=0.443)
  Runquan Xie, Feida Zhu, Hui Ma, Wei Xie, Chen Lin. CLEar: A Realtime Online Observatory for Bursty and Viral Events. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2014.(CCF A类会议) 1637-1640
  Chen Lin, Wenqiang Chen, Cheng Qiu, Yunfeng Wu, Sridhar Krishnan, Quan Zou*. LibD3C: Ensemble Classifiers with a Clustering and Dynamic Selection Strategy. Neurocomputing. 2014,123:424-435 (SCI: 251EC JCR3区, IF2011=1.58)
  Jingjing Wang, Chen Lin*. MapReduce Based Personalized Locality Sensitive Hashing for Similarity Joins on Large Scale Data. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (SCI IF2014=0.596)
  Chen Lin, Haiyang Yu, Wei Weng, Xianmang He. Large-scale Similarity Join with Edit-distance Constraints. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) 2014 (CCF B类会议) 328-342
  *Lin C, Xie R, Guan X, Li Lei, Li T, 2014. Personalized news recommendation via implicit social experts, Information Sciences, 254: 1-18. (SCI: 242AS JCR2区,IF 2012=3.643)
  *Lin C, Lin Z, Zou.Q, 2013. Hybrid pseudo relevance feedback for microblog retrieval, Journal of Information Science, 39(6): 773-788 (SCI:251WT JCR3区, IF2011=1.299)
  *Lin C, Zou Y, Qin J, Liu X, Jiang Y, Ke C, Zou Q, 2013. Hierarchical classification of protein folds using a novel ensemble classifier, Plos One, 8(2): e56499. (SCI:0931E JCR2区, IF2010=4.411)
  Lin Chen, and et al, Generating event storylines from microblogs,CIKM 2012 - Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CCF B类会议)
  Lin Chen,and et al, PRemiSE: Personalized news recommendation via implicit social experts,CIKM 2012 - Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CCF B类会议)
  Lin Chen,and et al,Identify Content Quality in Online Social Networks,IET Communications,Vol 6,Iss 12,pp 1618-1624(2012) (SCI 2015=0.742)
  邹权,唐振坤,蒋文瑞,林琛。基于MapReduce的网站运行状态监控与异常检测。发明专利(ZL 2012 0095037.8)(2014-05-12)

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