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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 712 发布时间: 2016-08-27 09:13 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  According一词通常不单独使用,而用在according to和according as两个习语中。

  1,according as后接从句,意为:“根据……而”、“按照……而”,例如:

  The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold. 温度计的液柱随着空气的冷热而升降。

  They move into the next class, according asx they pass or fail the examination. 他们能否就读下一年级要看考试是否及格而定。


  The specifications have told you all the circumstances, so you must act accordingly. 说明书已经讲了一切情况,因此你必须照此去做。


  A scientist draws conclusions by studying some of the facts he collects. Accordingly, his views are not totally correct sometimes. 科学家通过研究他所收集到的部分事实作出结论。因此,他的观点有时并非完全正确。

        2,according to的用法和译法


  We should observe a meter and act according to the readings we take. 我们应当先观察仪表,并根据所取的读数进行操作。


  According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 根据科学家们的看法,自然界要用五百年的时间才能形成一英寸的表层土壤。


  This kind of animal can change her color according to the temperature around. 这种动物可以随着周围气温的变化而改变自己身上的颜色。

  但也不能一概而论,我们不能一见到according to就译为“根据……”。例如:

  Although the constituent particles are moving according to somewhat random. 由于粒子的运动是客观存在的,不能说粒子是根据牛顿方程运动着的,此处等于in accordance with和in agreement with之意。因此,根据客观事实的逻辑,上句可意译为:虽然其中所有粒子的运动符合牛顿方程,但由于粒子的数目众多,其运动就显得杂乱无章。

  as well as 用作并列连词的译法

  As well as用作并列连词,在科技英语中是很常见的。普遍流行的一种见解认为:“as well as用作并列连词时,着重的不是as well as之后的词,而是它之前的词。所以翻译时,通常应先译as well as之后的词,  然后再译它之前的词。”(《科技英语问题解答》),P. 129)“作为并列连词使用时,虽然连接的是两个并列部分,但其重点在前者,不在后者。汉译时要先译后者,再译前者。”(《英语辅导》)

  但是,笔者在翻译英语科技文章时,发现很多情况并非如此。例如下面的两个例句都是从同一本书(Santokh S. Basi, Semiconductor Pulse and Switching Circuits, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1980)的同一  章中摘录下来的,但它们强调的重点并不相同。如:

  It is to be noted that Thevenin 's theorem applies to AC as well as to DC circuits.


  在这句话中,作者所强调的是as well as前面的部分。翻译时把这个重点正确地表达出来是很必要的。但是作者接下去又说:

  The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits.


  显然,这句话所强调的恰好是as well as 后面的部分。值得注意的是,强调后面部分的情况并非个别。下面这些句子都是从近年出版的英文原著中摘抄下来的:

  1. The term IMPEDANCE is applicable only to AC circuits. Its unit of measurement is the ohm. It has a magnitude as well as phase angle. It is a complex quantity.


  2. Note that Ohm's law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. However, when analyzing AC circuit, it is important to consider the magnitude as well as the direction of phasor quantities.


  3. The electrical power supplied by the source to the circuit is given by P=VI(watts). The equation is applicable to a circuit as well as to a component in a circuit.


  在上述数例中,作者所强调的显然都是as well as后面的部分。可见,当as well as用作并列连词时,究竟是强调前者还是强调后者,必须根据上下文来判断。


  4. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow.


       5. Using the multimeter, measure and record the rms values of the input as well as the output (volts) in table E2-2.


  6. In many instances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work done.


  总而言之,as well as用作并列连接词时,所强调的是前者还是后者,或者二者均不明显地强调,必须根据上下文,仔细斟酌,然后才能判定。


  翻译硕士考研:Especially 在句子后的一般译法

  翻译硕士备考:And 的特殊用法和汉译

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