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作者:聚创中传考研网-a老师 点击量: 1003 发布时间: 2017-01-04 16:04 【微信号:扫码加咨询】




  (2)大作文:感性与理性 800字



  1.泰戈尔在1913年凭借哪部作品获得诺贝尔文学奖?a.吉檀迦利 b.飞鸟集

  2.特别提款权篮子货币不包括以下哪种货币?a.日元 b.瑞士法郎 c.欧元

  3.《慈善法》对哪种慈善活动实行特殊的税收优惠? a.扶老救孤 b.扶贫济困 c.救助自然灾害

  4. jump through hoops在口语中是什么意思 a.历经困难 b.有惊无险

  5.18世纪初推动形成欧洲大陆均势的协定是 a.比利牛斯和约 b.乌得勒支和约 c.威斯敏斯特和约

  6.法国作家乔治·桑是什么流派的代表作家? a.浪漫主义 b.后现代主义

  7.法国、德国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡五国签订申根协定。该协定规定,其成员国对短期逗留者颁发统一格式的签证,申根协定是在哪里签署的? a.卢森堡 b.比利时 c.德国




  11. 2016年美国共和党总统候选人是谁

  12.下列不是王国维提出的人生三境界的是 a.“昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路”

  b.“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”  c.“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊 处。”  d... ...


  1.《查理周刊》事件   伊斯兰国   欧元区

  2.四个全面  两学一做  五大发展理念


  4.框架理论  符号学  议程设置



  1.Lucas Films

  2.United States Information Agency

  3.Attorney General of the United States

  4.full shot

  5.Associated Press


  7.The Wall Street Journal


  9.silent movie


  11.Board of Censors














  25.ethic film


  27.daily mirror



  1.英译汉 (这是新闻的原文,考试原文在这篇文章上进行了一些改动,字数只有约350字)

  China confirms satellite test, says no threat

  By Chris Buckley

  BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Tuesday it had shot down one of its own satellites, confirming U.S. reports, but denied it was threatening an arms race in space.

  Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said he knew of no plans for a second test, adding his government had briefed the United States, Japan and other countries some time after the aging weather satellite was hit on January 11.

  Those countries have voiced worries about dangerous space debris and escalating military rivalry in space, but Liu said such fears were groundless.

  \"This test was not directed at any country and does not constitute a threat to any country,\" he told a regular news briefing.

  \"What needs to be stressed is that China has always advocated the peaceful use of space, opposes the weaponization of space and arms races in space.\"

  Liu said he had not \"heard of plans for a second test.\"

  This was the first time that Beijing had publicly confirmed the satellite strike, revealed by U.S. officials last week.

  The belated response appeared unlikely to silence complaints from other capitals that Beijing had eroded security in outer space, and its own claims to be an entirely peaceful power, by pulverizing the satellite.

  The European Union said in a statement it was very concerned about the event, noting a \"test of an anti-satellite weapon is inconsistent with international efforts to avert an arms race in outer space and undermines security in outer space.\"

  Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said on Tuesday China should be more open over its plans for outer space.

  \"Unless there is transparency, there will be suspicions. It\'s not enough for China to just say there was one test,\" he told a news conference in Tokyo.

  On Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing talked over the phone with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the Chinese ministry\'s Web site (www.fmprc.gov.cn) reported. It said they discussed \"promoting constructive cooperative relations\" but gave no details.


  The United States staged the most recent previous missile strike against a satellite in September 1985.

  No international treaty bans such strikes, but experts say the floating debris they leave endangers other satellites vital to commerce and security.

  Beijing fears the Bush administration\'s plans to bolster U.S. dominance in space security could undermine its own security, analysts say. Analysts say China could use its ability to down satellites to counter any spy satellite support Washington might offer Taiwan if war were to break out between the self-ruled island and the mainland.

  A Taiwan official in charge of China policy said on Tuesday that the satellite test flouted international norms and showed Beijing\'s space ambitions were not benign.

  \"It demonstrated that China has been trying to militarize the use of space and clearly it is against the international interest, not just the interest of Taiwan,\" Joseph Wu, chairman of Taiwan\'s Mainland Affairs Council, said in a speech in Tokyo.

  On Monday, a State Department spokesman said Chinese officials had acknowledged the test when they met Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill in Beijing over the weekend.

  Asked about China\'s delay in reporting the test, Liu said: \"China has nothing to hide. After various parties expressed concern, we explained this test in outer space to them.\"

  Facing volleys of queries from reporters, Liu said he could not immediately answer questions about the dangers posed by the thousands of metal fragments released into orbit.

  A senior adviser to the Pentagon\'s National Security Space Office, Peter Hays, told Reuters on Monday that the satellite scrap could even harm the International Space Station.

  \"This is a highly technical question, I can\'t give you an accurate answer,\" Liu said of the satellite fragments.


  这里宝玉悲恸了一回,见黛玉去了,便知黛玉看见他躲开了。自己也觉无味,抖抖土起来,下山寻归旧路,往怡红院来。可巧看见黛玉在前头走,连忙赶上去,说道:“你且站着。我知道你不理我,我只说一句话,从今以后撩开手。”黛玉回头见是宝玉,待要不理他,听他说“只说一句话”,便道:“请说。”宝玉笑道: “两句话,说了你听不听呢?”黛玉听说,回头就走。宝玉在身后面叹道:“既有今日,何必当初?”







  Many people think that children should be taught to compete, while others believe that children should be taught to cooperate.

  Give some reasons for both sides, and give your own opinion about it.


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