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作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 1151 发布时间: 2019-03-05 10:48 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


  press conference

  Zhang Yesui, spokesman for the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), answered questions at a press conference on the agenda of the session and the work of the NPC at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday.






  The interests of China and the United States are deeply interwoven and a confrontational China-US relationship does not benefit anyone.


  China has a clear policy toward its relationship with the US, which is based on no-conflict and no-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.



  The adoption of the foreign investment law is an innovation in the legal system on foreign investment and is to replace the existing three laws and serve as the basic law on foreign investment as China continues to open up in the new era.



  China has maintained a single digit growth rate in its budgeted national defense spending since 2016, following five consecutive years of double digit increase.


  While the national defense spending in some major developed countries accounted for more than 2 percent of their GDP, the ratio was only about 1.3 percent for China in 2018.


  Whether a country is a military threat to others or not is not determined by its increase in defense expenditure, but by the diplomatic and national defense policies it adopts.


  China's limited defense expenditure is for the protection of the nation's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and does not pose any threat to other countries.



  The Belt and Road Initiative is meant to enhance connectivity, and with that create more opportunities for China and world economic growth, and it complements the existing multilateral cooperation mechanisms.


  A total of 152 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation documents with China on the Belt and Road Initiative.


  China takes debt sustainability in Belt and Road cooperation very seriously, and the country will never impose its will on others.







  The behavior of playing up the security risks in Chinese products by some US officials is interference in economic activities by political means.

  It is against the rules of the World Trade Organization, and disrupts international market order based on fair competition, a typical practice of double standards that is neither fair nor moral.





  The Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress has included personal information in its legislation plan. Departments and authorities are now looking at it and are working on the draft.



  With artificial intelligence becoming a new front in technological development, the government vows to continuously encourage the AI development and application through legislation, accompanied by forward-looking proactive prevention and restraint guidance to ensure safe and controllable application.


  The NPC standing committee has included AI-related legislative programs including data security and protection of personal information in the five-year legislative plan, to further encourage the AI innovative development with a solid legal guarantee system.




  二、加快保障和改善民生、推进生态文明建设领域的立法(legislation on people's livelihoods and ecology will be also improved this year)。包括审议基本医疗卫生与健康促进法草案(legislation on medical care and health)、疫苗管理法草案和药品管理法修正草案,制定长江保护法(a law on protecting the Yangtze River )等。

  三、加强国家安全(national security)、社会治理领域的立法。制定出口管制法、数据安全法、生物安全法等,提高防范和抵御安全风险的能力(draft laws on export controls, data security and bio security to strengthen our capacity to defend and stop risks)。制定社区矫正法(community correction)、退役军人保障法,修改刑法(the Criminal Law)等。



  1、the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) 十三届全国人大二次会议
  2、agenda 议程
  3、mutual respect 相互尊重
  4、win-win cooperation 合作共赢
  5、foreign investment law 外商投资法
  6、defense spending / defense expenditure [ɪk'spɛndɪtʃɚ] 国防费
  7、sovereignty  ['sɒvrɪntɪ]   主权
  8、territorial integrity [,terɪ'tɔːrɪəl ɪn'tegrɪtɪ] 领土完整
  9、fair competition 公平竞争
  10、personal information 个人信息
  11、legislature   ['ledʒɪslətʃə]立法机关

  12、legislation 立法





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