作者:聚创考研网-邹老师 点击量: 1270 发布时间: 2018-11-22 11:44 【微信号:扫码加咨询】
经济学人:中国商业航天 (2)
OS-X was assembled in the laboratory where its remnants now reside.But OS-M, the next generation, will be built in a factory now nearing completion in Chongqing.These solid-fuelled rockets will be 20 metres tall and are destined for orbit.They will be able to launch payloads of up to 205 kg—a load the firm hopes eventually to increase to 750 kg by adding four booster rockets to the main one.
OneSpace's target is the rapidly growing market for small, short-lived satellites that will observe Earth's surface for various purposes.At the moment these devices, which weigh only a kilogram or two,are launched mainly as makeweights on missions whose principle purpose is to put a large satellite into space.
Demand for small-satellite launches is now so great, though, that businesses can be built on it.Rocket Lab, an American firm, has recently begun offering dedicated small-satellite launches, using a liquid-fuelled rocket.OneSpace hopes the first OS-M should be launched before the end of the year.
对于小型卫星发射的需求很大,因此很多公司可涉足其中。美国公司Rocket Lab近期开始提供专门的小型卫星发射,其使用的是液体燃料火箭。零壹空间希望首枚OS-M应在年末之前发射。
The firm, which was founded in August 2015, owes its birth to government policies, promulgated a year earlier,that permitted private capital to enter the space industry—previously a state monopoly.It is backed by several Chinese venture-capital firms, including Legend Star, Zhengxuan Capital and the Hongtai Fund.It says it has already signed a number of contracts to launch small satellites for Chinese customers.
It may not, though, keep its lead for long. Several other firms, including LandSpace and LinkSpace in Beijing,and ExPace, in Wuhan, have similar plans and are pressing it hard.It seems, then, that in the small-satellite-launch market the Chinese are coming in earnest.With luck, at least from the customer's point of view, OneSpace and its modern fire arrows are about to ignite a private space race.
1.reside 居住;存在
Many of Lucia's extant papers reside at SUNY-Buffalo
2.be destined for 派往;预定
She seems to be destined for the top rank of government.
3.state monopoly 国家专营
This became unnecessary when Premier Bettino Craxi shoved a law through Parliament that broke the state monopoly
4.ignite 点燃;激起
Which could ignite our sense of competition or just depress us
5.intend to 打算;想要
We intend to build up Zion on the earth
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