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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 892 发布时间: 2016-12-30 16:20 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


















  Section IV Writing;Part A

  47. Directions:

  Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to

  1) accept the invitation, and

  2) introduce the key points of your presentation

  You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Don’t use your own name, use “LiMing” instead.Don’t write your address. (10 points)


  Dear Professor Williams,

  It is my honor to receive your invitation to give presentation about Chinese culture to international students. And I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and provide the specific information about my presentation, which is about the brief introduction of Confucianism, the dominant philosophy of oriental culture.

  To begin with, the first part of my presentation is the brief introduction to Master Confucius and the Analects of Confucius. Relevant background about Spring and Autumn warring state period will also be introduced. In addition, the second part is about etiquette, one of the cores of Confucianism, which stabilized ancient Chinese society. Moreover, I would like to upload the e-book of English version of the Analects of Confucius to the official website of our university, so that the audience will be fully prepared.

  Thank you for your invitation, and I wish my presentation will be appreciated by the audience.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming











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