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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 490 发布时间: 2016-12-01 17:36 【微信号:扫码加咨询】




  1.准备金率:reserve requirement ratio.

  2.国事访问:state visit(pay a state visit to)

  3.不结盟运动:non-alignment movement

  4.化干戈为玉帛:Bury the hatchet



  1.ebola phobia:埃博拉恐惧症


  3.next to kin:最近的亲属





  Great changes have taken place since then. China’s opening up and reform policy has brought about remarkable achievements over the past 40 years. The EEC has evolved into the European Union.

  2.With the quick development of information technique and computer science, the techniques about image processing, automatic target recognition and computer vision have been widely applied in many fields, such as industries, national defense, aeronautics and aerospace.




  Correspondent: What Dick Brown and Percy Barnevik have shown is that there are different routes to globalization and that companies have to work hard to succeed in going global. Actually one of the disadvantages of the Global Strategy is that integrated competitive moves can lead to the sacrificing of revenues, profits, or competitive positions in individual countries — especially when the subsidiary in one country is told to attack a global competitor in order to convey a signal or divert that competitor’s resources from another nation. The challenges managers of transnational corporations face are to identify and exploit cross-border synergies and to balance local demands with the global vision for the corporation. Building an effective transnational organization requires a corporate culture that values global dissimilarities across cultures and markets.



  1. Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection until maturity by _____ the seedling stage in the rice plant's life cycle, thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage.

  (A) deterring

  (B) displacing

  (C) augmenting

  (D) imitating

  (E) nurturing

  2.The spellings of many old English words have been______in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.

  (A) preserved

  (B) shortened

  (C) preempted

  (D) revised

  (E) improved


  【分析】空格填入一个现在分词,表示“某些杂草(some weeds)”对于“幼苗期(seedling stage)”做的动作,thereby表示前后一致,remaining表示空格1要体现“不容易和水稻区分(indistinguishable from the rice crop)”的含义。A阻止;B移动,取代;C扩大,增加;D模仿;E养育,培养。D选项正确。



  【分析】空格填入一个动词,承受者是"古代英语单词的拼写(spellings of many old English words)",although表达前后是让步转折关系,前后句中"拼写"和"发音"为相关概念,因此空格表达和"changed"相对的含义,即"不变"。A 保留;B 缩短;C 拥有优先购买权;抢先占领;取代,替代;D 修改;E 改善,改良。只有 A 符合"不变"的含义,为正确答案。






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