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作者:聚创华大考研网-余老师 点击量: 784 发布时间: 2018-08-21 09:00 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

热门关键词:华侨大学信息科学与工程学院导师  华侨大学王怀谦  硕士研究生导师  




20116月毕业于四川大学原子与分子物理专业,获理学博士学位。曾获2010年宝钢教育奖,入选2014年福建省新世纪优秀人才计划、2013年福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划和2015年泉州市高层次创业创新人才。主要从事纳米团簇结构与物性研究,先后主持承担包括国家自然科学基金在内七项科研项目,已在国际SCI杂志J. Chem. Phys.》、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》、《RSC Adv.》、《J. Phys. Chem.》、《Chem. Phys. Lett.和《Phys. Lett. A》等公开发表科研论文三十余篇,其中有15篇重要的研究文章发表在影响因子大于2.0的国际著名刊物上,JCR 2区及以上SCI论文18篇,累积影响因子大于70,研究论文受到广泛关注,被包括Chem. Rev.(影响因子46.568)在内的国际权威SCI期刊累计引用211篇次。现为J. Phys. Chem. Lett.》、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》、《J. Chem. Phys.》、《Phys. Lett. A等国际期刊的评审专家。


2011.06  四川大学原子与分子物理研究所 获理学博士学位

2006.06    鲁东大学物理与电子工程学院 获理学学士学位


(1) 纳米团簇结构与物性

(2) 凝聚态中的原子分子物理问题

(3) 过渡金属和稀土金属络合材料的微观结构与光谱学















(1)国家自然科学基金(11247257)   :贵金属纳米簇合物微观结构与光电子能谱的理论研究 (2013.01~2013.12) (项目负责人,已圆满结题)

(2) 2014年福建省新世纪优秀人才项目(2014FJ-NCET-ZR07):硅/锗基稀土掺杂结构单元设计、性能及应用 (2014.09~2017.08) (项目负责人)

(3)2013年福建省高校杰出青年科研人才计划项目(JA13009):基于Kick方法对稀土掺杂硅、锗化物结构优化、磁性和光电子谱的研究(2013.09~2016.08) (项目负责人)

(4) 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2017J01001):硅/锗基稀土掺杂团簇优化设计及性能研究(2017.04~ 2020.04) (项目负责人)

(5) 福建省自然科学基金青年项目(2012J05005):贵金属纳米团簇微观结构、光电子能谱研究及其应用 (2012.01~2014.12) (项目负责人,已圆满结题)

(6)中央高校基本科研业务费国家自然科学基金培育计划专项项目(JB-ZR1201):铂金纳米簇合物微观结构与光电子能谱研究及应用 (2012.08~2015.08) (项目负责人)

(7)华侨大学引进人才科研启动项目(11BS421):纯金与掺杂金二元金属团簇的密度泛函研究 (2011.12~2013.11) (项目负责人,已圆满结题)

(8)福建省自然科学基金青年项目(2014J05006):有机镧系金属三明治团簇的电子性质和磁性研究(2014.01~2017.12) (参研)

(9)福建省自然科学基金青年项目(2013J05010):铌锌酸铅-钛酸铅系列弛豫铁电单晶机电性能的优化 (2013.01~2015.12) (参研,已结题)

(10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(10974138):稀土掺杂络合物局域各向异性电磁结构理论研究 (2010.01~2012.12) (参研,已结题)

(11) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(10774103):单分子磁体电磁结构与磁量子隧穿现象理论研究 (2008.01~2010.12) (参研,已结题)

(12) 教育部博士点基金项目(20100181110086):铁基超导体中稀土离子晶体电场激发谱理论研究 (2011.01~ 2013.12) (参研,已结题)


(1) Huai-Qian Wang* and Hui-Fang Li, A   combined stochastic search and density functional theory study on the neutral   and charged silicon-based clusters MSi6 (M=La, Ce, Yb and Lu). RSC   Advances 4 (2014) 29782-29793 (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 3.84, Citation= 6)

(2)  Huai-Qian Wang* and Hui-Fang Li, Structure   identification of endohedral golden cage nanoclusters. RSC Advances 5 (2015)   94685-94693 (SCI,   JCR一区, IF   = 3.84)

(3) Huai-Qian Wang* and Hui-Fang Li,   Probing the structural and electronic properties of small vanadium dioxide   clusters by density functional theory and comparison with experimental   photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 137(2012) 164304 (SCI,   物理top期刊, JCR一区, IF= 3.333,   Citation= 7)

(4) Hui-Fang Li and Huai-Qian Wang*, Probing the stability of   neutral and anionic transition- metal-doped golden cage nanoclusters: M@Au16   (M=Sc, Ti, V). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 244-254   (SCI, JCR一区, IF=   4.493, Citation= 5)

