多人在线竞技游戏 multiplayer online battle arena/MOBA game
对话伙伴国 dialogue partner
通过创新、结构性改革、新工业革命、数字经济等新方式,为世界经济开辟新道路,拓展新边界 break a new path and expand new frontier for world economy to innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution and the development of the digital economy.
做到短期政策和中长期政策并重 place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long-term policies
摩拜单车 Mobike
公租自行车服务 public bike rental service
消费性电子产品 consumer eletronics
联勤保障部队 joint logistics support force
10+3机制 ASEAN+3 mechanism
电子竞技 electronic sports/e-sports
宏观审慎政策 macro-prudential policy
好莱坞星光大道 Hollywood Walk of Fame
机动车排放标准 vehicle emissions standards
跨境电子贸易规则 cross-border electronic trade(e-trade) rules
全球价值链 global value chains(GVCS)
实施连贯一致的税收政策,促进包容性增长 adopt consistent and aligned tax policies to drive inclusive growth
二十国集团是全球经济治理的主要平台。G20 is a major platform for global economic governance.
电动滑板车 electric scooter
绿色金融 green finance
生态环境损害赔偿制度 environmental damage compensation system
事业单位改革 reform of public institutions
公共文化设施 public cultural facilities
聚焦发展 Focus on development
集众智、聚合力 Pool wisdom, form synergy
谋大势、做实事 Act with a broad vision,deliver concrete outcomes
投资诈骗 investment fraud
诊断试验 diagnostic test
全民健身活动 public fitness activities
民间借贷 private lending
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
“港人治港”The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.
通关一体化 customs integration
统筹国内国际两个大局 Keep in mind both the domestic and international situations
国务资政 state counselor