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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1488 发布时间: 2018-09-11 15:49 微信号: H17720740258

  王明华 Minghua Wang | 副教授
  PhD, Xiamen University (2002-2007)
  Post-Doctoral Scholar, Xiamen University (2007-2012)
  Visiting Scholar, The University of Hong Kong (2009.10-2010.04)
  Post-Doctoral Scholar, Pierre and Marie Curie University (2010.09-2011.06)
  Brain Pool Invited Scientist, Sungkyunkwan University (2016.12-2017.12)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2012-present)
  Aquatic ecotoxicology; Marine environmental stress proteomics
  Wang MH*, Zhang C, Lee JS*, 2018. Quantitative shotgun proteomics associates molecular-level cadmium toxicity responses with compromised growth and reproduction in a marine copepod under multigenerational exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (3): 1612-1623.
  Wang MH*, Jeong CB, Lee YH, Lee JS*, 2018. Effects of ocean acidification on copepods. Aquatic Toxicology, 196: 17-24. [review paper]
  Wang MH*, Lee JS, Li Y, 2017. Global proteome profiling of a marine copepod and the mitigating effect of ocean acidification on mercury toxicity after multigenerational exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (10): 5820-5831.
  Li Y, Wang WX, Wang MH*, 2017. Alleviation of mercury toxicity to a marine copepod under multigenerational exposure by ocean acidification. Scientific Reports, 7 (1): 324.
  Wang MH, Jeong CB, Li Y, Lee JS*, 2017. Different transcriptomic responses of two marine copepods, Tigriopus japonicus and Pseudodiaptomus annandalei, to a low dose of mercury chloride (HgCl2). Aquatic Toxicology, 187: 124-131.
  Xu XQ, Shi L, Wang MH*, 2016. Comparative quantitative proteomics unveils putative mechanisms involved into mercury toxicity and tolerance in Tigriopus japonicus under multigenerational exposure scenario. Environmental Pollution, 218: 1287-1297.
  Li HY, Shi L, Wang DZ, Wang MH*, 2015. Impacts of mercury exposure on life history traits of Tigriopus japonicus: multigeneration effects and recovery from pollution. Aquatic Toxicology, 166: 42-49.
  Wang YY, Wang DZ, Lin L, Wang MH*, 2015. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals proteins involved in the neurotoxicity of marine medaka Oryzias melastigma chronically exposed to inorganic mercury. Chemosphere, 119: 1126-1133.
  Wang MH, Wang YY, Zhang L, Wang J, Hong HS, Wang DZ*, 2013. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the mode-of-action for chronic mercury hepatotoxicity to marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Aquatic Toxicology, 130-131: 123-131.
  Wang MH, Wang YY, Wang J, Lin L, Hong HS, Wang DZ*, 2011. Proteome profiles in medaka (Oryzias melastigma) liver and brain experimentally exposed to acute inorganic mercury. Aquatic Toxicology, 103: 129-139.
  Wang MH, Chan LL, Si MZ, Hong HS, Wang DZ*, 2010. Proteomic analysis of hepatic tissue of zebrafish (Danio rerio) experimentally exposed to chronic microcystin-LR. Toxicological Sciences, 113: 60-69.

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