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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1518 发布时间: 2018-09-11 16:00 微信号: H17720740258

  吴水平 Shuiping Wu | 副教授
  PhD, Peking University (2005)
  Research Associate, National University of Singapore (2005)
  Post-Doctoral Scholar,Xiamen University (2006-2008)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2008-)
  (1)大气污染物监测、排放与模拟; (2)大气有机污染物的迁移和转化;(3)海盐气溶胶对海滨城市大气污染的影响
  (1)Atmospheric pollutants monitoring, emission inventory and modelling;(2)Transportation and transformation of organic pollutants in the atmosphere;(3)Influence of sea salt on urban air pollution
  Wu SP, Wang XH, Yan JM, Zhang MM, Hong HS, 2010. Diurnal Variations of Particle-bound PAHs at a Traffic Site in Xiamen, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 10(5): 497-506
  Wu SP, Tao S, Zhang ZH, Lan T, Zuo Q., 2007. Characterization of TSP-bound n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at rural and urban sites of Tianjin, China. Environment Pollution, 147(1), 203-210
  Wu SP, Tao S, Liu WX, 2006. Particle size distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural and urban atmosphere of Tianjin, China. Chemosphere, 62(3), 357-367
  Wu SP, Tao S., Zhang ZH, Lan Tian, Zuo Qian, 2005. Distribution of particle-phase hydrocarbons, PAHs and OCPs in Tianjin, China. Atmospheric environment, 39, 7420-7432
  Wu SP*, Qian R-R, Lee T-C, Wang X-H, Hong H-S, Yuan C-S, 2012. Seasonal variation for the ratio of BaP to BeP at different sites in Great Xiamen Bay. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14:1220-1229
  Wu S*, Yang B, Wang X, Hong H, Yuan C, 2012. Diurnal variation of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM10 at a roadside site in Xiamen, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 24(10): 1767-1776
  Wu SP*, Xin-Hong Wang, Hua-Sheng Hong, Jing-Ming Yan, 2009. Measurement of Particulate n-alkanes and PAHs Inside and Outside a Temple in Xiamen, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 9(1): 120-138
  Wu SP, Tao S, Xu FL, Dawson R, Lan T, Li BG, Cao J., 2005. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in dustfall in Tianjin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 345(1-3), 115-126
  Wu SP, Tao S, Lan T, Li BG, Cao J, Liu WX, Liu Y, Meng BJ, 2005. Hexachlorocyclohexane and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane residues in the dustfall of Tianjin, China. J Environ Sci Health A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 40(9): 1715-1730
  Wu SP, Schwab James, Liu Bi-Lian, Li Tsung-Chang, Yuan Chung-Shin, 2015. Seasonal variations and source identification of selected organic acids associated with PM10 in the coastal area of Southeastern China. Atmospheric Research, 155,37-51
  WU SP,Yang BY, Wang XH, Yuan CS, Hong HS, 2014. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere of Two Subtropical Cities in Southeast China: Seasonal Variation and gas/Particle Partitioning. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14: 1232–1246, 2014
  Wu SP, Schwab J, Yang BY, Yuan CS, 2015. Effect of phenolic compounds on photodegradation of anthracene and benzo[a]anthracene in media of different polarity.Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 309,55–64
  Wu SP, Schwab J, Yang BY, Yuan CS, 2015. Two-Years PM2.5 Observations at Four Urban Sites Along the Coast of Southeastern China.Aerosol and Air Quality Research,15,1799-1812
  Li T-C, Yuan C-S, Huang H-C, Lee C-L, Wu SP, Tong C, 2016. Inter-comparison of Seasonal Variation, Chemical Characteristics,and Source Identification of Atmospheric Fine Particles on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait.Scientific Reports 6, doi:10.1038/srep22956
  2006-2008 20060390186 厦门湾多氯联苯的海-气交换研究 中国博士后科学基金(5万) 主持
  2007-2009 40603020 海水微表层对多氯联苯及有机氯农药海-气交换的影响 国家自然科学基金青年基金(27万) 主持
  2009-2011 200911 海水微表层的表面活性物质对多环芳烃干沉降的影响 国家海洋局近岸海域生态环境重点实验室基金(2万) 主持
  2009-2011 2009J0102 海水微表层对持久性有机污染物干沉降的影响 福建省自然科学基金(5万) 主持
  2010-2012 40971257 大气气溶胶的有机组成及其对多环芳烃和硝基多环芳烃气-粒分配的影响 国家自然科学基金面上项目(40万) 主持
  2012-2015 41171365 紫外辐射和气溶胶有机组成对多环芳烃迁移能力的影响 国家自然科学基金面上项目(60万) 主持
  2010-2012 201009004 海峡西岸城市群大气复合污染成因及其减排和管理机制研究 环保公益性行业科研专项(112万) 参与
  2015-2018, 41471390 海盐气溶胶对沿海城市大气颗粒物及组成粒径分布的调控机制研究 国家自然科学基金(90万)主持
  2013-2015 2013SH011 台湾海峡区域多环芳烃海-气交换研究 厦门大学山海基金(15万) 主持

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