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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1717 发布时间: 2018-08-31 14:26 微信号: H17720740258

  武汉大学 博士(2007)
  研究方向: 智能机器人,多目标优化,机器学习(迁移学习,深度学习)
  所属部门: 智能科学与技术系
  minjiang (AT) email-service-provided-by-Xiamen.University
  2013级 研究生:黄忠强 徐骏捷
  2014级 研究生:夏天宇
  2015级 研究生:邱立明 潘戈强
  2016级 研究生:王敏敏
  2016级 研究生:胡伟圳
  IEEE认知与发育系统汇刊副主编(Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, JCR3区), 2017-
  IEEE Systems Journal, “类人智能与机器人”专刊(Special Issue of Human-like Intelligence and Robotics),客座编辑 (Guest Editor)( IF 3.882)
  IEEE WCCI‘2016,ICACI’2015, ISNN’2013,全国理论计算机年会(12,13,14)等多个国际国内学术会议程序委员会委员或组委会成员;
  IEEE计算智能学会北京(厦门)分会主席 (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Beijing Section Xiamen Chapter, Founding Chair) (2013- )
  IEEE高级会员 (MIEEE’201l, SMIEEE’2012)
  IEEE计算智能学会社会媒体分委员会副主席(IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Social Media Subcommittee, Vice Chair) (2013-)
  IEEE计算智能学会新兴技术委员会委员 (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Emergent Technologies Technical Committee, Member ), (2012-2016)
  IEEE 计算智能学会智能系统应用委员会机器人专业委员会委员(IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,the Robotics Task Force of the Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee, Member)(2013-)
  中国计算机学会理论计算机专业委员会委员 (2012 - )
  IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, Soft Computing, Neurocomputing,International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Algorithmica等国际期刊审稿人
  面向异构机器人的进化深度学习及其迁移方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2017-2020)
  M. JIANG. L.M. Qiu, Z.Q. Huang, G. Yen (*),Dynamic Multi-objective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Domain Adaptation and Nonparametric Estimation, Information Science (4.832, JCR1). Online
  M. Jiang, Z.Q. Huang, L.M. Qiu, W.Z. Huang and G. Yen(*), Transfer Learning based Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (IF 10.629, JCR1), Online.
  M Jiang, Wenzheng HUANG, Zhongqiang HUANG and Gary YEN, Integration of Global and Local Metrics for Domain Adaptation Learning via Dimensionality Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (IF 7.384, JCR1). Vol. 47, Issue 1, Pages 38-51
  M Jiang et.al, Editoral: Human-like Intelligence and Robotics, IEEE Systems Journal. (IF 3.882, JCR 2)
  Y Wu, M Jiang (*), Z Huang, F Chao, C Zhou, An NP-complete fragment of fibring logic, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, December 2015, Volume 75, Issue 3, pp 391-417
  Chao F, Lee M, *Jiang M, Zhou C, 2014. An infant development-inspired approach to robot hand-eye coordination, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(15).
  Chao F, Wang Z, Shang C, Meng Q, Jiang M, Zhou C, *Shen Q, 2014. A developmental approach to robotic pointing via human-robot interaction, Information Sciences, 283: 288-303.
  Jiang M, Ding Y, Goertzel B, et al. Improving machine vision via incorporating expectation-maximization into Deep Spatio-Temporal learning[C], 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2014: 1804-1811.
  Chao, Fei, Fuhai Chen, Yunhang Shen, Wenli He, Yan Sun, Zhengshuai Wang, Changle Zhou, and Min Jiang (*). "Robotic Free Writing of Chinese Characters via Human–Robot Interactions." International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 11, no. 01 (2014): 1450007.
  Chao, Fei, Mark H. Lee, Min Jiang(*), and Changle Zhou. "An infant development-inspired approach to robot hand-eye coordination." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 11 (2014).
  Cai Z, Ben Goertzel, *Zhou C, Huang D, Ke S, GinoYu, Jiang M, 2013. OpenPsi: a novel computational affective model and its application in video games, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 26(1): 1-668.
  Chao F, Zhang X, Lin H, Zhou C, *Jiang M, 2013. Learning robotic hand-eye coordination through a developmental constraint driven approach, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 10(5): 414-424.
  Cai Z, Ben Goertzel, *Zhou C, Huang D, Ke S, GinoYu, Jiang M, 2013. OpenPsi: a novel computational affective model and its application in video games, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 26(1): 1-668.
  Min JIANG YU YANG et.al,Fuzzy Neural Network Based Dynamic Path Planning,International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2012,15-17 July 2012

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