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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 785 发布时间: 2018-08-31 11:40 微信号: H17720740258

  美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers Univ.) 博士(2009)
  研究方向: 无线通信,网络安全,大数据,机器学习
  所属部门: 网络空间安全系通信工程系
  lxiao (AT) xmu.edu.cn
  IEEE 高级会员, 中国计算机学会高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员, 中国计算机学会网络与数据通信专委会委员
  Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Since May 2016
  Member of CCF Technical Committee on Networking and Data Communications
  Senior Member of IEEE
  Member of ACM
  Editor, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2013
  Associate Editor, Wiley's Security and Communication Networks Journal, 2013
  Associate Editor, IET Communications, 2015
  Senior Member of China Computer Federation (CCF)
  Senior Member of Chinese Institute of Electronics
  L. Xiao, L. J. Greenstein, N. B. Mandayam, and W. Trappe, "Chapter 13: Channel-Based Authentication", in "Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer," W. Trappe and R. Liu, Eds., Springer-Verlag New York, 2010.
  L. Xiao, "Anti-jamming Transmissions in Cognitive Radio Networks," Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-24290-3.
  C. Zhao, L. Xiao et al., "Secure relay selection based on learning with negative externality in wireless networks," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, pp. 1-7, April 2013.
  L. Xiao, Q. Yan, W. Lou, G. Chen, Y.T. Hou, "Proximity-based Security Techniques for Mobile Users in Wireless Networks," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, pp. 2089-2100, vol. 8, no. 12, Dec 2013.
  L. Xiao, N. B. Mandayam, and H. V. Poor, "Prospect Theoretic Analysis of Energy Exchange Among Microgrids," IEEE Trans. Smart Grids, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 63-72, Jan. 2015.
  L. Xiao, T. Chen, J. Liu, H. Dai, "Anti-jamming Transmission Stackelberg Game with Observation Errors," IEEE Comm. Letters, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 949-952, Jun. 2015.
  L. Xiao, Y. Li, J. Liu, Y. Zhao, "Power Control with Reinforcement Learning in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks against Jamming," Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 1-21, April 2015.
  L. Xiao, J. Liu, Q. Li, N. B. Mandayam, and H. V. Poor, "User-centric View of Jamming Games in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 2578-2590, Dec. 2015.
  J. Liu, L. Xiao, G. Liu, Y. Zhao, “Active authentication with reinforcement learning based on ambient radio signals," Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 2-22, Oct. 2015.
  L. Xiao, Y. Li, G. Han, G. Liu, W. Zhuang, "PHY-layer Spoofing Detection with Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Networks," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2016.
  L. Xiao, C. Xie, T. Chen, H. Dai, H. V. Poor, "A Mobile Offloading Game Against Smart Attacks," IEEE Access, 2016.
  L. Xiao, Q. Yan, W. Lou and Y. T. Hou, "Proximity-based security using ambient radio signals," in Proc. IEEE International conference on communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
  L. Xiao, Y. Chen, K.J.R Liu, "Anti-Cheating Prosumer Energy Exchange based on Indirect Reciprocity," in Proc. IEEE International conference on communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
  L. Xiao, J. Liu, Y. Li, N. B. Mandayam, and H. V. Poor, "Prospect theoretic analysis of anti-jamming communications in cognitive radio networks," in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM'14), Dec. 2014.
  L. Xiao, J. Liu, Q. Li, and H. V. Poor, "Secure Mobile Crowdsensing Game," in Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Commun., (ICC), London, Jun., 2015.
  J. Liu, L. Xiao, Y. Li and L. Huang, "User-Centric Analysis on Jamming Game with Action Detection Error," in Proc. Int’l Conf. on Game Theory for Networks, Beijing, China, Dec. 2014.
  Y. Li, L. Xiao, J. Liu and Y. Tang, "Power Control Stackelberg Game in Cooperative Anti-Jamming Communications," in Proc. Int’l Conf. on Game Theory for Networks, Beijing, China, Dec. 2014.