(5) Huai-Qian Wang*, Hui-Fang Li, and   Xiao-Yu Kuang, Probing the structural and electronic properties of small   vanadium monoxide clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012)   5272-5283 (SCI,   JCR一区, IF   = 4.493, Citation= 11)

(6)Huai-Qian Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang and Hui-Fang   Li, Density functional study of structural and electronic properties of   bimetallic copper-gold clusters: comparison with pure and doped gold   clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12   (2010)   5156-5165 (SCI, JCR一区, IF=   4.493, Citation= 49)

(7) Huai-Qian Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and   Hui-Fang Li, Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of gold cluster   anions doped with zinc:AunZn-. Journal   of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 14022-14028 (SCI,   JCR二区, IF=   2.899, Citation= 15)

(8)  Huai-Qian Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Hui-Fang   Li, and   Ai-Jie Mao, Comparative analysis of the difference of local structure   between EPR theory and X-ray diffraction experiment for NiSiF6·6H2O   crystal. Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 468 (2009) 1-6 (SCI, 工程技术top期刊, JCR一区, IF= 2.135, Citation= 3)

(9)Huai-Qian Wang*, Hui-Fang Li and   Li-Xin Zheng, Doping golden cage clusters M@Au16q  (M=Cr, Mn; q=0, −1) with adjustable magnetic properties. Journal   of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 344 (2013) 79-84 (SCI, JCR二区, IF= 1.78,   Citation= 2)

(10)Huai-Qian Wang*, Hui-Fang Li,   Jia-Xian Wang and Xiao-Yu Kuang, Structural,   electronic and magnetic effects of Al-doped niobium clusters: a density   functional theory study. Journal of   Molecular Modeling 18 (2012) 2993-3001 (SCI,   JCR二区, IF=   1.871, Citation= 10)

(11) Huai-Qian Wang* and Hui-Fang Li,   Probing the structural and electronic properties of Al-doped small niobium   clusters. Chemical Physics Letters 554 (2012) 231-235   (SCI, JCR二区, IF=   2.291, Citation= 6)

(12) Hui-Fang Li, Huai-Qian Wang*, and Xiao-Yu Kuang, Optical and magnetic properties of transition-metal ions in   tetrahedral and octahedral compounds. Science   China   Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 54 (2011) 1796-1800 (SCI,   JCR三区, IF=   1.195, Citation= 3)

(13) Huai-Qian Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and   Hui-Fang Li, EPR and optical spectra of Ni2+-VAg in   silver chloride. Molecular Physics 107 (2009) 621-627 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.634,   Citation= 2)

(14) Huai-Qian Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and   Hui-Fang Li, Studies of EPR theory and trigonal distortion of the (NiX6)4-   clusters (X = halide ion) in the series of perovskite crystals AMX3   (A = Rb, Cs; M = Cd, Mg; X = halide ion). Chemical Physics Letters 460 (2008) 365-369 (SCI, JCR二区, IF= 2.291,   Citation= 6)

(15) Huai-Qian Wang* and Hui-Fang Li,   Density functional study on structures, stabilities, electronic and magnetic   properties of NbnO (n=3-10) clusters. Computational   and Theoretical Chemistry 1006 (2013) 70-75 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.437, Citation= 3)

(16) Lin Sun, Huai-Qian Wang*, Meng Wu, Hui-Fang Li, Theoretical study on structure stability and magnetic properties   of SnnSm(n=1~9) clusters. Chemical   Journal of Chinese Universities 37(10) (2016) 1840-1848 (SCI, JCR四区, IF= 0.954)

(17) Li-Mei Chen, Huai-Qian Wang*, and Li-Xin Zheng, DFT study   of the structures and properties of NbnAl   clusters. Journal of Huaqiao University (Natural Science) 34 (2013) 627-631

(18) Shan Wu, Huai-Qian Wang*, Jia-Qi Li, Ying-Yu Li, Yi-Nan   Yu, and Jia Han, Density functional Theory study of the structures and relative   stabilities of platinum clusters. Journal   of Huaqiao University (Natural Science)   36 (2015) 35-39

(19) Xiang-Ying Sun, Lu-Lu Wu, Jiang-Shan Shen, Xue-Gong Cao, Cunjin   Wen, Bin Liu and Huai-Qian Wang, Highly selective and sensitive   sensing for Al3+ and F− based on green photoluminescent   carbon dots.   RSC Advances 6 (2016) 97346-97351 (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 3.84)

(20) Hui-Fang Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and Huai-Qian Wang, Probing the structural and magnetic properties of transition   metal-benzene anion complexes. Dalton   Transactions   40 (2011) 4578 -4589 (SCI, JCR一区, IF= 4.197, Citation = 4)

