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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 519 发布时间: 2016-12-02 11:13 【微信号:扫码加咨询】




  1.货到交付 delivery on arrival

  2.空巢老人 Empty Nester

  3.网络强国战略  Network power strategy

  4.全面二孩政策 the universal two-child policy

  5.皮影戏 shadow play


  1.Linguistic relativity 语言相对论

  2.Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪政体

  3.Referendum 全民公投

  4.Alliteration 头韵

  5.American Puritan  美国清教


  1.While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your wares and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

  结构分析:and 连接两个并列句。

  第一个分句的主干是:employer is deciding whether,第二个分句的主干是:your wares and abilities must be displayed。第一个分句中while引导了一个伴随性动作talking作时间状语,decide后面接了一个whether引导的宾语从句:whether your education,your experience,and other qualifications will pay him to employ you


  2.When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something tangible to sell.

  结构分析:when 引导时间状语从句,主句是:you have something tangible to sell。注意本句中have+ n.+to do这个结构。








  Respected Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all the dear friends,

  in this beautiful spring season, the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China is grandly opened today.

  On behalf of the current forum’s organizing committee and the People’s Government of Shan’xi Province, I’d like to extend our warm welcome and wholehearted wishes to all the honored guests at home and abroad, delegates from participant ministries and commissions, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

  I’d also like to extend the warm welcome to compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as friends of various circles present at this important national economic and trade gathering.

  Let us wish the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China a complete success! Thank you all!!


  1. This is an illness that can result in total blindness ___ left untreated.

  A. After

  B. if

  C. since

  D. unless




  【详细解答】 after和since都是引导时间状语从句,since还可作“因为”讲,引导原因状语从句。if“如果”和unless“除非”都可以引导条件状语从句。但if后接过去分词短语,省略的成分为主语+系动词,该主语只有与主句的主语相同才可省略。根据句意和句子结构,选项B为正确答案。

  2. The central provinces have floods in some years, and ___.

  A. drought in others

  B. droughts are others

  C. while other droughts

  D. others in drought




  【详细解答】这是一个并列句,句中and是并列连词,它后面连接的内容与前面的 “floods in some years”是并列成份,要求结构相同。drought in others中others指代years。故选项A为正确答案。





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