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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 2605 发布时间: 2018-08-31 14:20 微信号: H17720740258

  国防科学技术大学 博士(2009)
  研究方向: 计算机视觉机器学习多媒体信息检索行人检测与人体行为分析
  所属部门: 智能科学与技术系
  szlig (AT) xmu.edu.cn
  福建省人工智能学会副理事长兼秘书长, 2008-
  Su S, Liu Z, Xu S, Li S, *Ji R, 2014. Depth image feature learning based on sparse auto-encoder for human detection, Signal Processing, Doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2014.11.003.
  Su S, Lan Z, *Li S, Chen S. Category-specific scene categorization, 2014. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2014.953239.
  Cao D, *Ji R, Lin D, Li S, 2014. A cross-media public sentiment analysis system for microblog, Multimedia Systems, August 26.
  Cao D, *Ji R, Lin D, Li S, 2014. Visual sentiment topic model based microblog image sentiment analysis, Multimedia Tools and Applications, November 4.
  Li K, Chen S, Su S, Duh D, Zhang H, *Li S, 2014. Logo detection with extendibility and discrimination, Multimedia Tools Appl, 72(2): 1285-1310.
  Zhang H, Li S, Chen S, Su S, Duh D, *Li S, 2014. Adaptive photograph retrieval method, Multimedia Tools Appl, 70(3): 2189-2209.
  Chen S, *Li S, Su S, Cao D, Ji R, 2014. Online semi-supervised compressive coding for robust visual tracking, J. Visual Communication and Image Representation, 25(5): 793-804.
  Chen S, *Li S, Su S, Tian Q, Ji R, 2014. Online MIL tracking with instance-level semi-supervised learning. Neurocomputing, 139: 272-288.
  Zhang H, *Li S, Su S, Chen S, 2013. Selecting effective and discriminative spatio-temporal interest points for recognizing human action, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E96-D(8): 1783-1792.
  Lei Q,* Li S, Zhang H, 2013. Learning discriminative visual codebook for human action recognition, Journal of Computers, 8(12): 3093-3102.
  Zhang Hong-Bo,…,Li Shao Zi, Adaptive photograph retrieval method,Multimedia Tools and Applications (2012)
  Cai G, Pierre-Marc J, Li S, Wu Y, Su S, Huang Z, 2013. Perspective-SIFT: An efficient tool for low-altitude remote sensing image registration, Signal Processing, 93(11): 3088-3110.
  蔡国榕,*李绍滋,吴云东,苏松志,陈水利. 一种透视不变的图像匹配算法,自动化学报,2013, 39(7): 1053-1061.
  Lei Q,* Li S, Zhang H, 2013. Learning discriminative visual codebook for human action recognition, Journal of Computers, 8(12): 3093-3102.
  Zhang H, *Li S, Chen S, Su S, Lin X, Cao D, 2013. Locating and recognizing multiple human actions by searching for maximum-score subsequences, Signal, Image and Video Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-013-0501-y.
  石蒙蒙,*李绍滋,曹冬林,陈淑媛. 基于结构化局部边缘模式的文档图像分类,厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 52(3): 349-356.
  Zhang H, *Li S, Su S, Chen S, 2013. Selecting effective and discriminative spatio-temporal interest points for recognizing human action, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E96-D(8): 1783-1792.
  *Li S, Lu Y, Yang K, *Li S, 2013. ECG analysis using multiple instance learning for myocardial infarction detection, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Egineering, 59(12): 3348-3356.
  Zhang Lichao,…, Li Shaozi, A kinect based golf swing reorganization and segmentation system,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,7719(2012)
  Xiao Ke, Shaozi Li and Donglin Cao, Automatic image annotation based on relevant visual keywords,Computer Research and Development,49,4(2012)
  Xiao Ke, Shaozi Li*, Donglin Cao, A two-level model for automatic image annotation,MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,Vol 61,Iss 1,pp 195-212(2012)
  Li Sun,..., Shaozi Li*,ECG Analysis Using Multiple Instance Learning for Myocardial Infarction Detection,IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engineering,Vol 59,Iss 12,pp 3348-3356(2012)

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