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作者:聚创川大考研网-a老师 点击量: 973 发布时间: 2017-01-07 14:45 【微信号:扫码加咨询】






  individualism, john locke, the enlightenment, humanism, bill of rights





  John Keats, Joseph Conrad, New Criticism, The Sound and the Fury, the Cather in the Rye.


  1.评价Hamlet 的procrastination.

  2.谈谈你知道的Toni Morrison的作品,并选一个作品细述主要人物,情节,主题啥的。。反正这个比较懵,因为只知道名字不知道内容。


  isolating language(有点忘了这个是不是)

  synecdoche, endocentric construction, presupposition, directive function of language, analogy, primary onomatopoeia, semantic feature, binary analysis of word meaning,还有一个术语忘了吧。。

  然后是一道题,两组句子问你为什么sentence A is anomalous in some way.

  A.Five students elapsed.

  B.Five years elapsed.


  A. Tom convinced discipline.

  B.Tom convinced his mother.

  简答题1.the types of morphemes

  2.How are the sound and meaning of most words related.举例说明你的观点.

  最后一道题,你同意chomsky 对于language compentence& language performance的观点吗

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