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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 731 发布时间: 2018-08-02 14:58 微信号: H17720740258

  陈福平副教授 (男,1982年出生)
  职务: 无
  学历: 博士
  电子邮件: chenfuping1224@163.com



  UrbanSociology; Community and Social policy studies;ICT and Social network;Quantitative research



  2013.08——至今 厦门大学社会学与社会工作系 副教授
  2010.07——2013.07 厦门大学社会学与社会工作系 助理教授
  2007.08–2010.07 中山大学 社会学(城市社会学) 法学博士;

  2017.08-2018.08 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校(SUNY, Albany) 访问学者

  2010 Ph.D., Sociology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou
  2013 Aug. – Present, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Xiamen University

  2010 Jul. – 2013 Jul., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Xiamen University

  2014.06-至今 主持国家社科基金青年项目《新媒体环境下社区建设的新路径研究》(14CSH005)(在研)。
  2011.08-2012.12 主持福建省社科规划青年基金项目《保障性住房社区邻里重构与社会资本投资研究》(已结题)。
  2011.08-至今 主持教育部人文社科青年基金项目《虚拟社区与社会网络的现实构建关系研究》(已结题)。
  2010.11-至今 主持厦门大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目《互联网公民参与和社会冲突的化解机制研究》(已结题)。
  2010.07-2011.02 参与漳州市委委托《漳州市弱势群体社会保障体系建设研究》。
  2007.05-2009.07 参与国家哲学社会科学重大招标课题项目“城市化进程中的农民工问题研究”(项目号:05&ZD034)。
  2005.09-2007.07 参与教育部“985”哲学社会科学创新基地“港澳社会研究”课题子课题之“香港社会分层”研究项目调查。
  2005.09-2010.07 作为第一参与人参与了2005年国家社科基金课题项目“中国城市基层社会再整合研究——作为一项社会政策的社会资本重构”,合作完成了结项报告,结项鉴定结果为“良好”。
  Funded Project
  2011 Jul. - Present, Principal investigator, “The Relationship of Virtual Community and Offline Social Network”, the MOE Project of Youth Fund of Humanities and Social Sciences(Grant No. 11YJC840004).
  2011 Aug.-2013 Apr., Principal investigator, “NeighborhoodRegeneration of Indemnificatory Housing Community and Investment in Social Capital”, the Fujian province planned project of Youth Fund of Humanities and Social Sciences(Grant No. 2011C041).
  2010 Nov. - Present, Principal investigator. “Online Civic Participation and Social Conflict in China”, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No. 2010221011).
  2007 May. -2009 Jun., Project team member, “Migrant Workers in the Urbanization”, Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 05&ZD034).

  2005 Sep. – 2010 Jul., The main participant, “Transition and Reconstruction of Community: a study of the reintegration of urban society in Chinese social transition period”, National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 05BSH042).

