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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1253 发布时间: 2018-07-27 11:46 微信号: H17720740258




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Weifen Zhuang is an Associate Professor of Management Science at School of Management, Xiamen University. Prior to joining XMU in August 2011, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Canada, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She obtained her Ph.D in Operations Management from Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and her M.S. and B.S. in Computational Mathematics, Xiamen University. 

Dr. Zhuang’s research interests mainly lie in two areas - Revenue Management and Pricing, Healthcare Operations Management. She had published research papers in academic journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Maritime Policy & Management, Operations Research Letters, Production and Operations Management. She is a Principal Investigator of two National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants and several other grants, and a frequent reviewer for academic journals, conferences and grant agencies. She currently serves as the director for the Research Center for Operations and Technology Management in Contemporary Business and Healthcare at Xiamen University. She has taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses in Operations Management, and received several teaching awards. 

Welcome to visit the academic homepage of Dr. Weifen Zhuang:  https://sites.google.com/site/wfzhuang99/ 

      Selected Journal Publications

[1] Weifen Zhuang, Jiguang Chen, Xiaowen Fu. 2017. Joint Dynamic Pricing and Capacity Control for Hotels and Rentals with Advanced Demand Information. Operations Research Letters. 45, 397-402

[2] Qu Qian, Weifen Zhuang*. 2017. Tax/Subsidy and Capacity Decisions in A Two-tier Health System with Welfare Redistributive Objective. European Journal of Operations Research. 260(1), 140-151.

[3] David D. YaoSean X. Zhou, Weifen Zhuang*. 2016. Inventory Control with Transshipment: Optimal Policy, Bounds and Asymptotics. Production and Operations Management. 25(2), 273-289.

[4] Weifen Zhuang, Meifeng LuoXiaowen Fu. 2014. A Game Theory Analysis of Port Specialization - Implications to the Chinese Port Industry. Maritime Policy Management. 41(3), 268-287.

[5] Weifen Zhuang, Mehmet Gümüs, Dan Zhang. 2012. A Single-Resource Revenue Management Problem with Random Resource Consumptions. Journal of Operational Research Society. 63, 1213-1227.

[6] Weifen Zhuang*, Michael Z.F. Li. 2012. Monotone Optimal Control for a Class of Markov Decision Processes.European Journal of Operations Research. 217(2), 342-250.

[7] Weifen Zhuang*, Michael Z.F. Li. 2012. Dynamic Pricing with Two Revenue Streams. Operations Research Letters. 40(1), 46-51.

[8] Weifen Zhuang*, Michael Z.F. Li. 2011. Revenue Optimization of Risk-Averse Managers with Atemporal Utility. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management10(5) 424-437.

[9] Weifen Zhuang*, Michael Z.F. Li. 2010. A New Method of Proving Structural Properties for Certain Class of Stochastic Dynamic Control Problems. Operations Research Letters. 38(5) 462-467.

[10] Michael Z.F. Li., Weifen Zhuang*. 2009. Risk-Sensitive Dynamic Pricing for a Single Perishable Product. Operations Research Letters. 37(5) 327-332.

Case Publications

[11] Weifen Zhuang, Moeen Butt, Zhaowei MiaoYongquan Lan, and Kersi D. Antia . 2016. Xiamen Airlines: Bracing for Impact. Ivey Publishing. Case Registration Number 9B15A015w (TN no. 8B15A015w)

         Research Grants

         As Principal Investigator:

[1]  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71672160), "Optimisation and Decision-making of the Data-driven Antimicrobial Stewardship", RMB$490,000 (2017-2020)

[2]  The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720171015). Revenue Management Based on the Total Revenue Streams and Customer Behavior. RMB $100,000 (2017 – 2019)

[3]  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71201140), “Resource Allocation and Patient Scheduling for Medical Diagnostic Equipment”, RMB$220,000 (2013 - 2015)

[4]  Special Fund for the Prosperity Program for Philosophy and Social Sciences of China, “Collaborative Innovation of Cross-Straits Healthcare Management and Development”, RMB$200,000 (2013 - 2017)

[5]  Research Fund for the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 20120121120006), “Managing Patient Service for Large-Scale Medical Diagnostic Facilities”, RMB$40,000 (2013 - 2015)

