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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 431 发布时间: 2016-09-10 09:48 【微信号:扫码加咨询】




  mortality sticky adj.滞销的;卖不出去的

  make good on 兑现

  exacerbate v.使恶化

  gene pool 基因库

  hardball n.棒球;采取强硬手段

  socialite n.交际名流

  repellent n.驱虫剂

  insecticide n.杀虫剂

  hereditary adj.世袭的;遗传的

  rake in 轻易的大捞钱财

  micronutrient n.微量营养元素

  vaccination 接种;疫苗

  warm to 对某事开始感兴趣

  right up my street 正合我意

  up for a laugh 想要玩乐


  hidden hunger 隐性饥饿

  SFA=China's State Forestry Administration 国家林业局

  Fight the Landlord 斗地主


  数字字母组合、数字字母符号组合、数字字母大小写组合,6位、8位、14位……一遇到输入密码 场合就感到厌倦和疲劳?这在心理学上被称为“密码疲劳”。

  Password fatigue is the feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an  excessive number of passwords as part of their daily routine,such as to log on to a computer at  work ,undo a bicycle lock or conduct banking from an automated teller machine.The concept is also known as password chaos or more broadly as identity chaos.


  随着信息科技和互联网(information technology and the Internet)在工作、金融、休闲娱乐和人们生活的其他方面(other aspects of people's lives )变得越来越重要,随之引入的安全交易技术(secure transaction technology)使人们积累了大量的账户和密码(a proliferation of accounts and passwords)。

  根据2002年英国网络安全(online/cyber security)咨询公司NTA Monitor 开展的一项调查,经常使用电脑的用户(intensive computer users)需要记住21个账户和密码。

  引发“密码疲劳”(password fatigue)的因素包括:突然要求用户创建一个新的密码(create a new password);要求用户创建新密码地使用特定类型的字母、数字和特殊字符(letters,digits and special characters);要求用户输入新密码两次(type the new password twice);回应密码提示(respond to a password prompt)以及设定新密码(set a new password)时需要盲打(blind typing)。




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