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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 1122 发布时间: 2016-09-13 16:43 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


  an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy


  We are determined to foster an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy to usher in a new era of global growth and sustainable development, taking into account the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement.



  2.usher in a new era of: 开创一个时代/纪元


  【1】If you usher someone somewhere, you show them where they should go, often by going with them. 引领

  比如说:I ushered him into office:我领他进了办公室。


  An usher is a person who shows people where to sit, for example at a wedding or at a concert.

  usher in:

  If one thing ushers in another thing, it indicates that the other thing is about to begin.开启;引入

  这个词组在中译英的时候用得非常平凡,需要学会怎么去使用。比如我们可以说: The adoption of the Constitution ushered in an era of rule of law in China. 宪法的颁布将中国带入了法制时代。


  Resilience of Economy


  We met at a time when the global economic recovery is progressing, resilience is improved in some economies and new sources for growth are emerging.


  【1】Something that is resilientis strong and not easily

  damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed. 坚韧的;有弹性的;有韧性的;有回弹力的

  【2】People and things that are resilient are able to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.具有韧性的


  比如说:Australia has been consistently ranked in the top 5 most resilient economies.



  supply side reforms


  Integration. We will pursue innovative growth concepts and policies by forging synergy among fiscal, monetary and structural policies, enhancing coherence between economic, labor, employment and social policies as well as combining demand management with supply side reforms, short-term with mid- to long-term policies, economic growth with social development and environmental protection.





  a.需求侧(demand side) 有投资、消费、出口三驾马车,

  b.供给侧(supply side) 则有劳动力、土地、资本、创新四大要素;


  d.07 年以来中国经济增速逐年下滑,但需求刺激效果甚微。需求不足仅是表象,供需错配才是实质,因而需要从供给端着手改革。


  1. 去产能(cut excessive industrial capacity)

  2. 去库存(destocking)

  3. 去杠杆(de-leveraging)

  4. 降成本(lower corporate costs)

  5. 补短板(improve weak links)

  2. synergy:

  If there is synergy between two or more organizations or groups, they are more successful when they work together than when they work separately.

  从英文解释中可以看出synergy的意思是 (两个或多个组织共同协作后产生的)协同增效作用,协同作用,也可以译为『合力』这个在中译英里面经常出现,大家有必要积累一下。


  The Hangzhou Consensus


  In this context, we, the G20, as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, forge a comprehensive and integrated narrative for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth, and thereby adopt the attached package of policies and actions - the Hangzhou Consensus - based on the following:


  杭州共识:“杭州共识”体现在峰会公报所表达的“五个决心”:a. 决心为世界经济指明方向,规划路径;b.决心创新增长方式,为世界经济注入新动力;c. 决心完善全球经济金融治理,提高世界经济抗风险能力;d. 决心重振国际贸易和投资两大引擎,构建开放型世界经济;e. 决心推动包容和联动式发展,让二十国集团合作成果惠及全球。




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