[6]  Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, “Asymptotic Optimality for Inventory Control with Transshipment”, RMB$15,000, 2013

[7]  Faculty Research Start-up Fund, School of Management, XMU, RMB$10,000, 2012

       As Co-Investigator:

[8]  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71502153), "Research of Resource Optimization and Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Complex Healthcare System", RMB$180,000 (2016 - 2018)

[9]  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71202058), “Partner Selection for the Life-Cycle of Green Logistics”, RMB$220,000 (2013 - 2015)

[10] Institute of Complex Adaptive Matter, USA. “Personal Life – Understanding Math and Science (PLUMS)”, US$10,000 (2013 - 2014)

        Awards & Fellowships

[1]    CBC Research Award, Xiamen University, 2016

  [2]   "Chunyu" Teaching Award, Xiamen University, 2013

[3]     First Prize, Teaching Competition in English, Xiamen University, 2012

[4]    Best Teacher Award, Department of Management Science, Xiamen University, 2012

[5]     Outstanding Advisor Awards

- Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), USA, Honorable Mention, 2015

- "Dezhen" Outstanding Advisor, Xiamen University, 2014

- Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), USA, Meritorious Winner, 2014

- "Challenge Cup" College Student Business Plan Competition of Fujian Province, Gold Award, 2012

[6]     Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of System Engineering & Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010 - 2011

[7]     Postdoctoral Fellowship, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, 2009 - 2010

[8]     Scholarship Award, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, 2005 – 2009


         Professional Membership

[1]    Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)

[2]    INFORMS - Revenue Management and Pricing Section

[3]    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society


Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School, Singapore

 Ph.D in Operations Management


Xiamen University, School of Mathematical Sciences, China

 M.S in Computational Mathematics

Xiamen University, School of Mathematical Sciences, China

 B.S in Computational Mathematics



Academic Appointment

  2014.01 - present: Director, Research Center of Operations & Technology Management in Contemporary Business and Healthcare
  2013.08 - present: Associate Professor, School of Management, Xiamen University
  2011.08 - 2013.07: Assistant Professor, School of Management, Xiamen University
Research Experience
 Post-doctoral Research Fellow
 2010.09 - 2011.07: Department of SEEM, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
 2009.09 - 2010.09: Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Canada
 Invited Visiting Scholar
 2017.08 - 0217.08: School of Management, The City University of Hong Kong

 2017.01 - 2017.02: Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
 2016.07 - 2016.08: School of Management, The City University of Hong Kong
 2015.09 - 2015.02: Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 2014.07 - 2014.08: School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 2014.01 - 2014.02: Business School, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
 2013.07 - 2013.08: Department of Logistics & Maritime Studies, Business School, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 2009.07 - 2009.08: Department of SEEM, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests

Revenue Management and Pricing

Healthcare Operations Management

Data-Driven Decision-Making for Health and Healthcare

Conference Presentations

Joint Replenishment and Transshipment for Three Locations

IFORS Annual Conference, Quebec, CA

July 2017

A Reservation Policy for Medical Diagnostic Resource Allocation

INFORMS-Healthcare Conference, Rotterdam, Netherland

POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, USA

INFORMS 2016 Annual Conference, Nashville, USA

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Toronto, CA

July 2017

May 2017

Nov 2016

June 2015

Subsidy and Capacity Decisions in a Two-Tier Health System with Equity Concern


The Eight POMS-HK International Conference, HK

China in the Global Economy Conference, Cardiff, UK

The Seventh POMS-HK International Conference, Macau

Jan 2017

June 2016

Jan 2016

A Simulation Model of Appointment Scheduling for Medical Diagnostic Facility

POMS - 2014 International Conference, Singapore

IFORS - Barcelona 2014, Spain

The Fifth POMS-HK International Conference, HK

July 2014

July 2014

Jan 2014

Appointment Scheduling for Medical Diagnostic Facilities

EURO - INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Rome, Italy

July 2013

Trade Growth, Port Competition and Specialization - Analyzing port development in China

International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA), HK

June 2013

Resource Allocation and Patient Scheduling for Multiple Medical Diagnostic Equipment

