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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 339 发布时间: 2016-05-23 15:59 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  My knowledge in the field is but a drop in the bucket.


  I’ll give you a drop of something to warm you up.


  She would blush at the drop of a hat.


  He will deliver homilies on the street at the drop of a hat.


  The gang got the drop on the targets by flashing police badges.


  He seems to have a drop in his eye.


  I have had a drop too much.


  The sweat stood out in drops on his forehead.


  The water leaked from the tap drop by drop.


  The eye drops will help to improve your eyesight.


  There is a mail drop near the gate.


  She let drop the cup.


  I would not let drop a word.


  We will defend our motherland to the last drop of our blood.


  I dropped across Mr. Smith yesterday.


  The guests dropped away one by one.


  Sales have dropped away in recent months.


  The troops got orders to drop back.


  THe horse dropped back halfway through the race.


  Her long illness caused her to drop behind the rest of the class.


  Drop by my office this afternoon.


  Hit on the head, the enemy officer dropped dead instantly.


  Fruits soon drop down when they get ripe.


  The boat began to drop down with the tide.


  Drop in and see us when you are in London.


  Let’s drop on Jim and surprise him.


  Leaves began to drop off.





以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"17年考研英语:怎样学单词背得快?"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信H17720740258进行咨询。

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