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发布时间: 2018-09-15 00:47
以下是聚英浙江大学考研网小编为你整理的“浙江大学经济学院研究生导师介绍: 葛嬴”的相关信息,希望大家对考研备考有帮助:
姓名 |
葛嬴 |
性别 |
男 |
职务 |
国际经济学系系主任 |
职称 |
教授 |
出生年月 |
1973.1 |
拟招收2018级 博士生数 |
1 |
拟招收2018级硕士生数 |
2 |
手机 |
13522558616 |
联系电话 |
电子邮箱 |
yingge@zju.edu.cn |
愿带2018级硕士生的专业与方向 |
一 |
专业名称 |
国际贸易 |
方向 |
国际贸易,跨国公司 |
二 |
专业名称 |
世界经济 |
方向 |
区域一体化,全球价值链,区域发展 |
对学生的要求 宏观与微观经济学基础扎实,计量与统计较强 |
自述(简历、学术专长、学术兴趣等需向学生说明的任何事项) 浙江大学经济学学士,卡尔顿大学经济学硕士,多伦多大学经济学博士,2004年至2016年执教于对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,2017年始执教于浙江大学经济学院。主要研究领域为国际贸易、公司金融、发展经济学 |
主要著作、论文 Finance “Financial Development, Bank Discrimination and Trade Credit”, with J. Qiu, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 31, 513-530, 2007 “Debt Maturity Structure and Firm Investment”, with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu, Financial Management, Vol. 34, Issue 4, 107-119, 2005 “Can Corporatization Improve the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises Even Without Privatization?” with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 11, Issue 5, 791-808, 2005 “Corporate Governance and Manager Turnover: An Unusual Social Experiment”, with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 29, Issue 6, 1459-1481, 2005 “The Impact of Leverage on Firm Investment: Canadian Evidence”, with V. Aivazian and J. Qiu, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 11, Issue 1-2, 277-291, 2005 Law “The Effects of the Labor Contract Law on Chinese Labor Market,” with Fan Cui and Fengchun Jin, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 462-483, 2013 Economics “Multinational Price Premium,” with Huiwen Lai and Susan Chun Zhu, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 115, 181–199, 2015 “Regional Financial Development and Foreign Direct Investment,” with Yanjing Chen, Yu Gao, and Juan Li, Urban Studies, Vol. 52(2) 358–373, 2015 “Efficiency Sorting among Foreign Affiliates: Evidence from China,” with Yasheng Chen, Huiwen Lai, Qing Liu, World Economy, Vol. 38: 568–581, 2015 “Border Trade and Regional Integration,” with Yin He, Yeheng Jiang and Xiaopeng Yin, Review of Economic Development, Vol. 18 (2): 300–312, 2014 “Do Chinese Unions have “Real” Effects on Employee Compensation?” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 32, Issue 1, 187-202, 2014 “Globalization and Gender Inequality” with Chi Wan, Huiwen Lai, and Zhihong Chen, World Development, Vol. 44, pp. 256-266, 2013 "Unions and Firm Innovation in China: Synergy or Strife?" with Tony Fang, China Economic Review, Vol. 23, 170-180, 2012 “Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality: Evidence from China,” with Zhihong Chen and Huiwen Lai, World Development, Vol. 39, No. 8, 1322–1332, 2011 “Distributional Overlap: Simple, Multivariate, Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests for Alienation, Convergence and General Distributional Difference Issues,” with G. Anderson and T. Leo, Econometric Reviews, Vol. 29, Issue 3, 247 - 275, 2010 “Globalization and Industry Agglomeration in China”, World Development, Vol. 27, No. 3, 550-559, 2009 “Intercity Income Inequality, Growth and Convergence in China”, with G. Anderson,Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 18, No. 1, 70-89, 2009 “Foreign Ownership and Productivity in Joint Ventures”, with Y. Chen, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 56, 895-920, 2008 “The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Urban Wage, an Empirical Examination”,Urban Studies, Vol.43, No.9, 1439-1450, 2006 “The Size Distribution of Chinese Cities”, with G. Anderson, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 35, Issue 6, 756-776, 2005 “Do Economic Reforms Accelerate Urban Growth? The Case of China”, with G. Anderson, Urban Studies, Vol. 41, No. 11: 2197-2210, 2004 |
主要课题、项目(须写明立项单位、课题名称、本人角色、起止日期、经费数量等信息) 主持“全球价值链与中国贸易竞争力研究”,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2015-2019 主持“外贸增长方式转变和出口企业生产率研究”,国家社会科学基金一般项目,2008-2012 主持“国际贸易企业微观分析”,211项目,2008-2012 |
获奖情况 2005联合国大学国际发展经济学研究所国际论文评选二等奖 2006 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2007北京市第四届高等学校教学名师奖 2010 第十六届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖 2012第十七届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖 2016第十九届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖 |
社会(学术)兼职 《国际贸易问题》编委 |
(助研助学金)导师经费卡卡号: |
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以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"浙江大学经济学院研究生导师介绍: 葛嬴"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信H17720740258进行咨询。