(21) Hui-Fang Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and Huai-Qian Wang, Probing the structural and electronic properties of   lanthanide-metal-doped silicon clusters: MSi6 (M = Pr, Gd, Ho). Physics   Letters A 375 (2011) 2836-2844(SCI, JCR二区, IF= 2.009, Citation= 14)

(22) Jian-Bing   Gu, Xiang-Dong Yang, Huai-Qian Wang, and Hui-Fang Li, Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of boron cluster   anions doped with aluminum: BnAl- (  ).   Chinese Physics B 21 (2012) 043102 (SCI, JCR二区, IF= 2.103,   Citation= 9)

(23) Chen-Ju   Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Huai-Qian Wang, Hui-Fang Li, and Ai-Jie Mao,Geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic properties of   small aluminum cluster anions doped with iron: A density functional theory   study. Computational   and Theoretical Chemistry 980 (2012) 7-14 (SCI, JCR三区, IF = 1.437, Citation   = 3)

(24) Chen-Ju Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang*, Huai-Qian Wang, Hui-Fang Li, Jian-Bing Gu,
  and Jun Liu, Density-functional   investigation of the geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic   properties of gold cluster anions doped with aluminum: AunA1-. Computational   and Theoretical Chemistry 1002 (2012) 31-36 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.437, Citation=17)

(25) Peng   Shao, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Ya-Ru Zhao, Huai-Qian Wang, and Yan-Fang Li, Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of gold doped   with calcium: AunCa (n=1-8). Molecular Physics 109 (2011)   315-323 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.634, Citation= 6)

(26) Ming-Min   Zhong, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Huai-Qian Wang, Hui-Fang Li, Ya-Ru Zhao, Density  functional study of structural and electronic properties of tetra-aluminum   oxide     (  ,   ) clusters. Molecular Physics 109 (2011)   603-612 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.634, Citation= 3)

(27) Peng   Lu, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Hui-Fang Li, and Huai-Qian Wang, Direct MP2 Molecular Dynamics Studies of H Atom   Reaction with CD4 and CH4. International   Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111 (2011) 4433-4442 (SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.315, Citation=   1)  

(28) Yan-Fang   Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Ming-Liang Gao, Ya-Ru Zhao, and Huai-Qian Wang, Effect   of local structure on electron paramagnetic resonance spectra for trigonal   [Cr(H2O)6]3+coordination complex in the   sulfate alums series: a ligand field theory study. Chinese Physics B 18 (2009)   2967-2974   (SCI, JCR二区, IF=   2.103, Citation= 4)

(29) Ming-Liang   Gao, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Hui-Fang Li, and Huai-Qian Wang, Effects of   concentration, temperature and hydrostatic pressure on the local lattice   structure of Ni2+doped Zn(BF4)2·6H2O   crystal. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 64a   (2009) 511-517 (SCI, JCR四区, IF= 0.94,   Citation= 1)

(30) Li-Xia   Wang, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Hui-Fang Li, and Huai-Qian Wang, Theoretical study of local structure and   ground-state splitting of Cs2NaMF6 (M= Al, Ga): Cr3+   complex molecule systems. Acta Physica   Sinica 59 (2010)   6501-6507   (SCI, JCR四区, IF=   1.003, Citation= 3)

(31) Hui-Fang   Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and Huai-Qian Wang, Local   structural properties of (NiF6)4-clusters in   perovskite fluorides RbMF3 series: EPR and optical spectra study   in tetragonal and trigonal ligand field. Chemical   Physics Letters 462 (2008) 133-137 (SCI, JCR二区, IF= 2.291   Citation= 4)

(32) Hui-Fang   Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and Huai-Qian Wang, Investigations   of local lattice structure and the effects of orbital reduction factor on the   g factors of trigonal [Ni(H2O)6]2+ cluster   in NiTiF6·6H2O and ZnSiF6·6H2O   crystals at different temperatures. Zeitschriftfür   Naturforschung 63a   (2008) 609-615 (SCI, JCR四区, IF= 0.94,   Citation= 1)

(33) Hui-Fang   Li, Xiao-Yu Kuang, and Huai-Qian Wang, Effect   on the EPR and local lattice structure distortion of V3+ ion   doping corundum crystal: Three models studies. Molecular   Physics 106 (2008) 1879-1885(SCI, JCR三区, IF= 1.634, Citation= 1)

(34) Yang-Mei   Chen, Xiao-Yu Kuang, Xiao-Wei Sheng, Huai-Qian Wang, Peng Shao, and   Min-Ming Zhong, Investigation of carbon monoxide adsorption on   cationic gold-palladium clusters. Zeitschrift für   Naturforschung 68a (2013) 651-658 (SCI,   JCR四区, IF=   0.94)


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