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作者:聚创湖大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1020 发布时间: 2015-08-05 11:56 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

  E-mail:  jjhhzz123@163.com


  2003.09-2007.06   在湖南大学学习工程力学专业,学士学位;
  2007.09-2009.12   在湖南大学学习车辆工程专业,硕士学位;
  2009.09-2013.01   在湖南大学学习车辆工程专业,博士学位;
  2010.09-2012.06   在美国韦恩州立大学生物工程中心学习;
  2013.01-至今       湖南大学工作    讲师。

  [1] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:主被动结合新型碰撞吸能方法及其关键技术(参研,纵向);
  [2] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:典型时期的儿童头部有限元建模及损伤机理研究(参研,纵向);
  [3] 长丰集团:长丰CS6结构安全改进项目(参研,横向);
  [4] 重庆长安汽车:乘员损伤机理研究(参研,横向);
  [5] 湖南省自然科学基金“人体脊柱快速建模方法及其生物动力学验证”(参研,纵向);
  [6] Global Human Body Models Consortium:GHBMC Project Validation of head model(参研,横向);
  [7] Toyota’s Collaborative safety research center:10-year-old FE model development(参研,横向)。

  [1].  Jiang Binhui, Cao Libo, Mao Haojie, Wagner Christina, et al. Development of a 10-year-old paediatric thorax finite element model validated against cardiopulmonary resuscitation data. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 2012, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2012.739164 2012. (SCI源刊, IF=1.57)
  [2].  Jiang Binhui, Zhu Feng, Jin Xin, Cao Libo, et al. Computational modeling of the crushing behavior of SKYDEX material using homogenized material laws. Composite Structures, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.06.011.(SCI源刊, IF=2.24)
  [3].  Gopinath Sevagan, Feng Zhu, Binhui Jiang, and King H. Yang. Numerical simulations of the occupant head response in an infantry vehicle under blunt impact and blast loading conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Volume 227 Issue 7, July 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0954411913483430. (SCI源刊, IF=1.0)
  [4].  Zhonghao Bai, Binhui Jiang*, Feng Zhu, Libo Cao, Optimizing the Passenger Airbag of an Adaptive Restraint System for Multiple Size Occupants. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, DOI:10.1080/15389588.2013.842232 (SCI源刊,IF=1.042)
  [5].  Haojie Mao, Liying Zhang, Binhui Jiang, Vinay V. Genthikatti, et al. Development of a Finite Element Human Head Model Validated With Forty Nine Loading Cases From Experimental and Real World Impacts. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2013, DOI: 10.1115/1.4025101 (SCI源刊, IF=1.896)
  [6].  Liqiang Dong, Feng Zhu, Xin Jin, Mahi Suresh, Binhui Jiang, Gopinath Sevagan, Yun Cai, Guangyao Li, King H. Yang.Blast effect on the lower extremities and its mitigation: a computational study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.07.010 (SCI源刊, IF=2.368)
  [7].  Zhu Feng, Jiang Binhui, Yang King H, Ruan Dong, et al. Crushing behavior of SKYDEX? Material. Key Engineering Materials, 2012. 535-536: 121-124.
  [8].  喻伟雄, 曹立波, 蒋彬辉, 白中浩. 基于前碰撞防护的SUV前纵梁结构改进研究. 湖南大学学报, 2010. 32(12): 86-90
  [9].  曹立波, 唐明福, 蒋彬辉, 白中浩, et al. 汽车碰撞事故判断与新型碰撞吸能装置控制系统研究. 中国机械工程, 2010. 21(13): 1619-1623
  [10].       曹立波, 喻伟雄, 白中浩, 蒋彬辉, et al. 基于正面碰撞防护的SUV车辆乘员约束系统优化. 中国机械工程, 2011. 22(3): 374-377
  [11].       曹立波, 白中浩, 蒋彬辉, 任锡娟, et al. [译]汽车与运动损伤生物力学. 北京: 机械工业出版社. 2012
  [12].       曹立波, 蒋彬辉, 冒浩杰, 杨金海. 基于Block-Controlled网格划分法的儿童胸部建模及验证. 汽车工程, 2012 (接受)
  [13].       白中浩, 章龙, 曹立波, 蒋彬辉. SUV背门下垂原因分析及改进. 汽车工程, 2010. 32(7): 626-629
  [14].       白中浩, 蒋彬辉, 张前斌, 文佳旺, et al. 乘用车-载货汽车追尾碰撞相容性结构优化设计. 振动与冲击, 2011. 30(8): 36-40
  [1].  Cao Libo, Jiang Binhui, Tang Mingfu, Bai Zhonghao, et al. Development of the control system of a new crash energy absorption equipment combines active and passive safety. In: FISITA 2010. Budapest, Hungary: 2010
  [2].  Cao Libo, Zhao Yifei, Jiang Binhui, Cui Taisong. Identification of material parameters of door trim panel based on sled test. In: International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks. XianNing, China: 2011, 2265-2268
  [3].  Chen Chaoyang, Bo Cheng, Chuanhua Huang, Jiang Binhui, et al. Finite Element Analysis of Cervical Spinal Nerve Tissue Tolerance to Whiplash Injury: A Preliminary Study. In: the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress Beijing, China: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 433-448
  [4].  Jiang Binhui, Mao Haojie, Wagner Christina, Cao Libo, et al. Development of a 10-year-old pediatric thorax finite element model validated against cardiopulmonary resuscitation data. In: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. Krakow, Poland: 2011, 206-209
  [5].  Mao Haojie, Shen Ming, Dong Liqiang, Jiang Binhui, et al. Development of a 10-year-old finite element whole body model for studying pediatric injury biomechanics. In: 10th International Conference Protection of Children in Cars. Munich, Germany: 2012
  [6].  Mao Haojie, Zhang Liying, Jiang Binhui, Genthikatti Vinay V, et al. Recent Advances in Developing Finite Element Head Model. In: International Crashworthiness Conference (Icrash 2012). Milan, Italy: 2012
  [7].  Jiang Binhui, Mao Haojie, Cao Libo, Yang King H. Experimental Validation of Pediatric Thorax Finite Element Model under Dynamic Loading Condition and Analysis of Injury. In: SAE 2013, no. 2013-01-0456
  [8].  曹立波, 蒋彬辉, 张冠军, 章龙. 具有详细小关节的运动段腰椎建模和验证. In: The 8th Int. Forum of Automotive Traffic Safety (INFATS). Changsha, China, 2010, 340-344
  [9].  张瑞锋, 曹立波, 蒋彬辉. 两种集成式儿童安全座椅结构设计的对比仿真分析. 第16届汽车安全技术学术会议. 杭州, 中国, 2013, 685-690
  [10].       张瑞锋, 曹立波, 蒋彬辉, 李捷. 智能集成式儿童安全座椅的研发. 第16届汽车安全技术学术会议. 杭州, 中国, 2013, 610-716

  [1].  曹立波,白中浩,张冠军,杨金海,蒋彬辉等. 湖南省科技进步二等奖. 2011年
  [2].  曹立波,白中浩,张冠军,蒋彬辉等. 中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖. 2011年

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