  陈福平,《非營利組織與社區建設——臺灣和香港的比較研究》,《澳門理工學報》,2014年第3期。 (人大复印报刊资料《社会学》全文转载,2014年第11期。)
  陈福平,《社交网络:技术 vs. 社会——社交网络使用的跨国数据分析》,《社会学研究》,2013年第6期。 (《中国社会科学文摘》2014年第4期转载)
  陈福平,《跨越参与鸿沟:数字不平等下的在线政治参与》,《公共行政评论》,2013年第4期。(《新华文摘》2014年第1期“论点摘编”) 。
  黎熙元、陈福平,《社区论辩:转型期中国城市社区的形态转变》,《社会学研究》,2008年第2期。 (《新华文摘》2008年第14期全文转载。)
  Journal Articles
  Chen, Fuping. 2013. “The Social Networking Site: Technicality or Sociality?”(in Chinese).Sociological Studies28(6): 72-94. Full Text Reshipped by Chinese Social Science Digest,2014, No. 4. [CSSCI].
  Chen, Fuping. 2013. “Bridging the Participation Divide: Online Political Participation in the Context of Digital Inequality.”(in Chinese). Journal of Public Administration 6(4):82-107. [CSSCI].
  Chen, Fuping. 2013. “Community Service and Capacity Building in the Neighborhood Poverty.”(in Chinese). Chinese Public Administration (2):75-79. [CSSCI]
  Chen, Fuping. 2012. “Routes for Civic Engagement in Market Society: Relationlism Espoused Trust or Generalized Trust?”(in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 32(2):84-104. [CSSCI].
  Ma, Mingde and Fuping Chen. 2010. “What Determines the Demand for Redistribution in China?” (in Chinese). South China Journal of Economy (7):15-27. [CSSCI].
  Chen, Fuping. 2009. “Stronger Marketization, Weaker Participation ? A Study of Pathway to Civil Society.” (in Chinese). Sociological Studies28(3): 89-111. [CSSCI].
  Chen, Fuping and Xiyuan Li. 2008. “Two Spaces of Contemporary Communities: Geography and Social Network.” (in Chinese).Chinese Journal of Sociology 28(5):41-57. [CSSCI].
  Li, Xiyuan and Fuping Chen. 2008. “Community Issue : Change of Urban Community in China’s Social Transition.” (in Chinese).Sociological Studies28(2): 192-217. Full Text ReshippedbyXinhua Digest,2008, No.14. [CSSCI].
  Li, Xiyuan and Fuping Chen. 2007. “Public Welfare System and Social Network: Their Functional Interaction as the Base of Social Inclusion Policies.” (in Chinese).Journal of Sun Yat-sen University Social Science Edition 47(6):98-105. [CSSCI].
  Chen, Fuping and Qiangcheng Li. 2007. “The Existence and Prosperity of Sex Service Industry: From a Non-traditional Perspective.” (in Chinese) .Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College 17(4):74-77.

  *CSSCI=Chinese Social Science Index

  John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark著,游宇、陈福平译,混合方法研究的设计与实施(第2版),重庆大学出版社,2017年7月出版。
  CHEN, Fuping and Eric Fong. 2012. The Structural Transition and Reproduction of Rural Society in the Urbanization of China:A case Research of Life, Organization, and Institution in a New Urban Community. In Zai Liang, Steven Messner, Cheng Chen and Youqin Huang (Eds.), The Emergence of a New Urban China: Insiders’ Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington
  Monograph and Book Chapters
  Li, Xiyuan., Chen, Fuping and Tong, Xiaopin. 2012.
  Transition and Reconstruction of Community: a study of the reintegration of urban society in Chinese social transition period. Beijing: Commercial Press. (in Chinese).
  Chen, Fuping and Eric Fong. 2012. The Structural Transition and Reproduction of Rural Society in the Urbanization of China:A case Research of Life, Organization, and Institution in a New Urban Community. In Zai Liang, Steven Messner, Cheng Chen and Youqin Huang (eds.), The Emergence of a New Urban China: Insiders’ Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington Books. (in English) .
  Cai, He and Fuping Chen. 2011. Review and Prospect of the Community Studies( 2006-2010). In Hangsheng Zheng (eds.), The Chinese Sociology in New Century(2006-2010): Review the 11th five-year and Prospect of 12th five-year. Beijing: China Renmin University Press Co. LTD. (in Chinese).
  Chen, Fuping. 2011. Urban Community and Governance. In He Cai (eds.). Urban Sociology. Beijing: People's Publishing House. (in Chinese) .
  Cai, He, Fuping Chen and Wenjuan Jia. 2008. The Past Thirty Years of Community Studies. In Hangsheng Zheng (eds.), The Past Thirty Years of Chinese Sociology (1978-2008). Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press. (in Chinese) .

  Zhong, Yibiao and Fuping Chen. 2009. Education for Children of Migrant Workers. In He Cai (eds.), Migrant Workers in the Urbanization: Evidence from Pearl River Delta of China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press. (in Chinese).

  Nominated Award, 2012 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation.
  2011 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Guangdong Province.
  The GuangHua Educational Scholarship (2009).
  Best Paper Award (Grade.1), the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (2009).
  The ChangJiang Enterprise Graduate Fellowship (2008).

  Best Paper Award (Grade.2), the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (2008).

  Social Forces(2018年1篇)
  Reviewer for Journals :
  Social Forces;Sociological Studies;Chinese Journal of Sociology;Journal of Public Administration;South China Journal of Economy; Journal of Huaqiao University

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