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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 884 发布时间: 2018-08-23 16:42 微信号: H17720740258

  工学硕士 (石油大学,1987)
  理学学士 (厦门大学,1982)
  R & D of important industrial catalysts;Catalytic technology of new-form energy;Catalytic technology of petro-chemicals; Thermodynamics and kinetics of catalytic reaction)
  “Investigations on the effect of Cu2+/Cu+ redox couples and oxygen vacancies on photocatalytic activity of treated LaNi1-xCuxO3 (x=0.1, 0.4, 0.5)”, J.-J. Li, J.-L. Zeng, L.-J. Jia, W.-P. Fang, Inter. J. Of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35, 12733-12740.
  “Influence of copper content on structural features and performance of pre-reduced LaMn1-xCuxO3 (0 <= x < 1) catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2/H2”, L.-S. Jia LS, J. Gao, W.-P. Fang, Q.-B. Li QB, J. Of Rare Earths, 2010, 28, 747-751
  “Effect of preparation methods of aluminum emulsions on catalytic performance of copper-based catalysts for methanol synthesis from syngas”, L.-L. Wang, W. Ding, Y.-W. Liu, W.-P. Fang, Y.-Q. Yang, J. Of Natural Gas Chem , 2010, 19, 487-492
  “Alumina Supported H3PW12O40 and Ni Catalysts for Hydrocracking of n-Decane”, J.-Y. Sheng, B Qiu, H Jin, X.-D. Yi, W.-P. Fang, Asian J. Of Chem. , 2010, 22, 4439-4449
  “Enhancement of activity of LaNi0.7Cu0.3O3 for photocatalytic water splitting by reduction treatment at moderate temperature” J.-J. Li, L.-S. Jia, W.-P. Fang, J.-L. Zeng, Inter. J. Of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35 Sp. Iss. SI, 5270-5275
  “Promoting effect of an aluminum emulsion on catalytic performance of Cu-based catalysts for methanol synthesis from syngas”, L.-L. Wang, L.-M. Yang, Y.-H. Zhang, W Ding, S.-P. Chen, W.-P. Fang, Y.-Q. Yang, Fuel Processing Tech. , 2010, 91, 723-728
  “Influence of H4SiW12O40 loading on hydrocracking activity of non-sulfide Ni-H4SiW12O40/SiO2 catalysts” H. Jin, X.-D. Yi, X.-D Sun, B. Qiu, W.-P. Fang, W.-Z. Weng, H.-L. Wan, Fuel, , 2010, 89, 1953-1960
  “Effects of tungsten on the catalytic activity of Ni-W catalysts for the hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons” J.-Y. Sheng, X.-D. Yi, F. Li, W.-P. Fang, Reaction Kinetics Mechenisms and Catal., 2010, 99, 371-379
  “Water gas shift activity of Co-Mo/MgO-Al2O3 catalysts presulfided with ammonium sulfide” Y.-X. Lian, H.-F. Wang, W.-P. Fang, Y.-Q. Yang, J. Of Natural Gas Chem., 2010, 19, 61-66
  “Removal of SO2 at low temperature using dead Bacillus licheniformis”, L.-S. Jia, H. Song,W.-P. Fang, Q.-B. Li, J. Gao, J.-J. Li, Q.-F. Zhang, Fuel, 2010, 89, 672-676
  “Effect of H2/CO2 mixture gas treatment temperature on the activity of LaNiO3 catalyst for hydrogen production from formaldehyde aqueous solution under visible light” L.-S, Jia, J.-J. Li, W.-P. Fang, J. Of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 489, L13-L16

  Selected Targets of Current Interest

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