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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 980 发布时间: 2018-09-11 15:16 微信号: H17720740258

  郑文教 Wenjiao Zheng | 教授
  厦门大学 助教(1982-1987)
  厦门大学 讲师(1987-1992)
  厦门大学 副教授(1992-1999)
  厦门大学 教授(1999-)
  Bachelor of Science, Plant science, Xiamen University(1982)
  Master of Science, Plant science, Xiamen University(1992)
  Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (1982-1987)
  Lecturer, Xiamen University (1987-1992)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (1992-1999)
  Professor, Xiamen University (1999-)
  Mangrove wetland ecology;Pollution ecology;Environmental ecology
  Zheng Wenjiao*, Chen Xiao-Yong, Lin Peng: Accumulation and biological cycling of heavy metal elements in Rhizophora slylosa mangroves in Yingluo Bay, China. Marine Ecology Process Series, 1997,159:293-301
  Zheng Wenjiao*, Wang Wen-qing, Lin Peng: Dynamics of element contents during the development of hypototyles and leaves of certain mangrove species, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 1999, 233:247-257.
  Lin Peng, zheng wenjiao, Li zhenji: Distrubution and accumulation of heavy metals in Avicennia marina community in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 1997, 9(4): 472-479.
  Lu Zhiqiang, Zheng Wenjiao*, Ma Li: Bioconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in roots of three mangrove species in Jiulong River Estuary. Journal of Environmental Science, 2005, 17(2): 285-289.
  Lu Zhiqiang, Zheng Wenjiao*, Ma Li. Growth and physiological responses of mangrove Kandelia candel (L.) Druce(Rhizophoraceae) to naphthalene exposure. Vie Et Milieu - life and Environment, 2012, 62 (2): 55-59.

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