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作者:聚创湖大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 244 发布时间: 2012-07-11 14:57 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

  1. 个人概况

  姓名:范玉峰  性别:男  出生日期:1969年5月

  职 称:教授、硕士生导师  工作单位:湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院/国家高效磨削工程技术研究中心

  通讯地址:湖南省长沙市湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院 机械大楼525室

  邮编:410082  E-mail: yffan.cn@gmail.com

  2. 从事研究的学科专业领域及主要研究方向:

  专业领域:机械工程学科 机械制造及其自动化专业。



  3. 工作与教育背景:


  日本东北大学纳米加工研究室 研究员(2005.10-2007.10)


  日本秋田县立大学 获工学博士学位(2002.4-2005.3)

  清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 获工学硕士学位(1995.7-1997.7)

  汕头大学机电系 助教(1993.8-1995.7)

  清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 获工学学士学位(1988.7-1993.7)

  4. 目前的研究课题:

  车用光学透镜及模具超精密超声波振动研磨加工装备与工艺研究,时间:2008-2010, 课题来源:国家科技支撑计划课题,该项目已经立项,项目编号为2007BAF29B03,专项经费366万元,为项目主持人。


  5. 招生计划:


  研究所网址: http://www.micronano.com.cn

  6. 近5年发表主要论文:

  1. Yufeng fan, Jiwang Yan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa. Ultra-precision cutting of Fresnelenses on single crystagermanium –adopting a noveprocess steps to avoid the microcrack to the edge region, The 4th InternationaSymposium on MechanicaScience based on Nanotechnology, 2007-02, Sendai, Japan

  2. Yufeng fan, Jiwang Yan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa,Fabrication of Fresnelenses by Ultra-precision Cutting of Single CrystaGermanium-Improvement of Machining Accuracy of Micro Grooves-,The Japan Society for Precision Engineering,2007-04,Tokyo, Japan

  3. Jiwang Yan, Yufeng Fan, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Nobuhito Yoshihara. Improving the Profile Integrity of Germanium FresneLenses in Micro Grooving Processes, The 4th InternationaConference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, 2007-09, Fukuoka, Japan

  4. 范玉峰,闫继旺,厨川常元在单结晶锗基板上进行菲涅尔透镜的超精密切削研究,先进制造与数据共享国际研讨会,2007-10,北京

  5. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan and Masana Kato: Microscale Fabrication of Pin-shaped Machine Parts by a New Centerless Grinding Technique, InternationaJournaof NanoManufacturing, 2006, vol. 1(1)

  6. Jiwang Yan, Yufeng Fan, Nobuhito Yoshihara and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: NumericaSimulation and Prediction of Surface Heterogeneity in Diamond Turning of Single-Crystalline Germanium, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.329, 2007, pp.397-402

  7. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan and Masana Kato: A Feasibility Study of Microscale Fabrication by Ultrasonic-Shoe Centerless Grinding, Precision Engineering (the Journaof the InternationaSocieties for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), Vol.30, No.2, 2006, pp.201-210.

  8. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Toru Tachibana and Masana Kato: Effect of Ultrasonic Elliptic Vibration on Friction between shoe and Workpiece in Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.291-292, 2005, pp.33-38.

  9. Yongbo Wu, Jun Wang, Yufeng Fan and Masana Kato: Determination of Waviness Decrease Rate by Measuring the Frequency Characteristics of the Grinding Force in Centerless Grinding, Journaof MateriaProcessing Technology, Vol.170, No.3, 2005, pp.563-569.

  10. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan and Masana Kato: Controlling the Workpiece Rotation Speed with an Ultrasonic Regulator in Microscale Centerless Grinding, Proceedings of 3rd InternationaConference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Nagoya, Japan, 2005, pp.1223-1228.

  11. Yufeng Fan, Yongbo Wu, Masana Kato, Toru Tachibana: Design of Centerless Grinding Apparatus with Ultrasonic Regulator and Its Applications to Micro Parts Grinding,Proceeding of JSAT AnnuaMeeting (2005), (ABTEC2005),pp.191-194

  12. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Toru Tachibana, Masana Kato Katsuo Syoji and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: Development of a New Grinding Method without Regulating Whee-Influence of GeometricaConditions of Workpiece on Grinding Accuracy-, Journaof the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT), Vol.48 No.5, 2004, pp.263-269.

  13. Yufeng Fan, Yongbo Wu, Masana Kato, Toru Tachibana, Katsuo Syoji and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: Design of an Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration Shoe and its Performance in Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration-Shoe Centerless Grinding, JSME InternationaJournal, Series C, Vol.47, No.1, 2004, pp.43-51.

  14. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Masana Kato, Toru Tachibana, Katsuo Syoji and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: Determination of an Optimum GeometricaArrangement of Workpiece in the Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.257-258, 2004, pp.495-500.

  15. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Masana Kato, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Katsuo Syoji and Toru Tachibana: Development of an Ultrasonic Elliptic vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding Technique, Journaof MateriaProcessing Technology, Vol. 155-156, 2004, pp.1780-1787.

  16. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Masana Kato, Jun Wang, Katsuo Syoji and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: A New Centerless Grinding Method Without Employing Regulating Wheel, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 238-239, 2003, pp.355-360.

  17. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Masana Kato, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Katsuo Syoji and Toru Tachibana: Development of an Ultrasonic Elliptic vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding Technique, InternationaConference on Proceedings of AMPT2003, Vol.2,2003, pp.936-939.

  18. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Masana Kato, Toru Tachibana, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa and Katsuo Syoji: Design of an Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration Shoe and its Performance in Ultrasonic Elliptic-Vibration-Shoe Centerless Grinding, Proceedings of 2nd InternationaConference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), 2003, pp257-262

  19. Yongbo Wu, Yufeng Fan, Toru Tachibana, Masana Kato, Katsuo Syoji and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa: Development of a new Centerless grinding method without regulating wheel-influence of geometricaconditions of workpiece on grinding accuracy-, Proceeding of JSAT AnnuaMeeting (2003), (ABTEC2003),pp.265-268

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