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作者:聚创华大考研网-余老师 点击量: 671 发布时间: 2018-08-21 12:35 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

热门关键词:华侨大学信息科学与工程学院导师  华侨大学黄志福  硕士研究生导师  





2018.1~  华侨大学信息学院,副教授。

2010.9~2017.12 华侨大学信息学院,讲师。

2005.9~2010.9 厦门大学物理系硕博连读,获博士学位。

2001.9~2005.7 厦门大学物理系本科学习,获学士学位。








9.Zhifu Huang* and Shuqing Zheng, The cross correlation properties of composite systems, Scientific REPORTS, 8 (2018) 1297(SCI收录).

8.Yanxiu Liu, Cheng Xu, Zhifu Huang*, Bihong Lin, The internal energy expression of a long-range interaction complex system and its statistical physical properties, Physica A, 473 (2017) 423(SCI收录).

7. Zhifu Huang*, Congjie Ou, Bihong Lin, Guozhen Su and Jincan Chen, Conditional statistical properties of the complex systems having long-duration memory, Physica A, 409 (2014) 138 (SCI收录).

6. Zhifu Huang*, Congjie Ou, Bihong Lin, Guozhen Su and Jincan Chen*, The available force in long-duration memory complex systems and its statistical physical properties, Europhys. Lett., 103 (2013) 10011(SCI收录).

5. Zhifu Huang, Congjie Ou and Jincan Chen*, Incomplete nonextensive statistics and the zeroth law of thermodynamics, Chinese Physics B, 22 (2013) 040501(SCI收录).

4. Zhifu Huang, Guozhen Su, Aziz El Kaabouchi, Qiuping A Wang and Jincan Chen*, Self-similar motion for modeling anomalous diffusion and nonextensive statistical distributions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, (2010) L05001(SCI收录).

3. Zhifu Huang, Bihong Lin and Jincan Chen*, A new expression of the probability distribution in Incomplete Statistics and fundamental thermodynamic relations, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 40 (2009) 12771281(SCI收录).

2. Zhifu Huang, Congjie Ou, A. Le Méhauté, Qiuping A. Wang and Jincan Chen*, Inherent correlations between thermodynamics and statistical physics in extensive and nonextensive systems, Physica A, 388 (2009) 2331-2336(SCI收录).

1. Zhifu Huang, Congjie Ou and Jincan Chen*, Nonextensive and extensive thermostatistic properties of Fermi systems trapped in different external potentials, Chinese Physics B, 18 (2009) 1380-1389(SCI收录).





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