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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1463 发布时间: 2018-07-27 10:38 微信号: H17720740258










> Graduate UniversitySoutheast University

  School(Department)Automation Research Institute

> Specialized FieldSystem Engineering

> Admission Date1995.3

 Graduate Date1998.3

> DegreePh.D


> Graduate UniversitySoutheast University

  School(Department)Applied Mathematics Department

> Specialized FieldPower System

> Admission Date1993.6

 Graduate Date1990.9

> DegreeMaster


> Graduate UniversityAnqing Normal University

  School(Department)Mathematics Department

> Specialized FieldApplied Mathematics

> Admission Date1982.9

  Graduate Date1986.7

> Degreebachelor



Working Experience

2013.1-nowProfessor, Ph. D Advisor, Department of Management Science, Management School

  Director of the Office of Academic Affairs, Xiamen University

2008.7-2012.12Professor, Ph. D Advisor, Department of Management Science, Management School

  Director of the Center of Information and Network, Xiamen University

2002.9-2008.6Professor, Ph. D Advisor, Department of Management Science, Management School

  Director of Department of Management Science, Xiamen University

1996.1-2002.9Professor, Department of Applied MathematicsDirector of Library of Southeast University

> 1993.7-1995.12Associate Professor, Department of Applied MathematicsDirector of Department of Applied 

  Mathematics, Southeast University


Guojun Ji obtained his Ph. D. in Automation from Southeast University (SEU), Jiangsu, China in 1998. He finished postdoctoral work at Washington State University in 1999 and served as a visiting scholar at University of Washington in 2004. He is currently a professor in the School of Management, Xiamen University, China. His research interests include systematic engineering supply chain management, information management, and logistics engineering. He is also involved in collaborative research in information management, supply chain management and service innovation. He is currently the academic leader of Management Science and Engineering in Xiamen University. Professor Ji has published more than 300 journal papers and eleven books in the above fields. He won five natural science awards from Ministry of Science and Technology of China and from Fujian Province, China.

Guojun Ji obtained his Ph. D. in Automation from Southeast University (SEU), Jiangsu, China in 1998. He finished postdoctoral work at Washington State University in 1999 and served as a visiting scholar at University of Washington in 2004. He is currently a professor in the School of Management, Xiamen University, China. His research interests include systematic engineering supply chain management, information management, and logistics engineering. He is also involved in collaborative research in information management, supply chain management and service innovation. He is currently the academic leader of Management Science and Engineering in Xiamen University. Professor Ji has published more than 300 journal papers and eleven books in the above fields. He won five natural science awards from Ministry of Science and Technology of China and from Fujian Province, China.


博士生课程:《运营管理理论前沿》、《博弈论》;硕士生课程:《高级数量理论与方法》;《决策分析》;工程硕士生课程:《供应链管理》;《工程经济学》; MBA课程:《供应链物流管理》; EDP课程:《物流管理与战略》;本科生课程:《服务科学与服务管理》;《电子商务物流管理》

Ph.D Course:Operation Advenced Theory and Method, Game theory
Master Course: Supply Chain Management, Engineering Economics, Decision Analysis, Advenced Quantitative Analysis Method
MBA Course: Supply Chain and Logistics Management
EDP Course: Logistics Management and Strategy
Undergraduate Course: Service Science and Service Management

    >> 期刊论文(MORE)

  • [1] Guojun Ji; Shangqing Han; Kim Hua Tan. False Failure Returns: Optimal Pricing and Return Policies in a Dual-channel Supply Chain.. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2018.27(3):292-321
  • [2] 计国君;余傅浩;杨光勇. 远视型创新企业最优定价研究. 数学的实践与认识. 2018.48(9):11-29
  • [3] 计国君;邬大光;薛成龙. 构建大数据驱动的内部质量保障体系-以厦门大学IQA为例. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版) . 2018.246(2):53-64
  • [4] 计国君;邬大光. 基于斜坡球理论的高等教育内部质量保障动力体系研究. 国家教育行政学院学报. 2018.25(2):61-68
  • [5] Wei Feng, Guojun Ji, Panos M. Pardalos. Effects of government regulations on Manufacturer’s behaviors under carbon emission reduction. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017.24(12):1-9
  • [6] 计国君;陈静. 基于产品差异化双渠道供应链的零售商横向并购决策. 控制与决策. 2017.32(12):2201-2209
  • [7] 计国君;胡李妹;Kim Hua Tan. 信息不对称下双渠道定价与质量信息披露研究. 软科学. 2017.31(11):117-122
  • [8] Kim Hua Tan, Guojun Ji, Chee Peng Lim & Ming-Lang Tseng. Using big data to make better decisions in the digital economy. International Journal of Production Research. 2017.55(18):1-5
  • [9] Yuanzhu Zhan, Kim Hua Tan, Guojun Ji, Leanne Chung, Minglang Tseng. A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes. Business Process Management Journal. 2017.23(3):1-27
  • [10] 杨光勇;计国君. 捆绑策略对于低性能产品引入的价值. 管理科学学报. 2017.20(4):84-100