  T. Chen, J. Liu, L. Xiao and L. Huang, "Learning-based Anti-jamming Transmissions in Heterogenous Cognitive Radio Networks", in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, So-HetNets Workshop, New Orleans, LA, Mar. 2015.
  G. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Li, L. Xiao and Y. Tang, "Detection of Jamming Attacks over Smartphones," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Glasgow, Scotland, May 2015.
  G. Chen, Y. Li, L. Xiao and L. Huang, "Collaborative Anti-jamming Broadcast with Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping over USRP," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Glasgow, Scotland, May 2015.
  Y. Li, Q. Li, J. Liu, L. Xiao, "Mobile Cloud Offloading for Malware Detections with Learning," in Proc. International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), -BigSecurity, Hongkong, April 2015.
  L. Xiao, Y. Li, G. Liu, Q. Li, W. Zhuang, "Spoofing Detection with Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Networks," in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2015.
  L. Xiao, Q. Li, T. Chen, E. Cheng, H. Dai, "Jamming Games in Underwater Sensor Networks with Reinforcement Learning," in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2015.
  L. Xiao, T. Chen, C. Xie, J. Liu, "Mobile Crowdsensing Game in Vehicular Networks," in Proc. IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), invited talk, Nov. 2015.
  L. Xiao, C. Xie, T. Chen, H. Dai, H. V. Poor, "Mobile Offloading Game Against Smart Attacks," in Proc. International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), -BigSecurity, San Francisco, CA, April 2015. (Best paper award)
  Liang Xiao*, Chunxuan Ye, Suhas Mathur, Yogendra C Shah, Alexander Reznik, "Authentication for secure wireless communication, " 美国专利:PCTUS0957477,已授权.(2014-06-19)
  肖亮*、颜蜜、杜亮、黄联芬. "一种基于联合干扰的防御认知无线电自私攻击方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN102625313B,已授权.(2014-07-02)
  肖亮*、康姗、颜蜜. "基于传感器的认知无线网络对多种类型攻击的检测方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN102595411B,已授权.(2014-07-02)
  肖亮*、陈天花、刘金亮、唐余亮. "一种邻近无线终端间会话密钥的生成方法[P]. " 中国专利: CN104105093A,已公开.(2014-10-15)
  肖亮*、陈桂权、李燕. "基于非协调跳频的认知无线网络抗敌意干扰协作广播方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN103987018A,已公开.(2014-08-13)
  肖亮*、李燕、陈桂权、黄联芬、唐余亮. "一种基于信誉的智能手机群众外包的激励方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104104737A, 已公开.(2014-10-15)
  肖亮*、刘金亮、陈天花、唐余亮、黄联芬. "一种邻近移动终端用户间的认证方法[P]. " 中国专利: CN104093145A,已公开.(2014-10-08)
  肖亮*、李强达、陈桂权、黄联芬、唐余亮. "一种检测和识别考场内开机手机的方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104092505B,已授权.(2016-02-17)
  肖亮*、陈桂权、周长华、李燕. "基于Q学习的认知无线电抗敌意干扰方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104581738A,已公开.(2015-04-29)
  肖亮*、陈天花、徐亦舒、李燕、陈桂权. "一种移动终端的计算任务的云端转移方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104767833A,已公开.(2015-07-08)
  肖亮*、周长华、陈桂权、刘金亮. "基于多用户强化学习的认知无线网络抗敌意干扰方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104994569A,已公开.(2015-10-21)
  肖亮*、刘国隆、李燕. "一种基于强化学习的无线信道指纹方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104918249A,已公开.(2015-09-16)
  肖亮*、李炎达、刘金亮、李燕. "一种基于移动群智感知的路况信息汇集方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN104700640A,已公开.(2015-06-10)
  肖亮*、谢彩霞、陈天花、李炎达. "一种车载网络的移动群智感知方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN105119987A,已公开.(2015-05-02)
  肖亮*、李炎达、谢彩霞、刘金亮. "一种移动终端的云病毒检测方法[P]. " 中国专利:CN105246077A,已公开.(2016-01-13)

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