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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 920 发布时间: 2018-08-01 16:34 微信号: H17720740258

  王伟光副教授 (男,1976年出生)
  职务: 无
  学历: 博士
  电子邮件: wangwg@xmu.edu.cn



  国际关系、国家安全、恐怖主义 Academic Interest: International Relations, National Security, Terrorism


  西方国际关系理论;国际问题研究(恐怖主义);社会研究方法论;国际问题研究等 Courses and Seminars: for undergraduates International Relations Contemporary Global Issues Methods of Political Science for postgraduates Theories of International Relations Methodology of Social Science

  Working Experience and Education
  Aug 2001- present, Faculty member of School of Public Affairs (XMU).
  Sep-Nov 2010, Visiting Scholar of Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window(European Union).
  Sep 2003-Jan 2008, Peking University, PhD, International Relations.
  Sep 1998-July 2001, Peking University, MA, International Relations.

  Sep 1994-July 1998, Shandong University, BA, International Relations.

  Research project:
  2011-2013, translation of Essence of Decision, funded by Education Ministry
  2010-2014, national security and public administration, funded by Xiamen University
  2009-2012, terrorism threat and China's counter-terror strategy, funded by Education Ministry

  2006-2007, constructing Xiamen's evaluation system of top talents, funded by Xiamen Committee, Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League.

  王伟光: 《结构性因素与中美关系变迁》,《美国研究》季刊,2013年第4期。
  王伟光 陈惠云: 《国家需要什么》,《国外社会科学》,2013年第5期。
  Selected papers
  “Applying Governance to National Security: a Critical Review of Security Governance Research”,Journal of International Relations (Chinese pronunciation: GuoJi Guanxi Yanjiu), Issue 1, 2014.
  “Structural Factors and Evolution of Sino-US Relations”, American Studies Quarterly (Meiguo Yanjiu), Issue 4, 2013.
  “What Does a Nation Want?” (Co-authored with Chen Huiyun), Social Science Abroad (Guowai Shehui Kexue), Issue 5, 2013.
  “A Critique to Offense-Defense Theory”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics(Guoji Zhengzhi Kexue), Issue 3, 2012.
  “On Relationship between War and Terrorism”, Foreign Affairs Review (Waijiao Pinglun), Issue 2, 2011.
  “Review of the Latest UK’s Strategy on Terrorism”, Information of International Relations (Guoji Ziliao Xinxi), Issue 8, 2009.
  “Violence and Definition of Terrorism”, International Politics Quarterly(Guoji Zhengzhi Yanjiu), Issue 2, 2005.
  “A Retrospective Review of Western Theories of International Relations”, South East Academic Research (Dongnan Xueshu), Issue 2, 2004.

  “Dilemma and Decision: China’s Foreign Policy toward United States in Post-Cold War Era”, Strategy and Management(Zhanlue yu Guanli), Issue 3, 2000.

  Terrorism, National Security,and Strategy (Kongbu Zhuyi, Guojia Anquan,Fankong Zhanlue) (Beijing: Current Affairs Press, 2011), pgs. 439, 460,000 Characters.

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