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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day200

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 772 发布时间: 2019-01-14 09:19 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  Current-account imbalances are not always a cause for concern.As a matter of arithmetic, they measure the gap between domestic savings and investment.The euro area is an economy with an ageing population: it should save more than it invests. As a result, it should have a current-account surplus.

  America's deficit partly reflects the more attractive investment opportunities available there than elsewhere in the world.Imbalances become more worrying, however, if they are larger than economic fundamentals might suggest or financed by short-term inflows.

  The crises in the periphery of the euro zone were reflected in deficits caused by a surfeit of unproductive spending.But excess surpluses, too, can have drawbacks.The IMF reckons that the euro area's aggregate current-account surplus is now stronger than would be justified by structural factors and the business cycle alone.Growth in the zone relies too much on that of its largest trading partners, including America;worthy investment projects at home—in German infrastructure, say—go unfulfilled.

  Surpluses also have political consequences outside the bloc.President Donald Trump sees Europe as a "foe" because of its bilateral trade surplus with America.He has slapped tariffs on European steel and aluminium, and threatened them on cars; the European Union has retaliated.The two sides are negotiating, but trade tensions are likely to keep simmering.

  1.a cause for concern 令人担心的;引起关注
  General Cantwell acknowledges that is a cause for concern.

  2.drawback 缺点
  Another drawback: Chicago's distance from Silicon Valley may hinder the ability to cultivate key relationships.

  3.unfulfilled 未实现的
  One can speculate that his romantic hopes were unfulfilled.

  4.simmer 即将爆发;炖的状态或过程; 即将沸腾的状态
  bitter divisions that have simmered for more than half a century
  Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer;Simmer, covered, for a further two minutes



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day199


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