  • >> 其他出版物论文(MORE)

  • [1] Ji Guojun; Liu Xi. A study on Cooperation Strategies of Dual Channel Supply Chain Based on Service Level. Recent Developments in Data Science and Business Analytics. Springer International Publishing (Verlag):Springer International Publishing AG, 2018:15-29
  • [2] Guojun Ji; Kim Hua Tan. A Big Data Decision-making Mechanism for Food Supply Chain. 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016. England:EDP Sciences Publisher, 2017:1-10
  • [3] Ji Guojun, Chen Xiumei. The influence of retailers sales effort in dualchannel competition supply chain. Engineering Management and Industrial Engineering. London:CRC Press, 2015:183-188
  • [4] 计国君,余木红. Pricing decisions in dual-channel supply chains with service cooperation under asymmetric information. Proceeding on the IEEE 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. USA:IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2014:1007-1012
  • [5] 计国君,韩尚清. A Strategy Analysis in Dual-channel Supply Chain Based on Effort Levels. Proceeding on the IEEE 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. USA:IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2014:996-1001
  • [6] 计国君,Zhao Yang. Analyze Profit Model of Logistics Outsourcing in the E-commerce Enterprise. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. HK:IEEE computer society, 2013:1-5
  • [7] 计国君,Renjie Kuai(蒯人杰). The Innovation System and Innovation Mode Selection Based on Ecological Niche in Supply Chain Cluster. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences. Beijing:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.(IEEE), 2012:267-270

  • >> 学术专著(MORE)

  • [1] 王静,余木红,胡李妹. 服务科学与服务管理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2015
  • [2] 计国君,蔡远游,余源,杨光勇. 运输管理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [3] 计国君,杨光勇,韩尚清,蔡远游. 国际货运代理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [4] 计国君,吕垚,苏明贞,杨光勇,蔡远游. 采购管理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [5] 计国君,蔡远游,蒯人杰,张庭溢,杨光勇,李婉璐,韩尚清. 物流管理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [6] 计国君,蔡远游,张庭溢,冯玮,杨光勇,李婉璐. 供应链管理. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [7] 杨光勇,计国君. 基于战略顾客行为的供应链运作. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2012
  • [8] 计国君. 生态供应链管理方略. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 2011
  • [9] 管平,刘继军,计国君. 数学物理方法(第2版)-“十一五”国家级规划教材. 北京:高等教育出版社. 2010
  • [10] 计国君,谢海真,田媛等. 供应链管理:方向与策略. 北京:电子工业出版社. 2008

  • >> 科研基金(MORE)

  • [1] 高校理论与实践教学深度融合若干问题观察报告,主持人,全国教育科学规划课题 , 项目编号:2018LSRH, 2018.04-2018.12
  • [2] 厦门航空工业有限公司战略规划修订暨2018-2022年战略发展规划,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:K82065, 2017.09-2017.12
  • [3] 高校人才培养质量保障体系研究,主持人,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目 , 项目编号:16JZD045, 2016.12-2019.12
  • [4] 港澳仓储管理及供应链管理研究,主持人,与港澳台合作研究项目 , 项目编号:JW2016001, 2016.03-2016.03
  • [5] 信息系统诊断咨询服务项目,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:HX2015330, 2015.11-2015.11
  • [6] 基于大数据的全渠道供应链服务创新机制研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目 , 项目编号:71571151, 2016.01-2016.01
  • [7] 厦门市烟草物流有限公司卓越绩效管理咨询项目,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:HX2014206, 2014.10-2015.06
  • [8] 厦门市烟草物流有限公司卓越绩效管理项目,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:HX2013242, 2013.11-2014.06
  • [9] 基于战略顾客行为的跨渠道设计研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目 , 项目编号:71371159, 2014.01-2017.12
  • [10] 两烟物流一体化运行模式研究及探索,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:HX2013143, 2013.04-2014.11

  • >> 科研获奖(MORE)

  • [1] 一流大学内涵建设中教师教学能力提升实践探索, 第二, 其他, 一等奖, 研究报告, 2018.04
  • [2] 高等教育内部质量保障优秀原则和创新实践——厦门大学联合国教科文组织IQA项目建设, 第二, 其他, 特等奖, 研究报告, 2017.09
  • [3] 三学期制的十年探索, 第三, 其他, 特等奖, 古籍整理著作, 2015.01
  • [4] 三学期制的十年探索, 第三, 其他, 二等奖, 研究报告, 2014.05
  • [5] 本科教学质量提升机制建设, 第一, 其他, 一等奖, 研究报告, 2014.03
  • [6] 战略顾客下最惠顾客保证对提前购买的价值, 第一, 其他, 三等奖, 论文, 2013.12
  • [7] 回收条例约束下的再制造供应链决策, 第一, 其他, 三等奖, 论文, 2013.08
  • [8] 突发事件应急物流中资源配送优化问题研究, 第一, 其他, 二等奖, 论文, 2010.10
  • [9] 闭环供应链下的配送和库存理论及应用, 第一, 其他, 三等奖, 译著, 2009.12

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