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作者:聚创中大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 820 发布时间: 2016-06-17 17:51 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


  系 所:  财务与投资系
  办公电话:  020-84112607
  E-mail:  liguangzhong@mail.sysu.edu.cn


   金融学博士,Baruch College, The City University of New York




   2012年9月— 教授、博导,中山大学管理学院财务与投资系
  2010年9月—2012年8月 教授、博导,中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院
  2009年2月—2010年1月 代理教授,Baruch College
  2007年9月—2009年1月 兼职讲师,Baruch College
  2004年—2006年 副教授,中山大学金融系
  2002年—2004年 讲师,中山大学金融系



   Factors contributing to hit-and-run crashes in China, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 23,March 2014, 113-124.(with Guangnan Zhang,T.Cai, D. M. Bishai, C. Wu, Z. Chan)
  Do Securitized Real Estate Markets Jump? International Evidence, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 31,  13-35. (with Jie Li, Yinggang Zhou)
  “Do Firms Have Unique Target Debt Ratios to Which They Adjust?” (with Armen Hovakimian), Review of Finance,  16(3), 733-754
  “In Search of Conclusive Evidence: How to Test for Adjustment to Target Capital Structure” (with Armen Hovakimian), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011, 17(1), pp.33-44.
  “Clawbacks and Cronyism: Evidence from China” (with Linda Allen), Financial Management, 2011, 40(3), 733-756
  “What Happened to Oil Price-Macroeconomy Relationship in Hong Kong” (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.263-280, May 2010
  “Price Discovery for Segmented US-listed Chinese Stocks: Location or Market Quality”, (with K. C. Chen and Lifan Wu), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2010 37(1) & (2), 242–269.
  “Effects of Foreign Currency Component in Monetary Aggregates on Money Neutrality”, (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Economics Letters, pp.435-438. 2008, Vol. 99, Issue 3,
  “Causality and Variance Spillover among European Government Bond Markets” (with James Refalo and Lifan, Wu), Applied Financial Economicspp.1709-1720., 2008, Vol. 18, No. 21,
  “How Does FDI Affect China Nowadays? Evidence from Different Industries and Provinces” (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Journal of Comparative Economics, pp.774-799. 2007, Vol. 35, Issue 4,
  “Does China Really Lose from RMB Revaluation? Evidence from Some Export Industries” (with Jan P Voon and Jimmy Ran), Applied Economics, 2006, Vol. 38 (15), pp.1715-1723.
  “Risk, Uncertainty and China’s Exports” (with Jan P Voon and Jimmy Ran), Australian Economic Papers,p.158-168. 2006,



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