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【每日考研词汇】湳哥带你背单词 Day 21【intend】

作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 339 发布时间: 2016-08-25 10:59 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



【每日考研词汇】湳哥带你背单词 Day 21【intend】 



  Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable, and this need not always mean increasing productivity: switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much

  参考译文:另外,公司所做的大部分改革是为了赢利,而达到赢利的目的不一定非要提高生产力:转入新的市场或改善产品质量也会有同样的影响。(1998年阅读passage 2)

  We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients, although they risked their death、

  参考译文:我们不能称那些死亡为杀人,因为医生并不想杀死病人,尽管他们冒着病人死亡的危险。(2002年阅读passage 4)

  If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems、

  参考译文:如果你想在谈话中用幽默来使人发笑,你就必须知道如何识别共同的经历和问题。(2002年阅读 text 1)







  (1)intend for 打算成为;希望有

  (2)intend to do/doing 打算做某事

  (3)intended effect 预期效果

  (4)intended function 预期功能

  (5)intended life 预期使用寿命




【每日考研词汇】湳哥带你背单词 Day 20【essential】


【每日考研词汇】湳哥带你背单词 Day 18 【provide】

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