The Forth POMS-HK International Conference, HK

Jan 2013

INFORMS-Beijing International, Beijing

June 2012

Optimal Capacity Rationing for Car Rentals with Advanced Demand Information

The 2012 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, Taiwan

May 2012

Inventory Control with Transshipment: Optimal Policy, Bounds and Asymptotics

The Third POMS-HK International Conference, HK

Jan 2012

Revenue Management with Random Resource Consumptions

The Second POMS-HK International Conference, HK

Jan 2011

Dynamic Pricing with Two Revenue Streams

INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, US

Oct 2009

Revenue Management of the Risk-Averse Newsvendor with an Atemporal Utility

INFORMS-Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 8th Annual Conference, Montréal, CA

June 2008

Optimal Capacity Control for Multiple Medical Diagnostic Facilities

INFORMS-Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 8th Annual Conference, Montréal, CA, June 2008

June 2008

INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, US

Oct 2009

Monotone Optimal Controls for a Class of Discrete-Event Stochastic Systems

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., US

Oct 2008

Teaching Experience

School of Management, Xiamen University, China

    Undergraduate Course (in English)

- Operations Research

- Pricing and Revenue Management

    Postgraduate Course

- Stochastic Dynamic Programming (Markov Decision Processes)

- Contemporary Issues of Operations Management

- Advanced Quantitative Analysis (in English) (International D.B.A. Program)

- Inventory Theory (Tobacco Executive Development Program)

- English (Professional Master Program of Engineering Management)

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

    Undergraduate Course (in English)

- Management Decision Tools, 2008-T2

- Revenue Management, 2008-T1

- Statistics and Quantitative Analysis, 2007

Teaching Awards
- "Chunyu" Outstanding Teaching Award, Xiamen University, 2013
- First Prize, 1st Teaching Competition in English, Xiamen University, 2012

- Best Teacher Award, Department of Management Science, Xiamen University, 2012 

    >> 期刊论文(MORE)

  • [1] Weifen Zhuang, Jiguang Chen, Xiaowen Fu. Joint dynamic pricing and capacity control for hotels and rentals with advanced demand information. Operations Research Letters. 2017.45(5):397-402
  • [2] Qu Qian, Weifen Zhuang. Tax/Subsidy and Capacity Decisions in A Two-tier Health System with Welfare Redistributive Objective. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017.260(1):140–151
  • [3] David D.Yao,Sean X.Zhou,Weifen Zhuang. Inventory Control with Transshipment: Optimal Policy, Bounds and Asymptotics. Production and Operations Management. 2016.25(2):273-289
  • [4] Weifen Zhuang, Meifeng Luo, Xiaowen Fu. A game theory analysis of port specialization - implications to the Chinese port industry. Maritime Policy & Management. 2014.41(3):268–287
  • [5] Weifen Zhuang, Mehmet Gumus, Dan Zhang. A single-resource revenue management problem with random resource consumptions. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2012.(9):1213-1227
  • [6] Weifen Zhuang,Michael Z.F. Li. Monotone Optimal Control for a Class of Markov Decision Processes. European Journal of Operational Research. 2012.(2):342-350
  • [7] Weifen Zhuang, Michael Z.F. Li. Dynamic Pricing with Two Revenue Streams. Operations Research Letters. 2012.(1):46-51

  • >> 其他出版物论文(MORE)

  • [1] Weifen Zhuang, Moeen Butt, Zhaowei Miao, Yongquan Lan and Kersi D. Antia. Xiamen Airlines: Bracing for Impact. Ivey Publishing. Canada:Ivey Publishing, 2016:

  • >> 学术专著(MORE)

    >> 科研基金(MORE)

  • [1] 基于全收益与顾客行为的收益管理模型研究,主持人,校长基金项目 , 项目编号:20720171015, 2017.01-2019.12
  • [2] 大数据驱动的抗菌药物使用与管理决策优化研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目 , 项目编号:71672160, 2017.01-2020.12
  • [3] 两岸医院管理与发展协同创新,主持人,其他 , 项目编号:0610-Y07200, 2013.01-2013.01
  • [4] 医技资源调度与病人排程马尔科夫决策优化模型研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 , 项目编号:71201140, 2013.01-2013.01
  • [5] 基于病人服务的医技资源调度与排程马尔科夫决策优化模型与策略研究,主持人,教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目 , 项目编号:20120121120006, 2013.01-2013.01

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  • [1] 区域临床路径智能协作平台, 第五, 其他, 二等奖, 其他, 2016.12

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